Oh dear. Now get a load of our soon-to-be minister of justice.

Published: August 6, 2012 at 4:32pm

Here he is, HuConsuelo at the San Duminku feast in Valletta last week.

14 Comments Comment

  1. WhoamI? says:

    X’faqa ta’ nies, marelli.

  2. Not Tonight says:

    X’hamallagni! Jaqq, biex sa nitghabbu.

    • mattie says:

      Huwa ga bizzejjed li tlett kwarti mill-pajjiz mifqugh bil-hamalli u l-hamallagni, era gdida ta’ hamallati kien jonqos.

  3. Hibernating from Malta says:

    Riklam sabih ghal Veet for men.

  4. silvio says:

    Why, don’t you think he will make a good minister of justice?

    I think he has all it takes to make a good one which would make a difference from the last one who had to be sent packing.

    [Daphne – Decide, Silvio: are you going to vote Labour or not? And then they say women are wishy-washy.]

    • Snoopy says:

      He was sent packing as a result of a personal, Mafia-style vendetta, aided and abetted by an opportunistic, shortsighted, Moviment Bla Isem headed by Hamburger Joe.

      If you look at the Mafia, you would identify a number of occasions where anti-Mafia stalwarts were framed. And this s exactly what has happened in Parliament (twice in a row) this year. And in both cases the Moviment was a an accomplice to this.

      Such behaviour is bad enough when one is in Opposition, but it would be total disaster for all of us if they are in Government.

    • silvio says:

      Dear Daphne, I never said I will vote Labour.
      What I always say is that if things, within the P.N. remain as they are I WILL NOT VOTE.

      [Daphne – Same difference, Silvio, more or less. And very disloyal to your country, for somebody claiming to be a Mussolini fan. He would have disapproved.]

      • silvio says:

        Don’t think for just one minute that this is going to be an easy decision. Believe me the only consolation I’ll have is that I that I firmly believe that the party has to spend some time in opposition and have time to reform itself and get rid of the driftwood.

        My only preoccupation is that at my age I might not live long enough to see the fruit of my sacrifice.

        [Daphne – YOUR sacrifice, Silvio? You’re not going to get a Labour government for yourself personally, you know. You’re going to inflict it on the country. Maybe you think they’ll make the trains run on time.]

        My only deire is to see the P.N. once again as a Christian Democratic party.

        When it comes to old or new blood this is all irrelevant as long as it is good blood running in people who aspire to do good for their country and its people, but when I see young or old person who are there for nothing else but their own interest, I simply despair.

        [Daphne – Well, on that we can certainly agree.]

        There again I simply rebel when people tell me that they know I’m right but you have to choose the best of two evils.

        No I will not do that. I will vote for somebody because I think he is good not because he is not as bad.

      • DUST says:

        Silvio, the effin’ obvious choice is to simply vote for those PN candidates whose political agenda best match your views.

        Not voting, on the other hand, implies that:

        1) you’re not interested in politics – which means that you’re so well off, and selfish, that you can afford not to give a monkey’s; or
        2) you think that both parties are equivalent – which means that you’re not too bright.

  5. L-Iskocciz says:

    LLD 007

  6. Joseph Caruana says:

    Bis-suf barra, hej.

  7. mattie says:

    It-tattoo jonqsu.

  8. Ken Mercieca says:

    @ Silvio – should you not vote you would be voting for Labour and can consider yourself as one of them.

    When you vote you vote primarily for the party and then the candidates.

    So vote, and do so wisely. Choose the PN, but choose new blood in the PN.

    I too agree the PN needs new blood and a new way of doing things, but that doesn’t mean I will stay away from voting for that party.

    [Daphne – Silvio’s regrets are for old blood, not new.]

  9. Joe Azzopardi says:

    U le, dak ser ikun sekjurity fil-ministeru.

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