Yes, well, Joe – we’d kind of noticed that

Published: August 28, 2012 at 6:28pm

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57 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    ’25 minutes ago near Sliema’.

    Bit difficult to be more specific I suppose.

  2. Marco Sera says:

    Daphne, I do not agree with everything you publish on your blog, disagree frequently with the way you say what you want to say and think that the recent addition of expletives and obscenities lower the level of your effort to the gutter.

    I am slightly younger than you are, lived through the same difficult years under Labour and feel the same as you towards anything Labour.

    The reason I visit your blog daily is that it gives me insights into the past that I never knew existed, despite reading The Times and In Nazzjon in my teens. Do you ever consider writing a sort of irreverent recent history of Malta?

    You are in a unique position to do this, have an excellent command of language and besides living the terrible years, your knowledge is also enriched by contributors’ accounts.

    Such an account may not make you rich, but will surely greatly enlighten future generations who will try to understand Malta’s political history after independence.

    • Qeghdin Sew says:

      I thought about this just today. There are a lot of exclusive revelations scattered across this blog and it’s often difficult to trace older posts / keep a mental note of them.

      Daphne, maybe you can start a WikiLeaks-styled website detailing all these details. You can call it MintoffLeaks or something (and leak he did, if the rumours about all those bastards are true) as long as the format is easy to navigate and the content is easily retrievable.

      (I’m sure the PN were no saints and have skeletons in their closets too, but I’m not expecting Daphne to expose these.)

      [Daphne – Only fools equate the two political parties on the basis that they are both political parties. But then only fools or the cynical vote Labour.]

    • Noel says:

      You are so nonsense!!

  3. miki says:

    OK, here goes, Joe.

    First, you get your head out of your arse.

    Then, assuming that you can recognise your surroundings, shake your head to get rid of that foul smell of shit that comes out of your mouth every time you make a noise (or is that your arse – I mean it is hard to tell – they look the same, smell the same, sound the same).

    We are almost there…

    Then look at the calendar and behold, you have 30 years to catch up with…

    oh, fuck it.
    Get someone with a brain to do it for you., or even a half brained nitwit from your posse would probably manage it.

  4. el bandido guapo says:

    “my facebook” – Emm, no, it’s not yours.

  5. XYZ says:

    All fat and no brains makes Joe a dull boy

  6. Fat Joe says:

    Gorg Peresso was on Radju Malta a few minutes ago, eulogising Mintoff for over an hour. Just imagine this happening back when iz-Zring Pellegrini was in charge and Eddie’s name was banned.

    • P Shaw says:

      Didn’t Gorg Peresso campaign against EU membership during MLP meetings at the time? He used to be one of the official speakers.

    • Jozef says:

      Gorg Peresso, depression made easy.

    • Gorg Peresso says:

      \dear Fat Joe (incidentally, the nickname of the atom bomb dropped on Nagasaki

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Dan huwa l-Gorg Peresso of “Hodon Qronfol” fame? Jekk iva, ippermettili giant raspberry. Huwa nofs ir-raguni ghaliex l-istudenti jobghodu l-Malti.

  7. Hubert Paul Farrugia says:

    On a different note, why has the Labour Party remained so quiet on the cohabitation issue? I stand with what I said during Pride big time. Hlief johorgu l-bnadar ma jafux.

    • Wayne Hewitt says:

      Since when Joseph Muscat’s moviment infestat bil-Mintoffjani has a policy for the country to comment on?

      • johann says:

        wayne it’s better you tell us why your name is not included for the general elections? I think because you are not bright enough to be in the parliament buildin and sit on those violet seats…..Go and get a life its better.

    • Snoopy says:

      They are usual doing what comes natural to them, sitting on the fence.

    • johnusa says:

      “A relationship, including a relationship between gays, may also be regulated by Civil Cohabitation Partnerships, registered under this law. However, registration of gay partnerships would not mean recognition of a gay relationship on the same level of a family, Chris Said said.

      • Marion says:

        Yes I agree with Christ Said as a family consists of a man and a woman. A relationship between 2 individuals of the same sex is just a partnership full stop.

    • dudu says:

      Although the Labour Party does not have an opinion on the cohabitation bill it has a ‘cunning’ plan set in place to use this bill to give the government more trouble. Jeffrey POS will be happy to oblige with the presentation of his ‘liberal’ amendments.

