Joseph he is a visionaire

Published: September 18, 2012 at 8:44pm

That kohlrabi, Luciano Busuttil (ministru futur ta’ Joseph) on the subject of his Great Leader:

I have known him from the very first day I entered the Centru Nazzjonali Laburista. He was the one who interviewed me so I could get to One News. He was the one who chose me. He was the one who told me to quit being a news anchor man (something I really really loved) if I wanted to be a lawyer. He was also the one who, when elected as Leader told me to ‘get out of the box’, and trusted me with EU affairs and Youth. I trust him. He is a loyal friend. Someone you could talk to. He listens and considers what you have to say. He is a visionaire and is in touch with people in ways we do not see. He takes action. He means business, and if you do not want to work hard you will never keep up with him. He is a leader and yet we all sit around a ’round table’ where all are equal. I trust him and believe in him!

The visionaire

The kohlrabi: Luciano Busuttil (centre) in a top secret, ultra covert meeting in the public lobby of the Westin Dragonara Resort, with two political contacts.

25 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I think he came at the end. Nice satisfying finish.

    [Daphne – Yes, I suppose it’s what a certain sort of masseuse would call a hepi entink.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      You get the creepy feeling that the reason they look up to him in such an unnatural way bordering on the homoerotic is that they’re total turds. Morons. Another Mintoff in the making.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      However, while in the act, he really shouldn’t go cross-eyed.

  2. maryanne says:

    “and is in touch with people in ways we do not see.”

    A new meaning of transparency.

    • MMuscat says:

      Or more accurately:
      “He… is in touch with peo­ple in ways we do not see. He takes action. He means busi­ness, and if you do not want to work hard…”

      He sounds like he’s describing a Sicilian don.

  3. Pat Zahra says:

    ‘He is a leader and yet we all sit around a ’round table’ where all are equal. I trust him and believe in him!’

    Someone had better tell the British High Commissioner that Arthur is come again and that Malta is become Logres.

  4. C.Portelli says:

    Does anyone have the clip where he was in Gozo last weekend and someone told them to raise their hands if they want jobs in Gozo? I ve missed it. TY

  5. The chemist says:

    This ‘visionaire’ must be visually impaired. The one about European Union membership is a perfect example.

  6. Stefan Vella says:

    I am betting the kohirabi did not write that on his own. We’re lucky when he manages to string two words coherently. A whole paragraph is beyond him.

    [Daphne – It’s appallingly bad, all the same.]

    • dudu says:

      Is that article a spoof? I hope so.

      Some quotes:

      ‘will always will be a ‘Hamruniz’ till my dying days

      I spend my childhood in Valletta where my paternal grand parents lived, who by the way they were from Floriana.

      The 5th district is a total different dimension from the first.

      The is an unnatural government. It’s like having someone living up till the age of 150 years.

      This government has been standing as long as notorious dictatorships around the world.

      If one day I should become a minister and I turn like that, I hope someone will have the audacity to remove me from my post.”

      35000 euros would have meant a lot for me and my family, but my soul is not for sale.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      ‘Here’s the link’. Yes, the missing link. Another result of inbreeding.

  7. Harry Purdie says:

    Among his other numerous faults and failings, your photo of little Joey appears to indicate another problem–photogenicity.
    Just what we need to represent Malta on the world stage–a tubby, bald, ugly, dwarf.

    • Josette Jones says:

      It wouldn’t matter if our little Joey had half the guile of Tyrion Lannister to put at his country’s service. As things stand we’re lucky if we get the brain power of a potato.

  8. H.P. Baxxter says:

    When he said “get out of the box” I think he meant “closet’.

  9. ciccio says:

    How about this stuff for a visionaire?

    “Inhallukom tahdmu.”

    “Xoghol f’Ghawdex ghall-Ghawdxin.”

    “Xoghol li jixraqlek biex inti tghix ahjar.”

    • 500EUROS says:

      yes its much better than the bullshit coming from your worthless Independence Celebrations. All the PN is doing is attacking the PL, pathetically, without actually coming up with resolutions itself…

      Since you’ll probably ask the same old question ‘How will Joseph reduce our tariffs?’, here is an answer:

      Although not Economical at first, an obvious choice would be turning the Powerstation from HFO to Gas, which will reduce tariffs by a great percentage. However, this will cost 1 billion EUR, although will cost us much less in the Long Run, while also reducing pollution in Southern malta…

      So there

      [Daphne – Who wrote that, dear? He or she uses capital letters in a most interesting fashion.]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Probably Andrea. All the nouns start with capital letters.

      • 500EUROS says:

        God, you’re annoying!!! Just because you pointed out my mistake (which I tend to do alot), it’s like you’ve won the Internet!!!

        And you didn’t even reply to my points which actually made sense…. Freedom of Speech my ass

      • ciccio says:


        Having noted your comment, I really have to ask you the question: How will Joseph reduce our tariffs?

        If it is going to cost us 1 billion euros (that’s the equivalent of yourself multiplied by 2 million times), how will that result in a reduction of tariffs in a “sustainable” manner?

        And please do not forget that in the Long Run we are all dead. I think an Economist once said that. But it was not Joseph Muscat. No, not only because he never said that, but because he is not an Economist.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        John Maynard Keynes said that. And I feel that 500EUROS is alrady dead, from from the shoulders up.

  10. Lomax says:

    One day I’ll be made to put on a straitjacket and sent off to a half-way house. On my reading the following phrase: “That kohlrabi, Luciano Busuttil” I burst out laughing uncontrollably much to the amusement of my colleagues who came to my desk to join in the fun and the hilarity.

    Fact is, however, one day, due to this website, I’ll be carted away. I’m sure of this. Your comments are too funny to have me just smile inwardly.

    I haven’t yet read what the kohlrabi said but thank you. You really made my morning.

  11. Lomax says:

    OK, read it now. Pity he didn’t add: and his wife reads Fifty Shades…

    Now it makes sense though. If he is so committed outside the family home, his wife must find something thrilling to do.

    The kohlrabi (this is super) must have be quite brown-nosed.

  12. Mercury Rising says:

    The boardroom table at Labour’s HQ is not round. I am confused.

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