UPDATED WITH VIDEO: Wouldn’t having him stuffed and placed in a glass cabinet at Mile End been the better option?

Published: August 25, 2012 at 3:30am

Imbaghad tkun tista tintefa Mary Spiteri mal-hgieg, tkanta siltiet minn Gensna, fl-ghoxrin ta’ kull xahar.

This taxidermy ad is on the internet already.

54 Comments Comment

  1. Nobody says:

    Daphne… I hate you so much!!! I wish all the worst things to you- get run over by a truck, plates flung at you, fall off a cliff an airplane hits your house, an elephant shits on you, get sent to a concentration camp, get your head stuck in a dirty toilet, an army of rats invade your home, and worst of all… lock you up in Mintoff’s grave forever.

    • ciccio says:

      The truth is you love Daphne. In fact, at 3.49am, you were still here on this blog. Go get some sleep, because there are major celebrations on Saturday.

    • Nobody2 (but with a twist) says:

      I guess you joined a million petitions on Facebook against Daphne and her brilliant work. Mur arak tghid hekk fuq Mintoff…

      Laburist: bniedem imgerfex wahda sew, li probbabliment gej minn familja li brainwashjat it-tfal taghha!

      • And your ugly vagina was brainwashed by ignorant Nationalist Voters, and are you seriuous, Brilliant work! You people are just vulgar rats who deserve not to walk our islands

        [Daphne – My. A brainwashed vagina. Whatever next.]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        The brainwash douche. We need to register a patent before someone else does.

      • Misko says:

        Nazzjonist: bniedem faxxist, jasal ghal kollox, marbut mal-poter, u li hu ta’ pajjizi jaghtih il-barrani bic-cicri. Igifieri li ghamel Mintoff kissru EFA, dak li dejjem habb is-sinjur u farrak lil-haddiem.

      • Misko says:

        Nazzjonist: bniedem faxxist, jasal ghal kollox, marbut mal-poter, u li hu tal-pajjiz jaghtih lil-barrani bic-cicri. Igifieri li ghamel Mintoff kissru EFA, dak li dejjem habb is-sinjur u farrak lil-haddiem.

      • jody says:

        likbar dahqa li thaqt naqra dal kummenti tan nazzjonaliti.ahna il laburisti li int qeghed tghid li brainwashed mhux ommijietna brainwashed us imma knisja li ta tfal li konna,nitkellem fuqi,kont ghadni naghmel l-ewwel tqarbina,u mort inqerr.teleghet mara nazzjonalista li kinet toqod hdejna,biex tqerr u ksatni mal patri dumnikan li kont qeghed inkanta innu ta mintoff,u dal patri mhux staqsini imma qalli li jekk nerga naGHMEL HEKK MA JTINIX ASSULUZJONI.ta tifla ta 6 snin bzajt,kieku jigi jghidli hekk illum nirrispondih kif jixraqlu..jien gejja minn familja ta haFNA TFAL U MA NAHSBUHIEX KOLLHA LISTESS,SO MORRU HUDU KAFE FORSI TITALMU TIRRAGUNA MINN GHAjr hdura

    • M. says:

      Nobody, you are a prime example of Mintoff’s worst legacy – Hdura, lanzit, mibgheda, violenza – u dan kollu ghal mara li ghanda l-bajd tghid il-verita’ fuq dak li l-poxxt ghamel lill-bicca l-kbira tan-nies f’Malta.

  2. rowena smith says:

    Min jaf Franco x’jinkwieta .. ghax Mintoff seraqlu l-attenzjoni …

  3. Ken il malti says:

    Have a Dom Mintoff mausoleum like the Lenin mausoleum in Moscow.


    And here is a scary idea; have a look-alike actor play nasty youngish 1950s intellectual Dom with horn rimmed glasses and sucking on a burl walnut briar pipe and hitting on the good looking visitor babes like a Maltese Hugh Hefner or an old decrepit green trash bag jacketed Dom chasing the visitors with his walking cane while swearing obscenities at them !

    Make it part of the Malta experience for tourists. Pure fun and games I say, and part of the money collected from the mausoleum’s entrance fees could go to his daughter’s Mintoff Foundation.


  4. Thaddeus says:

    Thought you might want to know, Silvio Parnis claims Mintoff,
    “nehha l-injoranza”. Clearly!

  5. edgar says:

    Luckily I was away when this man died this week so missed a lot of the hypocrisy of politicians. I was not pleased at all with the way Eddie Fenech Adami expressed himself.

    This morning I watched a repeat of Realta and saw Dr. Gonzi express himself about this man. He was very good and diplomatic but never ever praised this man once in his interview.

    Thank goodness today he will be 6 feet under and we have to get him our of our minds forever and hope that we shall never ever taste a fraction of what this man had to offer us in the horrible past.

  6. john pace says:

    I believe it would be better if you are flushed alive in the sewers to taste your own flavour.

    If you have a soul (only animals are supposed to be without), you should keep your mouth shut.

    All your bitterness towards a great man like Mintoff is the fact that you, in the depth of your heart, know that you have always been his inferior.

