“Franco, you deserve to rule”

Published: August 18, 2012 at 9:27am

It’s tragic that most people had to read his blog on a regular basis before finally realising that he’s completely cracked. Are people really so bad at picking up the signs and signals? Or are there so many crazy people in Malta that our yardstick is bent?

Most of the comments which Franco Debono approves for upload on his blog read like a spoof, except that they’re not.

Why doesn’t he cringe when he reads this kind of thing (below), and press delete?

I don’t think for one moment that he uploads this sort of comment in the spirit of self-deprecating irony: “Look at the weird people on my blog – they beat me for craziness.”

If I hadn’t grown up with people like Lorry Sant as minister and Dom Mintoff as premier, with the Fat Controller banging on trucks and KMB going into battle at the head of a convoy of drydocks lorries, I’d say that I can’t believe this man is a member of parliament.

All too sadly, it’s just more of the same: people like Franco, paid out of public money to perpetrate different sorts of abuse, throw their weight around, and insist that it’s all about them.

And when I get upset about that, and think that Malta must have more than its fair share of nut-jobs, sociopaths and narcissists in parliament, I remind myself that we’re talking about the House of Representatives, and our MPs are the representatives of the people.

So, given what I observe around me, the composition of parliament is entirely fitting. Maltese society is just as bad. Malta can be a pretty horrible place, full of the most unbelievably crass people, so really, why should anybody be surprised.

Aug 11, 2012 @ 04:52:25

Daphne Caruana Galizia thinks that her english is superior to all others. Franco your blog is far better than DCG. It is informative, academic and driven by good intentions. I havent logged into her blog since then. Keep us informed of what the common laymen people cannot see. We need to know the hidden knowledge which has been controlled by the elites in Malta. I guees we have been taken for a good ride all these years. People like you deserve to rule and not be ruled by arrogant, corrupt unknowns.

18 Comments Comment

  1. M. Grech says:

    The look in his eyes says it all …

  2. La Redoute says:

    Sounds like an Elve.

  3. Jozef says:

    ‘hidden knowledge which has been controlled by the elites…’

    This one must have ended up at the weird end of Youtube.

    Tell us Daphne, to quench our gnostic thirst, are you il-luminata?

  4. SPB says:

    I commented on Franco’s blog about how if we wanted change and to get rid of the “Evil Clique” and arrogant members of the PN, we could choose to vote for the younger candidates and those who have genuinely worked hard for the country. I wanted to (but didn’t) add that we needed to be careful. though, and ‘check out’ the new candidates before voting blindly for them, to avoid another Franco Debono.

    Franco promptly replied that he had been one of those new faces and look what the evil people in the party did to him. He reckoned that having new faces was just a ploy to somehow strengthen the position of the bad guys in the party.

    After all, he said, Austin Gatt was still running the election campaign.

    He deleted my reply to this which read something like this:

    Franco, Austin Gatt does not stand behind me in the polling booth to tell me who to vote for. I am perfectly capable of making my own decisions, and nobody dictates to me who I should vote for.

    Likewise, dear Franco, I don’t dislike you because Austin or DCG tell me to. I dislike you because I see for myself how you behave, I watched you on several TV shows and I now read every post in your blog. I reached my own conclusion about you from what I saw for myself.

    He didn’t post it!

    • xminglu says:

      Ktibt kumment minn qalbi lil-Franco fejn jekk irid iwegibni jew jekk irid inehhini. Issa ghandu sikkina taqta’ minn zewgt ixfar. Darba nehhieli l-kumment ,u issa jekk inehhi l-kumment minn fuq il-blog tieghu -fejn jikteb il-kummenti taht hafna ismijiet, se jidher fuq il-blogs u l-comments boards ta’ Malta kollha. Nitlobkom ittuh dirsa tajba minghajr tghajjir,assertiva u b’imhabba.

      Guinness world records
      Aug 18, 2012 @ 21:41:44

      L-Ewwel Darba 1987


      Austin Gonzi
      Aug 18, 2012 @ 21:49:46

      Kenna li Austin ukol tahtu Super jots il licenzji tal bahar u il lizenzji tas sewqan kola hem kawzi il qorti???????


      Aug 19, 2012 @ 05:52:50

      Your comment is awaiting moderation.

      Meta l-gustizzja tkun qed tinvestiga xi rejat , l-ewwel ma tfittex u tindaga hu l-ghala sar ir-rejat, f’termini legali ;il-mottiv .

