Maltese politics is turning into one protracted episode of The Fast Show

Published: September 18, 2012 at 11:46pm

That Joseph told an audience of pensioners earlier today that his government “will be the most feminist in Maltese history”.

And how is that?

Well, he’s going to tell us ladies to stand back and take care while he breaks that glass ceiling for us.

Gosh, Joseph, thanks. But we’re perfectly capable of doing it for ourselves, even if we have to pick you up and use you as a crowbar.

Bloody hell, if a Super One hack can become prime minister, a woman can do anything.

Oh, and do gather at the back of the room and coo with delight, girls, while taking great care not to use words of more than two syllables each. Our big, strong, masculine hero, all of 5′ 3″, is here with his mallet.

My God. The more progressive this assembly of twits tries to be, the more atavistic they sound. Looks like we women have now joined the ranks of Special Minorities Who Need To Be Patronised By Straight Men Of Lesser Intelligence Led By A Fat, Balding Dwarf.

Include me out.

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60 Comments Comment

  1. pl4life says:

    You’re so sad Daph, go get a life, not just waste it throwing bullshit into the internet

    • ciccio says:

      There you go. Labour’s feminism.

      • pl4life says:

        There you go. PN’s arrogance

      • Censa says:

        @pl4life what you mistake for arrogance is in fact intelligence or reason.

        With respect to this BS about government being more feminist, my opinion is that this is actually the antithesis of what feminism stands for.

        What does Muscat and his bunch of nitwits think?

        That women have been sitting pretty for PL to introduce feminist policies? That women have no opportunities?

        As for quotas who wants to be a token woman? It is about opportunities and individualism and not what’s between one’s legs but what’s further up (brains and skills)!

        I am still amazed that this very simple concept escapes most people on the Rock.

    • Len says:

      @pl4life, how considerate of you.

      I think you misunderstand Daphne’s logic. Do you really think that women need to be ‘given’ posts just because they are women? For the numbers that is. Any posts should be given on the bases of individual ability u mhux jekk joghgbu lil Joseph.

      Where is Franco when you need him to shout about meritocracy?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Yes, Daphne. Go get a life.

      [Daphne – Better not. I wouldn’t be able to cope.]

    • Joe Micallef says:

      PL 4 Life – your nick tells us all we need to know about your analytical skills.

  2. Harry Purdie says:

    ‘the most feminist in Maltese history’. His gang of brainless thugs surrounding him will think that they now have to wear skirts, lipstick and high heels. One can envisage the image.

    Cyrus will love it.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      What a bunch of grammar-deficient idiots. Feminism is a movement, a philosophy. It’s like saying “I’m the most pre-Raphaelite” or “I’m the most humanitarian”.

      Besides which, it’s people who are are feminists, not governments.

      Governments can advance feminist causes. They can be the most effective in advancing these causes. But they are not “more feminist”.

      ‘Most feminist’ would be a woman who goes about with unshaven crotch, armpits and legs, no bra, grey hair, and bad attitude, blaming men for everything including menstruation.

      But why bother? We won’t be speaking English in Malta in a couple of years anyway. So let’s mangle what remains of it.

    • Hibernating from Malta says:

      Worse still, the ‘most femminist in Maltese history’ leader allows his news readers to have orgasms each time they mention his name on One News. (ibda b’Miriam Dalli)

  3. Min Jaf says:

    Fascinating array of bald heads in that photo. The straggled transplanted curlies on Joseph’s own bald pate must have done him proud.

  4. ciccio says:

    ‘Joseph told an audience of pensioners earlier today that his government “will be the most feminist in Maltese history”.’

    And then his party goes to war with the only woman on this island who can stand up to them, and Joseph Muscat does not stop them.

  5. Mike says:

    Oh deary me…a government of drag queens.

  6. P Shaw says:

    The women’s quota for boards of listed companies is being objected to by the UK, the Netherlands, six Eastern European countries, Germany and Sweeden.

