Is Silvio Parnis recruiting pole-dancers now? Or just asking for money for his campaign?

Published: September 12, 2012 at 12:37am

Here’s Labour star candidate and future Ministru Ghas-Sawt, Silvio Parnis, caught on camera at a meeting he had with pole-dancing (sorry, gentlemen’s club) king Frankie Grima, at the Black Bull Pub (sorry, Plekpull Pup) in Paceville on 6 September.

I wonder which one of them wants money and which one of them wants favours, or both. Or perhaps it’s just that Silvio has got himself a cut-price ‘back, sack and crack’ at the Labour mayor of Zurrieq’s depilation salon in that village, Natius Ola, and is auditioning as a lap dancer for an interesting new project of Frankie’s.

10 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    “Dawra mal-Gentlemen’s Clubs ma’ Silvio.”

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Is-Sawt ghandu habta johrog il-poledancing instinct fit-tfajliet:

    [Daphne – My God. The third circle of hell.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      What can I say? That’s where the celebrated 18-24 PN-leaning demographic hangs out. Democracy. This is what we’ve come to. Stooping to the level of the moronic masses for the sake of votes.

      Give me a Northern European abstention rate any time.

  3. Fido says:

    Issa mhux moviment progressiv għandna?

  4. Lili infamajtni dcg says:

    Madonna iverifika l affarijiet qabel tikteb ! Black bull mhemmx dancers ta ! Ghandu post ta frankie li huwa l ikbar ragel owner tal hwienet ta paceville imma mhux black bull , mhux ser nghidlek x jismu ma tmurx tithajjar tamel xi weekend hemm ax tfallIih zgur. Ostra kun certa qabel tinfama in nies . Jew itla s hemm forsi taqla xi daqqa go halqek ! Kullhadd jiddispnacih. Nahseb alik !

    [Daphne – Here’s another Labour supporter who can’t read. Did I say that there are pole-dancers at the Black Bull Pub? No, I did not. I said that Silvio Parnis had a meeting there with Frankie Grima (photograph appended), and that Frankie Grima owns pole-and-lap-dancing clubs. X’sahta fihkom. Bl-injoranza taghkom se tispiccaw tfottu lil Malta.]

    • joseph says:

      mela ghalfejn semejt il pole dancers ?mhux biex titfa id dubji!issa jien ma tantx ghandi simpatija ma silvio imma il facciolizmu idejaqni

      [Daphne – Semmejt il-pole-dancers ghax dak hu xoghol Frankie Grima.]

      • joseph says:

        imma xorta mandux x jaqsam?! hekk jew hekk grima muwiex il pole dancer just l owner! int biex izebilhu minalik ghalkemm illum hadd mu se jitkaza taaa! jekk nigi sal bidnija naf nara iktar milli jekk imur nara pole dancer :P u ifimni!!!!

        [Daphne – Aqbez lura Facebook, Joseph, ghax qallajtni bl-istupidagni tieghek. Se nispicca naghmel ‘minimum IQ level’ ghal dhul go dan il-blog.]

  5. Lili infamajtni dcg says:

    X andu x jaqsam ax frankie andu il pole dancers !!! Bhat tfal titkelem qeda ! U al giehna dawk legali qedin .
    Thallat il hass mal bass qeda . Basta tamel il hsara. Bhal ma pruvajt tamel lili ( f’wiccek baqq pero )

  6. dalwaqt hi ! says:

    D C G
    Dalwaqt iCafalsulek Geddumek

    [Daphne – Why don’t you do it now? It’s curious that you feel you have to wait for Labour to be in power to perpetrate GBH on me. Lovely advert for your party.]

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