Now Franco is going to have to crack codes in comments before uploading them

Published: September 19, 2012 at 9:30pm

That topmost student doesn’t seem to realise that many of the comments he’s being sent as paeans of praise are from naughty people who want a bit of a laugh by pressing his pleasure buttons and from Labour elves on a mission.

But I must say that some of them are really bloody clever. Take this one, for instance. At first glance, it seems to be from somebody who would like to have Franco’s babies.

But read the first letter of each line, from top to bottom, and it spells out FRANCO IS NUTS.

That’s not a coincidence.

44 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I’d like to have this wonderful chap on my team. Bravo!

  2. hruq says:

    This is another lovely comment:

    Sep 19, 2012 @ 17:38:55

    franco, ahna nhobbuk

    It is self explanatory. Trid tkun stordut biex thobb lil Franco.

  3. Don Vito says:

    Tajba! haha

  4. josie says:

    Geez Daph that’s quite spooky :(

  5. Qeghdin Sew says:

    Franco must be very pleased with himself for getting that foreword written by Peter Serracino Inglott before he passed away. Or did he?

    • Dee says:

      Peter Serracino Inglott is no longer around to verify that that foreword is indeed his.

      [Daphne – You can always parse it. He had a highly distinctive style.]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        But why did he accept to write it in the first place? The Maltese mejda tal-qubbajd syndrome?

      • Min Weber says:

        More to the point. When was this book published?

        Actually, Fr Peter spent the last months of his life in hospital.

        During those months, the philosopher-priest was inactive.

        Certainly, then, he did not write that introduction in the year 2012.

        Rejecting that hypothesis, we turn to 2011.

        A shrewd man like Fr Peter might have thought of appeasing Debono.

        Nevertheless, I find it hard to digest this second scenario. There’s something fishy.

        Kudos to whoever manages to parse the text and solve the mystery.

      • Edward Clemmer says:

        My opinion regarding the “Note to Postcript” [sic] for Franco Debono’s collection of haiku, Almond Blossoms, is that it is genuinely Fr. Peter Serracino Inglott’s. However, it is equally apparent (to me) that Fr. Peter has pulled a fast one (another case) on Franco Debono.

        In fact, Fr. Peter is being satirical in his contrived analysis. The Terence Portelli “anthology” referenced in the opening line is “Bil-Hajku Nsellimlek: Mill-Gappun ghal Malta u lura” (published on 22 May 2011), a small collection of haiku from many contributors, constructed for the benefit of the Red Cross in aide of Japan. So, the “Note to Postcript” [sic, intentionally misspelled] was penned after that date.

        The concluding reference to the philosopher Sir Michael Dummet, as a logical positivist concerned about the philosophy of language, would have been well-known to Fr. Peter’s concerns about the nature of language [an interest that he and I professionally shared, myself as a psychologist]. Sir Dummet’s works include: The Logical Basis of Metaphysics (1991) and Thought and Reality (2006), and we may appropriately presume that all of these issues are problematic in the writing and thought of Franco Debono. Sir Dummet provided a critique of “realism” and concluded that whether a given thought expressed was “true” or “false” was problematical. Indeed, this is certainly true regarding the expressed thoughts of Franco Debono.

        In his first paragraph, Fr. Peter has written, “many in Malta, especially poet-politicians have deluded themselves….” And in the beginning of his second paragraph, “Franco Debono is one of the rare exceptions.” Yes, so rare in fact, he “contrives to produce what it is tempting to call a mega-Haiku effect.” The verb “contrives” was carefully selected. The final [appropriately pseudo-intellectually stated] sentence of Fr. Peter’s second paragraph concludes, “that, however yields inside [sic] into some timeless metaphysical truth.” The error, “inside” for “insight” was an intentional slip, likely to be overlooked by Debono, as self-absorbed as he might be to miss the detail, “caught in the cyclical repetitiveness of [his] nature.”