    • Doubtful says:

      What did you say during Pride, and what is Pride?

  8. Matt says:

    Daphne, a lot of ignorance is being spewed by your numerous Labour fans. Let us hope they are learning something

  9. Matt says:

    If Labour is elected, are these young fans prepared to see their future out of the EU? MLP has a carefully crafted plan to take Malta out of the EU. We are already hearing them about renegotiating packages with the EU. The handwriting is on the wall.

  10. ciccio says:

    Dnub li Mintoff ma ghadux maghna. Malajr kien jurih kif ipoggi youtube vidoeo (sic) fuq il-FB.

  11. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Sigh. Did you know about this, Ciccio?

  12. francesca says:

    I gather that it has been futile trying to explain and sow some sense into the Laburisti, Mintoffjani and the rest of tal-Partit Bla Isem, by writing in HIGH caps.

    Write in red. That should do the trick.

  13. Konti Ugolino says:

    Li nara serju hafna imma hu li qed issir incitament kontinwu U SFACCAT ,GHAL VJOLENZA FIZIKA ,mil istazzjon UFFICJALI tal-Partit Moderat u Progressive ta’ Joe Muscat fil konfront tal-gurnalista/opinjonista Ms Caruana Galizia ,

    Sa issa, LA IL-PULIZIJA U LANQAS IL-GURNALISTI SHABA ma huma qed jitniffsu. Anzi il lejla , fuq ONE news rajna lil gurnalista/éditur partikolari isahhan il qiegha kontra din il- gurnalista.

    Is Sinjura ma qalet xejn li ma hux diga ta dominju pubbliku jew li ma hux veritier.

    F pajjizi ohra civilizzati meta attakki ta din ix-xorta , kontra il liberta’ tal-espressjoni isiru fuq gurnalista / opinjonista iqumu l erbat irwiefen .

    Hawn Malta imma, kif jigri fil-pajjizi bhac-China, il-Cuba , il Korea Ta’ Fuq u Ir-Russia, dawn l attakki mhux talli ma humiex ikkundannati u azzjoni tittiehed kontra min qed jaghmel dan l incitament, imma ihuma sahansitra nstigati min membri ohra tal-media!




    • giraffa says:

      i like “technition”. If a real technician cannot even spell his ‘profession’, we have really hit the bottom

    • RJC says:

      46 membru. Daqshekk biss? U dawn iridu jwaqqfu min jitkellem fil-pajjiz? Mur gibhom kienu xi erba telef x’kien jigri.

      • ciccio says:

        Tih cans lil “Brian il-baby.” Kemm hsibt li se jiflah jibghat invitations? Almenu lahaq invita lil Gorg tad-downuts.

  14. L.B says:

    its never too late to learn Daphne… some people need to learn how to use facebook, others need to learn how to speak in a decent manner in both maltese and english in order to portray a message… ;)

    • Wormfood says:

      Decent according to whose standards? No commenting about the posts of your fellow goats and their piss poor blogs for some reason but then hypocrisy was always one of your main cultural values?

      Here’s a very decent ‘fuck off’ from me to you dullards..

  15. Len says:

    I remember the time when colour TV was difficult to buy. However my father, thanks to the Hon. Mr Joseph Grima, was one of the lucky ones to acquire a letter from the former minister.

    It was one of the happiest days of my life. This TV set made us the envy of all the neighbours. A full colour Seleco – for me, the box was like we owned a Ferrari.

    Maybe its time I express my gratitude towards Mr Grima.

    Certainly. Fuck you for that, Joe. And if you’re not used to it, find a good proctologist to show you how.

    • Anonymous says:

      What a sad and ungrateful asshole you are

      • La Redoute says:

        Gratitude for what? For being denied basic goods, to say nothing of rights and freedoms and then have them bestowed upon as favours?

        No wonder you vote for the Labour Party. Champions of the underdog, indeed.

      • HP Sauce says:

        So are you. Do you want sauce with that?

      • HP Sauce says:

        ungrateful hey ! … qisu qed jghamel xi favur genwin. sad sad people. keep on thanking your dear leader/s.

        iz-zejt jitla f’wicc l-ilma.

      • RJC says:

        Why? Because Len and his family should be eternally grateful for something given to them as if it were a gift when the rest of the civilised world had been enjoying for years?

