Ma setax jghid le, iddahlunix il-knisja lill-istess nies li ghajruh traditur darba kien fit-tebut ghax kieku kien jghidilhom. Trid veru tkun hamallu biex taghjjat fil-knisja kif ghamlu. Veru insara tal-isem.
You’re correct. However, don’t be too scandalised. They do it every year on the 8th December. Ironically, it’s the same place where Mintoff (in)famously said “Jien ma nbusx Madonni” (I don’t kiss any Madonnas) during the coronation of the titular painting in the first years since becoming the new Labour leader after ousting Dr Boffa.
In a way I suppose every (Mediterranean?) country has (or had at some time) its own Bormla. Think of the Fascist and other totalitarian regimes. It is the type of reaction you get when a political party, through its undisputed leader, becomes a religion. Mintoff may be the one who openly pressed for church-state separation but listen to his speeches and you’ll see/hear him substituting the official religion with his own version. It’s not just because he was born on the 6th August that he’s called “Is-Salvatur”.
The dividing line between Church and a totalitarian party can be quite easily camouflaged. Look at Fr Montebello, who thinks he represents Liberation Theology in Malta, walking next to Fr Dionysius – you would think he was Mintoff’s brother too!
As a final note I found Yana Mintoff’s last prayer (of the faithful) most offensive (I could almost see Fr M’s hand in it): “(We pray thee Lord) for all the people of Malta and Gozo so that they appreciate Your great gifts through Dom Mintoff’s actions, and that they have the wisdom to protect it and strive for it in the years to come.” – APPLAUSE. (My own version; maybe someone can post the exact quotation.)
But Mintoff was right when he said “Jien ma nbusx Madonni” (I don’t kiss any Madonnas). He was not a gallible of the catholic church and he realized that he was going to kiss just an image carved from wood or whatever they are made from. Mintoff always obeyed the second commandment of the mount Sinai and not of the catholic church commandment.
They chant “Viva il-Kuncizzjoni” (or something along those lines) on 8th December. But it’s not the only parish were you’ll find people chanting to their different parish saint….
If this is Joseph Muscat’s definition of dignity is a question that Joseph himself can answer……. but remaining on the subject of dignity …. do you think writing offensive blogs aimed directly towards Pl people and especially a DEAD man the definition of dignity ??
Of course its true, he was miserable enough to have to appropriate symbol to gain self-respect. Utterly incapable of creating an own idea of rigorous design.
Pure envy motivated his every move until the end of his political career. Refusing to give up ‘his’ party as much as he had destroyed his predecessor to grab it.
How a party subscribes to this, censuring Sant, is worth watching. It’s either the Labour Party or Mintoff’s mob at this stage.
Carnival came before it’s due in February. Stopping the hearse for five minutes in front of the church would have been more dignified than what they did, or better still, not taking that coffin on a tour at all.
It was an act of defiance and vindication for Mintoffjani, but not for Mintoff himself. He would have hated every minute – the sweaty crowds, the self-effacing idolatory, the presence of so many priests – and I loved seeing it happen knowing how it would have infuriated him to be put through all that and be unable to do anything about it.
You’re right on that one Zeza, cause in all Catholic Churches,Idolatry is rampant and out of control,going against God’s second Commandment.Check it out cause it speaks for itself.
A clown elected mayor decides to take matters into his own hands, erecting bollards blocking access and dumping sludge without having finalised the process, the result being mayhem during high season.
Leo Brincat tries to pass the buck and goes on to create a ruckus regarding a pile of glass, the most inert of waste, which happens to be sitting on one of Dom’s masterpieces.
Wied Fulija is a gigantic pile of coal ash, extremely toxic, following Mintoff’s decision to use coal at Marsa. Does Leo understand what the process to get rid of it involves?, particulates, unadulterated toxin, asbestos, you name it, it’s there. Maghtab was a piece of cake compared to this one.
Reno Calleya himself was nearly expelled from the
LP when he attempted to oppose the rape.
Interesting. Was Kristina Chetcuti told off by the daily editor for her article on the Sunday Times and instructed to make up for it somehow? I’m curious. Is there anyone still working at The Times who was there in 1979?
They are white washed tombs. First they swallowed the holy hosts at St. John’s after they prayed to God to ”forgive them their sins as they forgave those who sinned against them” and in less then 24 hours were inciting on the Labour media, physical violence on these who are not in one hundred per cent agreement with them re the saintly attributes of the late local Salvatur.