        In Fr. Peter’s third paragraph, he returns to Debono’s “idiosyncratic instances of language and mental models” [we might add, clearly disjointed regarding the falsification or verification of reality]. Fr. Peter detects “a subtler enactment of deeper cyclicity as well as of the infinite-looking biographical variant of the universal eros-thanatos battle of the giants at the unconcsious level of human life.” Fr. Peter was not Freudian, but he certainly refers to the life-death instincts battling themselves out within the psyche of the “giant” Debono, albeit at an unconscious level.

        Fr. Peter’s fourth, and penultimate paragraph, is pure satire, especially, “cosmic-mystical communion emerges as the quasi-political ground for holding the Haiku form as a higher literary genre than even the equations used in scientific theories.” Einstein and nuclear physicists beware: Dobono’s haiku takes the “cosmic-mystical” cake, even at its “quasi-political” level.

        The key phrase in Fr. Peter’s concluding paragraph was, “And I am amazed at the conviction with which Dr. Debono provides.” Yes, aren’t we all, except perhaps for the Labour camp in political opposition: no variation from their world views.

        Fr. Peter concludes with his last two words, “sadly misleading.”

        This is how Fr. Peter dealt with our Capon, just as others now are equally taking the mickey out on Debono.

      • Edward Clemmer says:


        I can confirm that (most likely it was in September 2011, as I now recall), when I had visited Fr. Peter at Dar il-Kleru regarding his participation in my own November 2011 book launch.

        Without Fr. Peter’s mentioning then whom he was referring to, he discreetly indicated to me (as a friend and as one who would understand) that at that very moment he had decided upon a solution, which details he then only partially hinted to me, for his dealing with a particularly sensitive request, because it involved a particular (undisclosed to me) public personality.

        Only now, a year later, did it become evident to me whom Fr. Peter then had meant, and how with evident (upon reflection) satire, Fr. Peter brilliantly conducted himself so as to remain in the truth, but according to plan he was too subtle for some (or for the essential one or for the several undiscerning) to perceive the truth of Fr. Peter’s view.

        For the full text of Fr. Peter’s note, we all may refer to his exquisite contribution in its satirical entirety, which eventually did achieve its intended purpose, for those clear-headed and attentive enough to realize it:

        As Franco Debono notes in his blog comments on the post, the note is from “one of the leading minds of Malta”, and so it was, and as it was meant to be read, with a critical wink from Fr. Peter.

      • Min Weber says:

        I agree with most of what Edward Clemmer has written, except where he speculates about voluntary mistakes made by Fr Peter.

        It is common knowledge that owing to problems with his eyesight, Fr Peter rarely typed anything himself and usually limited himself to dictating.

        This must mean that he dictated the whole thing to Debono himself, and it was Debono who wrote “inside” (instead of “insight”) and the other silly things that the piece is replete with.

        Conclusion: Debono’s IQ is much, much lower than we might have guessed.

        Reasons why:

        1. He didn’t even realize that PSI was employing hyperbole, so that the sum-total is the exact opposite of the constitutive elements. (A bit like these codes Baxxter and I have been whiling our time away at, the code hidden in the first letter of each line is usually the exact opposite of the words of the message).

        2. He didn’t understand simple words like “insight” etc. “Postcript” is Debono’s inability to type properly (because he’s in a hurry etc etc).

        Very, very sad.

      • Edward Clemmer says:

        I believe that the dictation would have been to Fr. Peter’s secretary, probably Margaret, rather than to Debono himself. Fr. Peter could not have relied on Debono to reproduce exactly what was intended by Fr. Peter.

        I believe that the “errors” were intentional plants by Fr. Peter, most likely, given what I had understood of his intent. The rest of the note is perfect as it was intended.

        Whether or not Debono was involved in the preparation of the note, as an alternative explanation, would depend upon Debono for one source of confirmation. The “errors” do appear as what one might expect from Debono.

        Margaret Zammit would be the other likely more relevant source for confirmation. I am a weaker source, because although Fr. Peter discussed his intentions with me, I can confirm only some the generalities we discussed.

        It is (highly) probable that the planted “errors” were part of the specific strategy Fr. Peter had discussed with me; but only the generalities of aspects of the stategy are still clear enought for me to remember, for me to recall details of the event.