        Yes, back then during Labour’s Golden Years one felt ‘special’ with a colour tv, or a phone that works, or with water in the tap, and ‘extra special’ with a VCR.

        The irony of it all is that owning a VCR was illegal yet dozens of Video Rental shops had opened all over Malta. No need to explain how they were operating and by whom they were controlled.

      • ciccio says:

        @RJC, Who mentioned a “gift”?
        I thought that the letter to which Len refers was the “receipt” for the Lm50 bribe one had to pay under the Golden Years Labour government to get a color TV set, or am I wrong?

    • giraffa says:

      Some safe sex advice for Joe Grima: he should try fucking himself. If he can get past the flab. Clearly, nobody else can.

  16. P Shaw says:

    Obesity and high blood pressure ‘speed up mental decline’ for those aged over 50

    By Admin

    (Daily Mail) — Obesity and high blood pressure lead to faster mental decline in the over-50s, researchers warn.

    A study shows that being fat and having other risk factors for heart disease and diabetes accelerates the loss of memory and other cognitive skills.

    Over the course of a decade, obese participants’ brains aged 3.8 years more than those of a healthy weight.

    The fattest participants had a 22.5 per cent faster drop-off in test scores compared with those who were a healthy size and had fewer risk factors.

    Experts warn that obesity in middle-age could be a major risk factor for developing dementia in later life, as well as conditions such as diabetes.

    The claim has been strengthened after the study by scientists at the French medical research institution INSERM examining the mental skills, body mass index and general health of 6,401 adults with an average age of 50.

    Researchers took note of so-called ‘metabolic abnormalities’ such as high blood pressure, low levels of ‘good’ cholesterol, high blood sugar and whether participants took diabetes medication.

    A third of the participants had two or more of these risk factors, while 9 per cent were obese (defined as having a BMI above 30) and 38 per cent were overweight (with a BMI of between 25 and 29.9).

    The participants then took tests on memory and other cognitive skills three times over ten years. Those who were overweight or obese and had at least two metabolic abnormalities showed the fastest decline.

    Over the course of the study, those who were both obese and ‘metabolically abnormal’ experienced a 22.5 per cent faster decline on their scores than those who were a normal weight with no abnormalities.

    Among a middle-aged sub-group of participants who had an average age of 56 at the start of testing, researchers found a decline in scores equivalent to an extra 3.8 years of ageing among those who were obese.

  17. edgar says:

    I was luckier than you Len. I managed to acquire one from Toni Pellegrini through the good services of the Marsa Socialist club secretary,

    And I cannot say fuck you Toni Pellegrini at that time as he was certainly not good ass.

  18. Dee says:

    Salvu Savonarola Balzan was on evening news on One yesterday, inciting listeners to boycott newspapers and magazines accociated with the work , the owner of this blog carries out.Said boycott, he proclaimed , should extend to all companies adverising in said media.

  19. pals says:

    Ara min kien ministru ukoll.

    • lulu says:

      Kemm ahna sbieh min jaf jarana tajba din….ghandu ragun ta ghax meta kien ministru qass bicca typwriter fi skola ma kellna ahseb 4 u 5 kompjuters f’kull klassi…ara vera trid tkun illiterat ta biex tibdel il-gvern tal-PN ma tal-PL..

  20. Gianna says:

    Anonymous, the sad thing about your sort of people is that you are very grateful and want Len to thank the minister for allowing his family to buy a tv and the rest of us who believe that is a right which was taken away for us.

    You have lived under PN governments for the last 20 or so years and have not even realised that you can buy whatever you wish without asking for any favours from anyone plus you had to pay an extra fee for the favour!

  21. Anonymous says:

    Daphne, may I jog your mind a bit, but who said nearly the exact same words to a TV camera at a University debate? Respond if you have the guts, delete if youre a gutless bitch

    [Daphne – Ah, I see. You compare a 19-year-old student and private citizen, under severe harassment by two politically-motived midgets with a Labour Party television camera, to a man in his 70s, a former cabinet minister, long-time Labour Party politician and current Labour Party show-host, telling a priest to fuck off, using a child for the purpose, on Facebook. With an IQ like yours, I’m not going to blame you for thinking Labour’s fantastic. Ta’ min jithassrek minflok.]

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