Very sad watching this clip. Having been born and spending my childhood at Bormla I now sadly realize how my hometown was hijacked by the worst hamalli in Malta because of Mintoff. Bormla was very different in my childhood with the town being very much like Sliema
Very sad watching this clip. Having been born and spending my childhood at Bormla I now sadly realize how my hometown was hijacked by the worst hamalli in Malta because of Mintoff. Bormla was very different in my childhood with the town being very much like Valletta was before the best people starting leaving and the the hamalli moving in.I visit my mother who still lives there and look with dismay at her neighbours with all their tatoos and shouting
Tant kien ihobbhom lil Bormlizi li mhabba l-qamel tieghu, nehha l-festa tal Kuncizzjoni minn vaganza u l-Bormlizi riedu jiekluh. Kellu jkun gvern nazzjonalista li rega dahhal il-jum tal kuncizzjoni bhala festa.
L-antifona kien jonqos. Forsi kienet tkun Antifona in D minore. Imbaghad idahluh fin-nicca min flok il-Kincizzjoni u kull sena jibdew jiccelebraw il-festa tas-Salvatur…skuzawni, ta’ Guda it-traditur.
The state funeral was lovely. What irony! Being blessed by Our Lovely Bishop.
I pitied the Bishop. He read the homily not risking saying an extra word or two and risk being booed even in the cathedral. Instead the congregation gave him big applause – for the homily.
Congratulations to our meek, wise and humble Bishop.
Jekk trid kelma li tiddeskrivi lil Mintoff, kelma wahda hemm: VENDIKATTIV.
Ivvendika ruhhu minn gvernijiet laburisti mhux immexxijin minnu u waqqaghhom.
Ivvedika ruhu mid-demokrazjija billi mexxa bhala dittatur vjolenti, jew kif jghid hu jew ikisser lil min jiqaflu.
Ivvendikaruhu mill-Indipendenza. Meta fallietlu l-Integration u ra li l-Indipendenza gabha Borg Olivier, ivvendika ruhu billi ma halliex in-nazzjonalisti jiccelebraw l-Indipendenza u kien jibghat il-pulizija jwaddbu gebel u jsawtu n-nies waqt il-demostrazzjoni tal-Indipendenza l-Belt.
Ivvendika ruhu mill wirt kultura u bini storiku. M’hemmx sur wiehed il-Kottonera jew il-Belt li ma carrtux (fejn kienet dak inhar Astrid Vella? sabet il-Kuragg titkellem fi zmien in-nazzjonalisti ghax taf li ma jigrilha xejn.), Bieb is- Sultan u kull fortizza inghatat lil xi bazuzlu biex jirvinahom (jisprejjaw il-karozzi jew irabbu l-annimali).
Ivvedika ruhu mill-Isptarijiet kumpluti u l-baracks li hallwelu l-Inglizi billi zarmahom jew hallihom jitkissru u f’idejn il-vandali.
Ivvendika ruhu mill-iskejjel tal-knisja u privati u ried jaghlaqhom.
Ivvendika ruhu mill-progress u tefa d-dawl fit-toroq (Malta kienet cappa sewda fid-dlam, bla ilma u kullimkien hofor, issa li bdejna nirrangaw xi toroq kemm ingergru li qed niehdu fit-tul biex inlestuhom).
Ivvendika ruhu minn negozju u -self-employed ghax dawk nazzjonalizti u permessi biss lil bazuzli u lil korrotti.
Ivvendika ruhu mill-ikel li konna nieklu u nikkunsmaw u konna nieklu biss irracanc li kien jimporta hu, u kont issib bicca cikkulata bil-black market minghand xi hadd tal-qalba.
Ivvendika ruhu mill-white goods u l-karozzi. Telephones, televisions etc minghand tal-qalba imma l-ewwel trid ixxahham,tiftakru karozzi Skoda biss.
Ivvendika ruhu mill-Universita. Dahhal l-iskema ta student haddiem biex jisfrutthom u jerdghalhom demmhom l-istudenti. Sitt xhur work phase biex jiehu x-xoghol u jhallas il-loqom.
U nista nibqa sejjer hekk ad infinitum, imma lista twila wisq.
Il-kitbiet li qed jinkitbu fuq Mintoff mhuma xejn hlief tentattiv dghajjef biex jirrihabilitaw ismu imma fil-fatt mhu xejn hlief dittatur vendikattiv.
With reference to Archbishop Cremona’s homily, it was evident that he has not yet recovered completely or else the homily was written by Mark Montebello. The homily was offensive and insulting to us all Maltese that exeperienced the Salvatur’s own version of the Sernon of the Mount.