  6. Ramona says:

    Not to mention the choice of name: Bushido Warrior – based on the samurai moral code that stresses loyalty and honour unto death. Priceless.

    • Min Weber says:

      Frankament nahseb li rridu noqoghdu ftit attenti, il-ghaliex ir-
      raguni (li ma tridx forza) turi li dan il-bniedem, li jahseb li hu
      artist tal-hajku, fil-fatt qieghed jimxu fuq habel migbud u
      nista’ nara car li jekk il-habel noqoghdu nilaghbulu mieghu,
      kollha kemm ahna jigifieri, dan jaf jitlef l-ekwilibriju tieghu –
      oligarkija u mhux oligarkija – ghax hu ekwilibriju delikat.

      M’ghandix l-icken dubju li jekk jitlef l-ekwilibriju, jigri li ftit
      ikun jonqsu biex jghaddi ghall-pass li jmiss. S’issa wera li hu
      gellied, li mhux bil-paroli imma bil-fatti qieghed jissagrifika – u
      nahseb kulhadd jaqbel mieghi – il-karriera professjonali
      u anki dik politika. Nittama li wara das-suwicidji morali ma
      narawx xi suwicidju fiziku. Ikun fuq kuxjenztna. Attenti.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Kieku naf li jista’ jsehh dan, nieqaf nghaddi l-kummenti, ghax
        rajna x’gara f’kazijiet ta’ bullying. Imma ma nahsibx li wasalna
        ezattament f’dan il-punt. Franco Debono jaf x’inhu jaghmel u
        trid tkun veru stupidu biex tahseb li huwa mignun. Ghalhekk
        insostni li mhemm xejn hazin li wiehed juza ftit satira, biss
        naturalment fil-limiti tal-ligi.

        U dan stajt kont jien stess. Imma jien minhiex figura pubblika
        kif inhu Dr Debono allura jkun xi ftit barra minn postu, imma
        onestament hemm bzonn li f’Malta tidhol is-satira, ghax
        li tidhaq b’figuri pubblici huwa sinjal ta’ maturità demokratika,
        ladarba nsejhu lilna nfusna Ewropej.

      • Min Weber says:

        Jaf ghandek ragun, Baxxter, avolja kwazi kwazi wassaltni biex niehu
        ghalija xhin donnok tajtni tal-istupidu ghax urejt xi ftit tal-
        interess fil-konsegwenzi possibbli tal-analizi mhux dejjem
        xjentifika tal-psike tieghu.

        Franco jista’ jkun bniedem labili, psikolabili jigifieri – nahseb kemm
        inti kemm il-qarrejja l-ohrajn jifhmu car x’irrid infisser bil-kelma

        Qajjimt argument verament importanti, Baxxter, u gbidtilna l-
        attenzjoni ghall-fatt li f’demokrazija s-satira hija l-iprem
        mezz ta’ kif trazzan il-qbiz ta’ kull limitu li jkun gej mill-ehrex
        ambizzjoni, li ma taghraf l-ebda sid u ma trid tisma’ minn ebda
        raguni. Jalla jkollox ragun int, u mhux jien.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        X’ghandna naghmlu f’kazijiet bhal dawn, Min Weber?
        Avvanzajna hafna fid-demokrazija, imma mhux bizzejjed.
        Nibqa’ nghid li s-sahha tac-civiltà Ewropea hija proprju s-satira.
        Allura ejja nsiru iktar Ewropej, u nnehhu l-awtocensura stupida.
        Xorta nkunu qed nirrispettaw il-ligi naturali.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Labile hija kelma li tghallimt fil-chemistry, hafna snin ilu.
        Originarjament, gejja mill-Latin “labilis”, li eventwalment tatna l-
        Old French “labile”. Ezempju ta’ chemical li huwa labile huwa n-
        nitric acid. Filwaqt li ezempju ta’ element b’din il-property huwa

      • Min Weber says:

