What are corrupt unkowns and corrupt unkonws?

Published: August 20, 2012 at 1:17am

Is there some Secret LSD Society to which I haven’t been invited, but whose members are avid readers of Franco’s blokk?

I scroll through his comments-board and wonder how people can manage a keyboard while they’re tripping.

“I see corrupt unkowns. Corrupt unknowns are crawling over my skin.”

“No! Those are horned stallions of corruption! Get them away from me, man.”

“There’s a horned stallion of corruption trying to get in at the window! Barricade the windows, man. Don’t let it eat us.”

“That’s not a horned stallion of corruption! That’s a corrupt unkown. No, no, it’s a corrupt unkonw. Shove the furniture against that door.”

“Who’s the guy in tights and a mask?”

“That’s the Caped Cockader. He’s here to save us from corrupt unkowns and horned stallions of corruption, but if you don’t move that wardrobe away from the window, he won’t be able to get in.”

Left click on the image to read this inspiring comment from Franco’s blokk.

10 Comments Comment

  1. John Schembri says:

    Sometimes Franco’s blog makes me feel like I’m reading some mind-boggling book like The Book of Revelation (Apocalypse) of Saint John.

    I end up more confused after reading (parts of) it.

    All we need now are the four horsemen, or maybe we already have them.

    Saint Gorg Preca used to preach about “l-intenzjoni retta”, which seems to be absent in Franco’s writings.


  2. A. Charles says:

    It seems rather obvious that Owl, low-rence gnozi and Franco Debono are the same nincompoop.

  3. Lupin says:

    The ‘social fabric’ part gave him away.

  4. Crockett says:

    Ah, you see, ‘Owl’ was typing in daylight, which is not, alas, his best medium. At night, on the other hand…

    And come on, you don’t know the meaning of ‘unkonws’?

    It’s a Gaelic word for ‘unknowns’. Therefore they must be Welsh or Scottish ninjas prowling stealthtily behind the thrones of power, unbeknownst to us all, except for the all-seeing ‘Owl’ of course. So sad he doesn’t give a hoot about your blog.

    • Natalie says:

      I suppose you are off your rocker after all. I was hoping you were taking us all for a ride. But there you go.

      Dear Crockett, you read too many fantasy novels (or shall we make that ‘play too many Nintendo fantasy games’?), and your English is too embellished to be comprehensible.

      Go back to your hero Franco’s blog, and let the grownups discuss serious things in peace.

      [Daphne – For heaven’s sake, Natalie. Crocket is being ironic, and his comments are actually pretty funny.]

  5. Jozef says:

    Venom and mud eh? Here he is, at the junction to Bidnija.


  6. Lomax says:

    They must really have been tripping – all those mixed metaphors. They mean nothing but bear witness to a messed up mind.

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