Ftit mumenti ta talb? Jew biex ihossuwom qedin xi mass meeting early 80’s? Ghax b dak l ghajjat u kulhadd jaqbes ghalijja mass meeting kien, Immaginaw jekk dawn in nies jergaw jigvernaw, bye bye serjeta viva il hamallagni sfrenata!
God forbid if PL wins the next general election. Mur oqghod bihom fejn noqghod jien kemm jghajtu ohorgu a grieden Nazzjonalisti, imbaghad jarawk l-ghada fit-triq u l-istess nies li ghajjruk isellmulek u jghidulek bongu ja qatta plebalja u ipokriti.
L-umilta tal-knisja tohrog aktar qawwija b’dawn l-atti. Mintoff kien jiftahar li ma jmur knisja, issa dahlu jaghmlu l-knisja kazin mintuffjan.
Hatli l-kliem minn halqi. Il-knisja ghamluha kazin u dawn jgergru lil-knisja m’hijiex toleranti
Ma setax jghid le, iddahlunix il-knisja lill-istess nies li ghajruh traditur darba kien fit-tebut ghax kieku kien jghidilhom. Trid veru tkun hamallu biex taghjjat fil-knisja kif ghamlu. Veru insara tal-isem.
Disgusting and revolting.
As I already commented on a previous post they turned what should have been a solemn occassion into one big carnival.
This surely cannot be denied.
Is this Joseph Muscat’s definition of dignity?
You’re correct. However, don’t be too scandalised. They do it every year on the 8th December. Ironically, it’s the same place where Mintoff (in)famously said “Jien ma nbusx Madonni” (I don’t kiss any Madonnas) during the coronation of the titular painting in the first years since becoming the new Labour leader after ousting Dr Boffa.
In a way I suppose every (Mediterranean?) country has (or had at some time) its own Bormla. Think of the Fascist and other totalitarian regimes. It is the type of reaction you get when a political party, through its undisputed leader, becomes a religion. Mintoff may be the one who openly pressed for church-state separation but listen to his speeches and you’ll see/hear him substituting the official religion with his own version. It’s not just because he was born on the 6th August that he’s called “Is-Salvatur”.
The dividing line between Church and a totalitarian party can be quite easily camouflaged. Look at Fr Montebello, who thinks he represents Liberation Theology in Malta, walking next to Fr Dionysius – you would think he was Mintoff’s brother too!
As a final note I found Yana Mintoff’s last prayer (of the faithful) most offensive (I could almost see Fr M’s hand in it): “(We pray thee Lord) for all the people of Malta and Gozo so that they appreciate Your great gifts through Dom Mintoff’s actions, and that they have the wisdom to protect it and strive for it in the years to come.” – APPLAUSE. (My own version; maybe someone can post the exact quotation.)
But Mintoff was right when he said “Jien ma nbusx Madonni” (I don’t kiss any Madonnas). He was not a gallible of the catholic church and he realized that he was going to kiss just an image carved from wood or whatever they are made from. Mintoff always obeyed the second commandment of the mount Sinai and not of the catholic church commandment.
They chant “Viva il-Kuncizzjoni” (or something along those lines) on 8th December. But it’s not the only parish were you’ll find people chanting to their different parish saint….
If this is Joseph Muscat’s definition of dignity is a question that Joseph himself can answer……. but remaining on the subject of dignity …. do you think writing offensive blogs aimed directly towards Pl people and especially a DEAD man the definition of dignity ??
Just got back from the Great Canadian North, no cell phone reception in the forest.
Been catching up on your last few days stuff. So super. You should write a book about all this.
Really sorry I wasn’t there to watch them plant the bastard.
You should have seen Joseph trailing behind Yana on Saturday morning.
Fetch, sit and roll over next.
He was made an object of ridicule.
Just as he deserved.
Kont qed nahseb li dak li qal John Attard Montalto dwar il-Kurja kienet hrafa. Issa nemmen.
Of course its true, he was miserable enough to have to appropriate symbol to gain self-respect. Utterly incapable of creating an own idea of rigorous design.
Pure envy motivated his every move until the end of his political career. Refusing to give up ‘his’ party as much as he had destroyed his predecessor to grab it.
How a party subscribes to this, censuring Sant, is worth watching. It’s either the Labour Party or Mintoff’s mob at this stage.
Why did they take the coffin to the church?
Carnival came before it’s due in February. Stopping the hearse for five minutes in front of the church would have been more dignified than what they did, or better still, not taking that coffin on a tour at all.
It was an act of defiance and vindication for Mintoffjani, but not for Mintoff himself. He would have hated every minute – the sweaty crowds, the self-effacing idolatory, the presence of so many priests – and I loved seeing it happen knowing how it would have infuriated him to be put through all that and be unable to do anything about it.