    Grow up and appreciate the fact that without his doings (he strived to give women a status), you are nothing.

  7. The truth says:

    Imsomma mhux ahjar ig gieba hawn ghax se naghmilha fuq sites ohra your problem

  8. The truth says:

    nahseb ahjar il kelma SCREWED minflok FUCKED

  9. Cikku says:

    Dear Daphne, how’s the keyboard? I think its time to buy a new one because I think you ruined it writing all those articles against Mintoff! Why don’t you take a break and have some calmanti!

  10. bettina says:

    Dear Daphne,

    I suggest you take a look at the mirror to ask the question – I point my finger to so many people around this island but who is the lowest of them all?

    I am sure the reply would be ‘You are dear daphne’

  11. Chris Read says:

    Perhaps he could be propped up in the chamber of horrors with all the other hideous monsters of the 20th century, like Chairman Mao and Pol Pot and Muammar Gaddafi.

    Mintoff was a monster, a thug and a destructive force.

  12. Antoniette says:

    Watching Net T.V.

    There it is, Mintoff’s biography in all it’s “glory” at last.

    They weren’t afraid to show him as he really was, on the day he’s going in the ground.

    These are the facts as they are etched in my mind forever.

    For those who think this is “evil”, it is not. It is exactly how things happened.

    The fact that he is finally dead should not be an excuse to paint him in a better light, That would be insulting all the people he hurt with his actions.

  13. albert laferla says:

    Nobody……….dream on

  14. GALLETTU says:

    no disrespect to mr.Mintoff but yes he was a giant in malta’s politcs for very long but the majority of the Maltese have been kicking out his and his party’s politics since 1981 so maby his politics only has the support of the minority thats all

  15. aaa says:

    Apart from spamming the internet with your shitposting, correcting grammar, sucking dick and drinking cum. Your just a pussy coward. If you have the guts, go to Valletta and say something about Mintoff. Then we see who Is really tough.

    [Daphne – What for?]

    • aaa says:

      To prove your as tough as you think you are. You make your self your tough on your blog. But in real life your just a pussy.

  16. Bormliza says:

    Il liba kemm nahralek fuqek bhal issa madonna… Kemm int hadra foxx kemm ghandek !!! Mur u inteffa minn xi gholja ghal isfel muqrana !!!!

    • maryanne says:

      Mela ma mortx il-Belt?

      • jeanette says:

        ta kollox ghad tpatti daphne u “followers” tieghek. Il-hdura li ghandek go fik qas tista tesprimiha bizzejed. May you rot in hell for all these harsh words. J’Alla l-bambin itik dak kollu li haqqek ta kemm int bniedma hadra, ghajjura, kattiva u kerha. JAQ

      • Raphael borg says:

        Hi Daphne Caruana Galiza You Are The Biggest Asshole of the Planet Fuck off bastard.

    • A Montebello says:

      Nahseb tieklu hafna fibre intom il-laburisti ghax hlief kemm ser tkaku fuq Daphne u fuq dak u dik ma tghidhux.

  17. M. says:

    Yana just got loads of shouts and claps on reading a prayer for the faithful. Oh, the irony!

  18. Carlos Bonavia says:

    The question of Mintoff’s imminent monument has already been banded about and grand plans are a-baking in the land of glass houses and nameless parties.

    Now, we know that Mintoff was always revered for his ‘ tal-gabra ‘ attitude, a.k.a. stinginess and meanness, so why can’t we wed his notable attribute to very practical and virtuous dealing and erect a glorious memorial equating his unparalleled worth.

    So, let me be one of the first to point out that the Luqa Zobb monument needs a new cap and given the great urge to erect this monument and at the same time wanting it to reflect Mintoff’s contribution to Malta, why not combine the two wishes ?

  19. canon says:

    Dom Mintoff is a very lucky man. He got away with murder and gave him a state funeral.

  20. jeanette says:

    ta kollox ghad tpatti daphne u “followers” tieghek. Il-hdura li ghandek go fik qas tista tesprimiha bizzejed. May you rot in hell for all these harsh words. J’Alla l-bambin itik dak kollu li haqqek ta kemm int bniedma hadra, ghajjura, kattiva u kerha. JAQ

  21. MX says:

    This is so funny! I can’t stop laughing. And these morons are still going on using the same limited vocabulary…just makes wonder which school they went/go to … wahahahaha

  22. I was there too says:

    I disagree with stuffing him and displaying him at the glass house.

    He should have been cremated and his ashes then distributed to his victims’ relatives so that they can flush them down their toilet.

  23. Max says:

    Amazing, the language used…..I was shocked with you Daphne but now I am more shocked reading this type of language…..

    So true, Labour will never change…..

    The most difficult part for me when hearing people shouting Mintoff, Mintoff in the church…..lack of respect to the house of God and lack of digninty as Christians….what a shame….

  24. DVG says:

    Even your user name alone prepares me for what kind of comment I am about to read. Hilarious.

    You labour folk keep on proving Daphne’s point right, over and over again.

