Published: August 10, 2012 at 12:28pm

Left click on the image to read it.

So Karmenu Vella has failed to write the Labour Party’s electoral programme for the years 2013 to 2018.

What a surprise this isn’t to those of us who actually remember him in government.

And yes, that includes the years 1996 to 1998 and not just the 1970s and 1980s.

Karmenu Vella is UTTERLY USELESS, and no amount of spin and desperate thinking is going to change that.

He is worse than useless. He always has his eye on the main chance, on opportunities for himself.

His latest – at least the one we know of, though no thanks to the press? Brokering a business deal between the General Workers Union and S Mifsud & Sons, to set up a company called Orange Travel of which he is now the chairman.

He was doing that when he was meant to be writing the Labour party’s electoral programme. If he showed as much energy and commitment to making policy as he does to making money for himself, the Labour Party might not be in the deep, deep hole it finds itself now, just weeks or months from a general election and with plenty of billboards but no policy.

But then Karmenu Vella isn’t capable of writing policy. He hasn’t got what it takes. He is without vision, without ideas and above and beyond all, he still has the restricted mentality of a market trader despite making good on the back of his political connections and his time as minister of this and that in the worst governments ever inflicted by The People on Malta.

So what does Joseph the Leader do in his despair, now? He calls a congress of even more useless people than Il-Guy and hopes that a full day of nattering will trash (thrash) out some policy with which he can face the electorate.

Policy on the hoof, eh – how about that.

And then they want us to elect them. They actually say we should elect them because they will be better than this lot in government now. How, and on what basis, when they don’t even know what they’re going to do or what they want to be elected FOR, other than having a go?

The tragic thing is that people will elect them, out of sheer spite, out of utter stupidity, and out of habit.

U imbaghad naraw. Lovely.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Julian Mompalao de Piro says:

    Thrash not trash.

    [Daphne – Yes, Julian, I know, but I actually meant trash. But to avoid confusion, I’ll amend to both.]

  2. ciccio says:

    This is even worse.

    So we are now to expect guidelines for the electoral manifesto?

    But were we not promised a roadmap instead of an electoral manifesto?

    And had Joseph Muscat not said that he was prepared for an election some time last December or in January this year? Was he lying?

  3. Bidu gdid iehor tal-MLP says:

    The Moviment Progressiv MLP works backwards.

    First they said they were ready to govern and had a manifesto which was being kept under wraps so no one would steal their amazing ideas,

    Then they issued 51 proposti to change the world.

    Then they promise a roadmap built on pillars.

    Next, they tell us their congress will give birth to guidelines for their electoral manifesto.

    Is it just me, or is this all more than a little bit strange?

  4. mc says:

    Din bhal ta’ l-arma gejja. Biex taparsi qed nifthu ghal iktar ideat naghmlu kompetizzjoni b’sms (introjtu) meta ga nkunu nafu liema ha nuzaw.

    • sms (mhux tal-Orange) says:

      Anzi. L-arma baqghu ma uzawhiex. U hekk ser jaghmlu bl-idejat tar-road map li se jtuhom in-nies.

      Anzi, ma nafx kif ma qalulhomx biex l-idejat jibghatuhom bil-quddiem bl-SMS, fejn kull SMS ikun jiswa xi 10 ewro, u imbaghad taparsi jaghmlu competition fejn bhala rigal joffrulhom harga b’xejn ma’ Silvio Parnis jew ma’ Anthony Agius Decelis u l-familja.

  5. DNA says:

    Don’t forget his little (literally) sidekick Aaron Farrugia. The other failure that used/uses Government time for his political needs. But more about this later…

  6. Ghar u Kasa says:

    They hated the name MLP. Yet they changed it (PL) and kept the ‘P’ (PARTY). Now the leader is saying that contrary to others, his is not a PARTY. And he’s leading by 9 %. Incredible !

  7. Antoine Vella says:

    PL members will be able “to pout together”. They should invite Pullicino Orlando and Franco Debono if they want to see some serious pouting.

  8. C Falzon says:

    “He calls a congress of even more useless people than Il-Guy and hopes that a full day of nattering will trash (thrash) out some policy with which he can face the electorate.”

    He probably subscribes to the infinite monkey theorem, except that instead of one monkey typing for an infinite amount of time he is trying to get an infinite amount of monkeys to type the program in a very finite amount of time.

  9. Ghar u Kasa says:

    Billboards? Never a dull moment.

    Labour’s response to PN’s ‘LABOUR WON’T WORK’ is…brace yourself….’Copy and Paste to Thatcher’s 33 year old campaign’.

    Daphne, please, would you post again the Francis of Assisi quote by Margaret Thatcher and her poodle admirer just after he watched the biopic Iron Lady? I can’t trace the damn clip.

  10. gogemini says:

    Yes useless, that’s why the Corinthia Group has him as Chairman.

    [Daphne – Don’t be so naive.]

  11. Raphael Dingli says:

    Not that I think much of Kermenu Vella – but David Camerion seems to think that he can re-negotiate the terms of memebrship with the EU – see this

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