Yep.. I agree. Look how irate he got at having a camera follow him here, too –
This occupation of what is essentially a private space, is just a rehearsal of things to come.
No different to what China’s trying to do, nationalize the catholic religion.
Imagine what would have happened if someone politely asked them to please lower it.
The Bolsheviks dared this much…. Anyways as a sign of goodwill we should pray the intercession of Saint Dymphna for these poor souls
U il kbir ghadu gej!
So, they go in the house of God to ‘pray’ and instead, they yell out “Mintoff, Mintoff…”
Idolatry at it’s finest… And in church!
Mhux hu l’alla taghhom?
You’re right on that one Zeza, cause in all Catholic Churches,Idolatry is rampant and out of control,going against God’s second Commandment.Check it out cause it speaks for itself.
The methods as well.
A clown elected mayor decides to take matters into his own hands, erecting bollards blocking access and dumping sludge without having finalised the process, the result being mayhem during high season.
Leo Brincat tries to pass the buck and goes on to create a ruckus regarding a pile of glass, the most inert of waste, which happens to be sitting on one of Dom’s masterpieces.
Wied Fulija is a gigantic pile of coal ash, extremely toxic, following Mintoff’s decision to use coal at Marsa. Does Leo understand what the process to get rid of it involves?, particulates, unadulterated toxin, asbestos, you name it, it’s there. Maghtab was a piece of cake compared to this one.
Reno Calleya himself was nearly expelled from the
LP when he attempted to oppose the rape.
Mintoff: the religious caring husband that was fascinated with Moses.
Nice re-writing of history in the Times Of Malta.
So we’ve had an interview with two of Dom Mintoff’s brothers already. When are we going to hear what Wenzu Mintoff’s father thought of his brother?
Interesting. Was Kristina Chetcuti told off by the daily editor for her article on the Sunday Times and instructed to make up for it somehow? I’m curious. Is there anyone still working at The Times who was there in 1979?
No, but there are a handful of people who interviewed those who were there for a video published on the 30th anniversary.
San Duminku Mintoff.
Il-Birgu u Bormla ha jiggieldu fuq San Duminku taghhom
Mintoff once said,” To love Christ you do not need to go to church, I do not go”.
So the big question is, “Why did they take him to more than one church?”
By his words had he was still alive he would’nt have let them! Anzi min jaf kemm kien jgħajjat u isabbat….Ja qabda Fariżej.
They are white washed tombs. First they swallowed the holy hosts at St. John’s after they prayed to God to ”forgive them their sins as they forgave those who sinned against them” and in less then 24 hours were inciting on the Labour media, physical violence on these who are not in one hundred per cent agreement with them re the saintly attributes of the late local Salvatur.
Very sad watching this clip. Having been born and spending my childhood at Bormla I now sadly realize how my hometown was hijacked by the worst hamalli in Malta because of Mintoff. Bormla was very different in my childhood with the town being very much like Sliema
It’s kind of backward, you know-to generalize and label a place as ‘hamallu’ or ‘tal-pepe’.
Grow up.
Yes, especially since lots of hamalli have migrated to Sliema hoping to become tal-pb, including Joe Grima.
Very sad watching this clip. Having been born and spending my childhood at Bormla I now sadly realize how my hometown was hijacked by the worst hamalli in Malta because of Mintoff. Bormla was very different in my childhood with the town being very much like Valletta was before the best people starting leaving and the the hamalli moving in.I visit my mother who still lives there and look with dismay at her neighbours with all their tatoos and shouting
Tant kien ihobbhom lil Bormlizi li mhabba l-qamel tieghu, nehha l-festa tal Kuncizzjoni minn vaganza u l-Bormlizi riedu jiekluh. Kellu jkun gvern nazzjonalista li rega dahhal il-jum tal kuncizzjoni bhala festa.
L-antifona kien jonqos. Forsi kienet tkun Antifona in D minore. Imbaghad idahluh fin-nicca min flok il-Kincizzjoni u kull sena jibdew jiccelebraw il-festa tas-Salvatur…skuzawni, ta’ Guda it-traditur.
Why do I always end up listening to this, when I read or hear some news about this guy?
isn`t it unbelievable that Toto was present in church…..shame
Did I see correctly – were they doing their Neanderthal ‘MINTOFFF MINTOFFF’ screaming even in the Cathedral ?
Am I correct to say that at some point, the band formed of labour supporters played the hymn of the Socialist International or the Red Flag Hymn?
The state funeral was lovely. What irony! Being blessed by Our Lovely Bishop.