    The latter two countries did not sign the letter adressed to the Commission, but declared that they would not abide by it. All these countries are not onjecting to the quota per se, but to the concept of ‘one size fits all’. Nobody can accuse these countries, in particular Sweeden, Germany and the UK of discriminating against women. On the other hand countries like Italy and France where women are treated as objects are in favour of this proposal (probably in a hypocritical way to redeem themselves).

    The proposal relates to listed companies, which must attract the best experienced people on their boards, since they are operating in a competitive market. The professionals eligible for the boards differ from country to country.

    The opposition to this proposal stems from this key fact. For example, while the banking sector attracts a good number of women in the UK, it does not in Germany. Consequently what applies to one country does not apply to another European country. Having said that, both countries had and have women CEOs and women Prime Ministers.

    The quotas are so retro – it is an easy way to cover up for the lack of equal opportunities, which ultimately is what matters.

    Does a women who is appointed as a CEO or a director on a board of a listed company on her own merit, want to be labelled as a token / quota appointee?

  7. P Shaw says:

    Joseph Muscat a feminist prime minister? My foot.

    The first visit that Muscat made was to his master/financer in Libya, probably to beg for more money and to pledge his allegiance to the ex-puppet master of the MLP, Gaddafi.

    It turns out that Mintoff’s (and Muscat’s) mentor and ‘alma mater’ was a sex predator. Reportedly, he kept a number of girls (and a few young boys as well) imprisoned in the basement of the presidential complex of Bab-el-Aziziain Tripoli as sex slaves.

    Most of these girls were abducted from schools across the country at the tender age of fourteen or fifteen. The tyrant wanted to be called «Papa Gaddafi» while he raped them. All this is documented in a new book «Les Proies» (The Prey) authored by Annick Cojean.

    The book reveals that Gaddafi also harassed and had sex with the wives of his ministers, diplomats and collaborators (probably to humiliate them and show them who is in command).

    Does this remind us of our local tyrant who had sex with his brother’s wife? Probably Mintoff was aware of Gaddafi’s lifestyle all along, and wanted to live up to his master’s so called ideals.

    One can read more details through the following links (the most detailed article is in French):

  8. Joseph Caruana says:

    I see red roses being pop next year.

  9. RJC says:

    The second photo (insert) speaks volumes.

    You can see the sparks flying. Looks more like a dentist’s waiting room than a discussion panel.

    • ciccio says:

      I watched parts of their ‘congress’ on One. It was so boring. No wonder that the bored ones will vote for Joseph – it’s their natural party.

  10. Zordon says:

    Put a smile on my face this morning hahahahaha

  11. canon says:

    What would have happened had the old ladies become excited and flung their knickers at him?

    [Daphne – He would have been knocked out. Old lady’s knickers are large, and some are even reinforced.]

  12. Bubu says:

    “… if we have to pick you up and use you as a crowbar.”

    You killed me there Daphne. Classic.

  13. Mister says:

    Seriously? Did I just read what I just read?

    Foreign investors reading this headline must have choked on their coffee. The possible future PM rambling about feminist views?

    What does this mean? Does Joseph Muscat picture women as being fragile, shy, standing in the kitchen corner, ‘be seen but not heard’?

    Women are not as stupid as you think they are, Joseph, though I don’t know about the women in your circles.

    This comment is an offence to all women who have studied hard, worked hard, raised a family whilst working and running the home at the same time. Then Joseph comes by…. and steals their thunder for political mileage?

    Joseph Muscat’s comment is the equivalent of the hamallu talk “Aw hiiii, ejja l-hawn ha nghinek, ghax inti ma tafx kif… “.

    Women don’t need this kind of BS talk from the man asking them to make him prime minister. Real women are doing fine with their own skills and efforts. Its the lazy-arse women who are listening to Joseph Muscat.