      Staqsejt kemm ‘l-darba lili nnifsi x’hinu l-mottiv tal-ghemil ta’ kull politiku , u rarament mort hazin. hekk per ezempju li JPO holoq dik il-private member’s bill biex ikun jista jiddivorzja minn ma Marlene ,jew li Mugliette astjena ghax il-prim ministru ma hax pjacir bl-intricci tal-pont Manwel Dimech.
      Sakemm int , Franco, kellek it-tama li ssir ministru QATT ma lissint kelma kontra il-PN , mhux talli hekk, talli waqt il-baggit mort issabbat idek b’approvazzjoni ghal-kull haga li ghamel Gonzi, ma stajniex nimmisjawk ghax mort ezatt bil-qieghda bid-dritt il-kamera tat-televixin.
      Jien wiehed milli ivvutajt lilek ghal biex ikollna demm gdid flok Ninu, ghax kienu jghidu li kien kiesah.Tellajt lilek li hrigt mal partit tieghi u spiccajt tispara kontra shabek fil-partit biex tilhaq int , spiccajt biex tajjart lil bniedem rispettat u ta’ l-affari tieghu minn ministru u fl-ahhar tal-mazzita sibna z-zbiba ghax ilsienek kixef il-MOTTIV meta ghidtlu ” Hu go fik! Dak li tieħu talli tagħmili l-ħsara mal Prim Imħallef”.
      M’ilux , int Franco ghidt kemm thobb lil-partit u kwazi ghidt li hrigt minn guf ommok ixejjer il-bandiera tal-PN, nies bhalek ibezzawni, jien familti Laburisti u Nazzjonalist ghax konvint li x’hin titfa’ kollox fil-mizien issib li in-Nazzjonalisti li suppost thobb int, ghamlu bil-kbir iktar mil-Laburisti, il-keffa tal-mizien taqleb sew favur in-Nazzjonalisti, ghax il-MOTTIV taghhom kien li jtellghu lil-KULLHADD ‘il-fuq , mhux inizzlu lis-sinjur u jaghtu l-loqom lis-suppost batut biex jibqa’ jiddependi minnhom.
      Int kellek tir f’rasek li ssir ministru , ghax suppost gibt hafna voti u ‘irbaht’ it-tellieqa ma Louis u Helen. Alla hares intellghu ministri lil-min igib l-aktar voti !
      Il-hin kollu ghaddej bil-meritokrazija u titlob ir-rizenja ta’ shabek fil-partit minn ministri u kandidati. Mela ghax ambulanza tieqaf f’nofs ta’ triq jehel il-ministru?Jekk tinzillek ir-rota tal-karozza f’nofs ta’ triq tibdel ‘il min isewwilek?
      Il-MOTTIV tieghek wara dan il-blog u wara li nhares lura ta’ x’ghamilt f’ismi MHUX GEJ MIS-SEWWA gej minn kilba ghal-poter li hadd m’hu se jafdak bih, l-affarijiet u r-riformi li ridt li jsiru hloqtom biex timbarazza lil-Partit li suppost thobb imma m’ghamilthomx b’imhabba. Fuq dan diga ktibtlek u wegibtni u nehhejtli il-kumment li ktibtlek , int li tghid li inti rett u tisthajlek xi magistrat Taljan imexxi xi mani pulite!
      Haffirt hoffra li ma’ tista’ qatt tohrog minnha, issa meta jitla’ Joseph li tant qieghed tghinu biex jitla’ fil-gvern , jahtrek magistrat u wara imhallef.
      L-elezzjoni li jmiss se tigi miggielda fuq l-ghazla tal-kandidati , jien l-ewwel se ntih lil-Schiavone , hekk inserrah rasi li l-vot tieghi jigi raprezentat sew.


  5. ciccio says:

    If his blog is as ‘academic’ as Alex Sceberras Trigona’s recent outburst, then may God help us.

  6. L-Iskocciz says:

    Il-“body language” jitkellem

  7. Ganna says:

    I never read his blog and I will never do so. It’s enough to look at his eyes to see that he’s not 100%.

  8. moviment progressiv says:

    Sorry to go on a tangent.
    The website Moviment Progressiv Partit Bla Isem, which is advertised on this blog, has now been updated with an entry about Joe Debono Grech, and with a very familiar video.


    When I watched the video again, I was very worried, not about Joe Debono Grech – he is a known quantity – but about the reaction of those Labour supporters gathered in front of him, even giving him a standing ovation. The lanzit u hdura is still all in there in their supporters. Nothing has changed.

  9. el bandido guapo says:

    Sounds like “Mary” or whatever.

  10. yor/malta says:

    Franco could be a beacon like the Pied Piper and attract all those of his ilk and then sail into a merry sunset .

  11. Botom says:

    Owl’s comment sounds exactly like the (in)famous “kompli ghallimna Sur Manwel”.

  12. *1981* says:

    I wonder, after this, shouldn’t political parties screen for psychological/psychiatric illnesses and disorders before letting anyone contest?

  13. Sin tax says:

    I checked his site once [masochist I know], read one totally garbled post – had to read each sentence two or three times to make head or tails of it; posted one comment expressing my disbelief as to how a lawyer can show such laxity and disregard for punctuation in his writing in such a public sphere.

    Needless to say, he chose not to upload it.

    He’s all mouth and, in my opinion, slightly OCD with a massive persecution complex.

  14. Crockett says:

    I think us ‘common layman people’ (?) should get together and build a Cock and Pony Signal device to light up the night sky whenever we felt threatened. That would enable Franco to don his cape and together with his trusty sidekick ‘Owl’, save us all from arrogant, corrupt unknowns. Hooray!

  15. Mario Farrugia says:

    I agree with owl

  16. Interested Bystander says:

    I think that mainly the absence of a culture where most people understand when someone is taking the piss.

    I do it all the time and 95% am taken seriously.

    Spend lots of time laughing to myself.

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