    You just entertain her with your small minds and foul mouths (as you entertain every Nationalist on her blog). And if anyone needs a Maltese translation, I will gladly give it.

  25. Paul Bonnici says:

    I have just read this in The Times of today:

    Monday, August 27, 2012 by Rudolf Ragonesi, Xemxija

    Lest we forget
    …For time and amnesia can work strange spells on us all:

    The destruction of a very reputable Sir Paul Boffa in the ruthless rise to power.
    The suspension of Malta’s Constitution in 1958.
    A Police Commissioner found guilty of homicide.
    Rampant police brutality and intimidation, wielding truncheons and tear gas.
    Bombs. Beating up of protesters.
    Nazi like propaganda on Malta’s only TV channel.
    Gerrymandering and electoral fraud.
    Smashing every PN club on the island.
    Ruining tertiary education.
    Super rampant corruption.
    Courting friends like Kim il Sung, Gaddafi, Ceausescu.
    Locking out doctors and surgeons and forcing them to take their families abroad.
    Locking out the Blue Sisters and having the pice escort them to the airport, like common criminals.
    Smashing the bakers. Smashing the Civil Service. Smashing the home of the Leader of the Opposition. Smashing the Law Courts.
    No colour TVs, hardly any imports, no telephone lines without a bribe.
    Confrontational politics that divided the small islands in two, the consequences of which are still felt today.
    Crushing Bical.
    Giving thousands of non-existent jobs for votes.
    Victimisation of strikers after the 1981 gerrymandering.
    Passing the notorious Building Development Act.
    Transferring dissenters in the public service to Gozo.
    Thugs attacking and intimidating students at University and the New Lyceum.
    Expropriations without compensation. Endless requisitions.
    Changing the rent laws only to change them back.
    Attacking and gutting of The Times.
    Suspension for years of the Constitutional Court…
    A wonderful legacy indeed, by one truly worthy of a State Funeral.
    Way to Go!

  26. The Engineer says:

    Kont qieghed nitkellem man-nies to qaluli li jaf jirxoxta wara tlett ijiem. Ghada it-tlieta ghandhu jirxoxta. Nisperaw li ghalqu il-qabar mill-konkrit allahares jigi lura. U qalu li kien uniku u ma jkun hawn hadd bhalu. Hawnhekk kullhadd jaqbel jien ukoll nispera li jibqa uniku allahares jkun hawn iehor bhalu.

    Kullhadd jaqbel li kien u ghandu jibqa uniku.

  27. vittma ta' mintoff says:

    Qieghed nistenna it-tlett ijiem jghaddu u jekk jirxoxta nivvota Labour.

  28. elephant says:

    “Friends, Romans, countrymen, len me your ears; I come to bury Caesar not to praise him . The Evil that men do, lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones; So let it be with Caesar.”

  29. elephant says:

    For those who do not know : this is from Act 3 Scene II of Shakespear;s play Julius Caesar

  30. Jozef says:

    Excellent idea, just add a little sticker.

    ‘In case of electoral emergency, break glass, load onto nearest hearse and drive around in circles’

  31. James says:

    Daphne il kerha , Sahhara tal bidnija … taf xiex tghid li tobghod lil Mintoff u hlief tikteb fuqu ma taghmilx !!! nahseb tghid haga u thoss ohra… Taf xiex meta tigi nieqsa hadd mhu ha jkun hawn li jikteb fuqek bhal m ghamilt int dwar Mintoff ghax ghal poplu Mintoff kien ifiiser xi haga filwaqt li int ghal poplu ma tfisser xejn.. you are just a piece of shit ..

    Niues bhalek juru kemm huma idejqin u ma gahndhom xejn f hajjitom ghir li jipprovaw jirredikolaw il hajja ta haddiehor.

    Get a life !

    Take Care Likrah fost il koroh :)

  32. mandango70 says:

    I’ve been biting my nails over the past days, yet resisted from posting any comments here…until now that is.

    As I have occasion to mention on another occasion, the only logical way how to not get worked up with your vitriolic writing and spewing of venom, is to ignore you. As Alfred Sant did, that is. (Please don’t repeat “la cazzata” that he didn’t ignore you…your loathing of AS had precisely this as its underpinning).

    If you would allow me space on your blog (for which I thank you in advance) to send a message to those, who like the undersigned were gobsmacked witnessing the extent of your limitless and unadulterated hatred:

    Just IGNORE this blog, forget about its existence. Trust me friends, I’ve been following (and contributing through posts incessantly at times) this blog for months on end, and it has not, I repeat, NOT, contributed one iota for my betterment, for deeper thought and analysis. There is nothing here that in any way, shape or form has made me wiser.

    Lasciate la lurida cania anneggare nel suo stesso veleno.

    • Josette Jones says:

      mandango70, have you read this one? Before you go, make sure you do.

      (Daphne, you really ought to create a page with links to the top stories about Mintoff, JM, FD, and the rest, or put links directly in the front page sidebar. It’s a shame when the best posts keep getting buried.)

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