  14. Wayne Hewitt says:

    Jista jkun li bin-nieqes, u ghandu bzonn iktar nisa madwaru, peress li Michelle busy taqra Fifty Shades.

  15. Jack says:

    “Positive discrimination” is on my books the equivalent of “f*cking for virginity”

  16. uhuru says:

    Interesting advert on page 41 of today’s The Times.

    [Daphne – How about you tell us what it is? Most of us read only the internet version.]

    • uhuru says:

      Sorry here goes (from memory as I don’t have the Times with me) – It’s an advert by an EU group against the long term tranportation of farm animals strongly critical of EU Commissioner John Dalli. In the advert J.D. is accused of going back on his word.

      A meeting is due to be held later this month at the Mediterranean Conference Centre.

  17. Mark Thorogood says:

    He also said earlier this week he would “create jobs in Gozo for Gozitans”, which is illegal discrimination. What will he do, open a factory, and advertise “Job vacancies – no Maltese or foreigners need apply” ?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Fine by me, as long as we keep all jobs in Malta for us Maltese. No Gozitans need apply. How’s that?

      • Jozef says:

        ‘ Il-Ministru Debono ppreżentat il-premjijiet lir-rebbieħa kif ukoll ċertifikati lill-impjegati kollha li ġew innominati minn sħabhom wara li nħarġet applikazzjoni aktar kmieni din is-sena. Ġew ippreżentati wkoll tifkiriet lill-ħaddiema li rtiraw mis-servizz matul l-2011 filwaqt li ġiet rikonoxxuta l-ħidma ta’ waħda mill-ħaddiema li ġiet nieqsa fl-istess sena waqt li kienet għadha toffri s-servizzi tagħha fl-istess sptar.

        F’messaġġ għall-okkażjoni il-Ministru għal Għawdex fissret kif l-impenn u d-dedikazzjoni ta’ dawk kollha nvoluti fil-qasam tas-saħħa f’Għawdex huma element li jsaħħaħ l-investiment kontinwu tal-gvern biex dawn is-servizzi jkompli jiżdiedu u jiġu mtejba. Hija faħħret il-kollaborazzjoni ta’ dawn il-ħaddiema waqt il-koordinazzjoni ta’ diversi proġetti fosthom it-twaqqif tad-Dipartiment tar-Radjoloġija.

        Giovanna Debono fissret kif dan kien proġett intensiv li permezz tiegħu ġiet introdotta sistema kompletament ġdida li qed tipprovdi wkoll servizzi ġodda, iżda minkejja l-intensità tal-proġett is-servizzi baqgħu jingħataw kontinwament u ma ntilfet l-ebda siegħa waħda biss. ‘Dan huwa mertu tal-ħaddiema kollha li kkollaboraw ma’ kull min kien involut fil-koordinazzjoni ta’ dan il-proġett li llum huwa ta’ fejda għal dawk kollha li jeħtieġu dawn is-servizzi f’Għawdex’ sostniet il-Ministru għal Għawdex.

        Il-Ministru fissret kif il-programm kontinwu ta’ ristrutturar huwa intenzjonat li jkompli jsaħħaħ l-istruttura fl-isptar għall-benefiċċju tal-pazjenti u qrabathom kif ukoll biex jipprovdi ambjenti aħjar għall-ħaddiema kollha. Ix-xogħlijiet li għaddejjin bħalissa jinkludu ristrutturar intensiv fit-taqsima tal-kirurġija kif ukoll pavimentar u installazzjoni ta’ servizzi ġodda fil-kurriduri filwaqt li hemm ippjanat xogħol ieħor fit-taqsima tal-outpatients flimkien mal-bini ta’ Child Development Centre.Żvilupp ieħor importanti kien ix-xiri ta’ żewġ ambulanzi ġodda li swew investiment ta’ €350,000.