I pitied the Bishop. He read the homily not risking saying an extra word or two and risk being booed even in the cathedral. Instead the congregation gave him big applause – for the homily.
Congratulations to our meek, wise and humble Bishop.
It-tempju ta’ Alla ghamluh burdell.
Ghal naqra, ghax ma nehhewx it-tabernaklu ha jaghmlu spazju ghar-ritratt ta’ Mintoff?
….and that is what we will get, on a daily basis, should Labour be elected, burdell, ghajjat u hammallagni.
Brainwashed or just plain stupid? That is the question.
Imsieken dawk li haddnu l idejologijja tieghu u ndifnu l mizbla u l percimess ta kollox dahluh fma nafx kemm knisja qabel difnuh goc cimiterju.
Jekk trid kelma li tiddeskrivi lil Mintoff, kelma wahda hemm: VENDIKATTIV.
Ivvendika ruhhu minn gvernijiet laburisti mhux immexxijin minnu u waqqaghhom.
Ivvedika ruhu mid-demokrazjija billi mexxa bhala dittatur vjolenti, jew kif jghid hu jew ikisser lil min jiqaflu.
Ivvendikaruhu mill-Indipendenza. Meta fallietlu l-Integration u ra li l-Indipendenza gabha Borg Olivier, ivvendika ruhu billi ma halliex in-nazzjonalisti jiccelebraw l-Indipendenza u kien jibghat il-pulizija jwaddbu gebel u jsawtu n-nies waqt il-demostrazzjoni tal-Indipendenza l-Belt.
Ivvendika ruhu mill wirt kultura u bini storiku. M’hemmx sur wiehed il-Kottonera jew il-Belt li ma carrtux (fejn kienet dak inhar Astrid Vella? sabet il-Kuragg titkellem fi zmien in-nazzjonalisti ghax taf li ma jigrilha xejn.), Bieb is- Sultan u kull fortizza inghatat lil xi bazuzlu biex jirvinahom (jisprejjaw il-karozzi jew irabbu l-annimali).
Ivvedika ruhu mill-Isptarijiet kumpluti u l-baracks li hallwelu l-Inglizi billi zarmahom jew hallihom jitkissru u f’idejn il-vandali.
Ivvendika ruhu mill-iskejjel tal-knisja u privati u ried jaghlaqhom.
Ivvendika ruhu mill-progress u tefa d-dawl fit-toroq (Malta kienet cappa sewda fid-dlam, bla ilma u kullimkien hofor, issa li bdejna nirrangaw xi toroq kemm ingergru li qed niehdu fit-tul biex inlestuhom).
Ivvendika ruhu minn negozju u -self-employed ghax dawk nazzjonalizti u permessi biss lil bazuzli u lil korrotti.
Ivvendika ruhu mill-ikel li konna nieklu u nikkunsmaw u konna nieklu biss irracanc li kien jimporta hu, u kont issib bicca cikkulata bil-black market minghand xi hadd tal-qalba.
Ivvendika ruhu mill-white goods u l-karozzi. Telephones, televisions etc minghand tal-qalba imma l-ewwel trid ixxahham,tiftakru karozzi Skoda biss.
Ivvendika ruhu mill-Universita. Dahhal l-iskema ta student haddiem biex jisfrutthom u jerdghalhom demmhom l-istudenti. Sitt xhur work phase biex jiehu x-xoghol u jhallas il-loqom.
U nista nibqa sejjer hekk ad infinitum, imma lista twila wisq.
Il-kitbiet li qed jinkitbu fuq Mintoff mhuma xejn hlief tentattiv dghajjef biex jirrihabilitaw ismu imma fil-fatt mhu xejn hlief dittatur vendikattiv.
Il-Bewsa ta’ Guda ….Minn Guda lil dak li ghajjar Guda fl’1998.
With reference to Archbishop Cremona’s homily, it was evident that he has not yet recovered completely or else the homily was written by Mark Montebello. The homily was offensive and insulting to us all Maltese that exeperienced the Salvatur’s own version of the Sernon of the Mount.
Ftit mumenti ta talb? Jew biex ihossuwom qedin xi mass meeting early 80’s? Ghax b dak l ghajjat u kulhadd jaqbes ghalijja mass meeting kien, Immaginaw jekk dawn in nies jergaw jigvernaw, bye bye serjeta viva il hamallagni sfrenata!
God forbid if PL wins the next general election. Mur oqghod bihom fejn noqghod jien kemm jghajtu ohorgu a grieden Nazzjonalisti, imbaghad jarawk l-ghada fit-triq u l-istess nies li ghajjruk isellmulek u jghidulek bongu ja qatta plebalja u ipokriti.