        Paul Buttiġieġ, Manager Nursing Services ta rendikont tal-ħidma relatata mat-taqsima tar-riżorsi umani fl-Isptar Ġenerali ta’ Għawdex li tinkorpora madwar 700 ruħ. Huwa fisser kif matul l-2011 kien għaddej programm ta’ taħriġ kontinwu bil-għan li numru ta’ ħaddiema fi gradi differenti jibqgħu jiġu aġġornati fid-diversi ħiliet marbuta mas-servizzi rispettivi tagħhom. Dan kien jinkludi żewġ korsijiet li għalihom attendew madwar 400 ħaddiem.’

      • Mark Thorogood says:

        And factories and offices abroad say “no Maltese”

  18. Jozef says:

    They finally got the flags right.

  19. Evarist Saliba says:

    It was a woman Minister in a Labour Party government who created a regulation saying that a vacancy created by a man leaving a job for whatever reason could not be filled by a woman.

    Facts speak louder than words.

  20. Joe Micallef says:

    The girls ought to be scared stiff.

    The last time PL took a large category to heart, that is the workers, the best they got was army corps, frozen wages, zero opportunities, suspension of rights and a couple of regular beatings!

  21. Jozef says:

    Why does he have to stick to superlatives?

    The most feminist, l-aqwa fl-Ewropa, l-izghar prim ministru, when will he get real?

    • Lomax says:

      When you think about it, Joseph Muscat is like a milder version of Franco Debono. Anke dak “l-aktar bravu”.

      Our politics is being hijacked by spoilt brats.

  22. Ozzy says:

    More of Muscat’s bullshit pfff

    • Harry Purdie says:

      He’ll soon disappear up his own asshole. Incredibly stupid thinking.

      Reminds me of Romney’s recent gaffes. He’ll soon disappear also.

  23. Jozef says:

    Ok, so now that the congress is in full swing, one would think some details would be finalised. At least tell us where his heart is.

    Yesterday’s session, attended by all unions, regarded work, its conditions, rights and whatnot.

    The GWU, predictably, expressed wariness to the notorious ‘letting business work’, reminding Joseph that laws are to respected, a not so subtle call for further safeguards.

    Joseph’s answer was one hazy statement, ‘fleeting reference’ as described by Maltatoday. He won’t even commit to his own core vote, too difficult perhaps?

    How does he expect to continue up to the eve of an election on this diet of innuendoes? There are serious issues with his decision making skills. It is the one aspect of his character which cannot be overlooked. When he’ll be in power, the logical outcome will be a gradual letting go of any influence and power to those we’re so familiar with.

  24. Spock says:

    Why all the fuss about Ms Pace contestng the general election whilst keeping her regular job at PBS?

    There are a number of medical specialists contesting the general election who work full time with government service, No one so far has insisted on them quitting their job.

    There are new prospective candidates working in hospital who are brazenly using their status to accomodate those who are likely to repay them with a vote. These specialists are also taking part openly in political debates all over the media , using their current status in the government hospitals to help promote themselves and their party.,,,,and doing it on hospital times too!

  25. Danton. says:


    Mario Demarco did not give him any freebie tickets for the show!


    Il-hniena dinja, Dan ir-ragel ta’ erbghejn sena bis-serjeta qed jghid?

  26. AraX'Gabilhom says:

    Dan hu r-rispett lejn il-mara, kif jaf juriegh Joseph Muscat.

  27. Aunt Hetty says:

    All my life I have been waiting for the likes of Joe Muscat and Prof Pirotta to ‘liberate’ me……….
    U tghid mhux hekk?
    Hallina Guz

  28. Melissa M says:

    That article in The Times has no substance whatsoever! Where are the concrete measures that will take place?

    Oh yes… Vella hasn’t finished (started?) writing them.

    “Welcome to Jazz Club. Nice.”

  29. caflanga says:

    Strangely enough, when I read that ‘feminist’ claim, I immediately though ‘effeminate government’.

  30. Johnnyb says:

    Does that mean many Nuxellinas? I like!

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