        Satira, satira, satira – kemm hi kelma sabiha, kuncett nobbli,
        uniku fil-wirt kulturali Ewropew: naqbel 100% Baxxter. Is-satira bidlet
        wicc l-Ewropa, ghax tat mezz lill-mahkumin jirrezistu u jieqfu l-
        intransigenza tal-hakkiema u l-periklu ghall-pubbliku meta jfiggu c-
        carlatani. Hija garanzija, kontroll tal-abbuz, l-essenza tad-demokrazija;
        imma li qed nghid jien hu: noqoghdu b’seba’ ghajnejn ghax
        dan ir-ragel ghandu ego delikat – mhux panic disorder ghandu,
        jew ansjeta’ – imma ego dghajjef, b’ekwilibriju delikat, izomm bi spaga
        u jien zgur ma rridx narah jaghmel xi hmerija. Kemm ghalih, kemm ghalina.

      • Min Weber says:

        Labili ghandu wkoll tifsira fil-psikoligija, kemm dik ta’ Freud kemm dik
        analitika, u ta’ skejjel ohrajn, bhal ta’ Lacan, CBT, u l-
        bqija. Tfisser li dak li jkun qajla jkollu kontroll fuq l-emozzjoni u l-
        istinti tieghu, li jiehdu s-sopravvent fuqu u jirriducuh ghal semplici
        lsir tal-aghar parti tieghu, dik il-parti animali, li t-tabib ta’ Vjenna sejhilha
        id u li taf taghmel hsara bla tarf meta l-ego jkun batut.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      I know you guys probably feel more comfotable conversing in Maltese, and I think I got the gist. However, Daphne stipulated years ago that this is an English language blog.

      I’m way oiff base here, since the popularity of the blog has soared, but just thought i’d mention it.

      • Monte bello says:

        Getting the gist in this case isn’t enough. It’s bloody hilarious.

      • kev says:

        Have you ever been sent to Coventry, Purdie?

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Better than the dishes, Kevvy.

      • Min Weber says:

        Harry, my friend, is it my fault if in every territory one finds
        a different language? Is it my fault that there is not one single
        reference language which can peacefully serve as a universal
        relay for the thoughts of all peoples? I can really understand
        your frustration, but what can we do?

        Partly it is explained in the Bible, when Man thought he had
        understood how to beat God and become God and decided to
        rival Him by building a Tower. It so happened that God got angry and
        dispersed humanity around the world creating languages and confusion
        in the process. And thus every nation, every land, every people,
        every community has its own language and you have to adapt or perish.

      • Min Weber says:

        Hurry, since you’re a good chap and all that, I’ve passed the text through Google translate for you:

        On Weber says:
        September 19, 2012 at 10:59 pm

        I think frankly we stand by a little careful, because the the
        reason (not want to force) shows that this man, who thinks that he
        hajku artist, in fact is being run on a rope stretched and
        I can see clearly that if the rope nilaghbulu stand by him,
        all we say, it might lose its equilibrium –
        oligarkija and not oligarkija – because it is a delicate balance.

        Not the slightest doubt that if they lose balance, loss of a few
        would fail to proceed to the next step. So far proved
        fighter, not with facts but with Paroli is being sacrifice – and
        I think everyone agrees with me – the career
        and even that policy. I hope that after das moral suicide
        seeing a physical suicide. Is on kuxjenztna. Tabs.

        H.P. Baxxter says:
        September 19, 2012 at 11:13 pm

        Had I know it can happen that, quit turn comments, because
        we saw what happened in cases of bullying. But do not think that we have reached
        exactly this point. Franco Debono knows what make and
        must be real dumb to believe is crazy. Therefore
        argue that there is nothing wrong to use some satira, only
        course within the limits of the law.

        And so I’ve been myself. But I minhiex public figure
        as Dr Debono then slightly off guard, but
        There honestly need to enter the satira Malta, because
        to laugh public figures is a sign of democratic maturity,
        once call ourselves Europeans.
        On Weber says:
        September 19, 2012 at 11:30 pm

        Knowing you right in, Baxxter, although I take almost almost wassaltni to
        Taking me gave me the istupidu donnok because I explain some of the
        interest in the possible consequences of the analysis is not always
        his scientific psike.

        Franco may be labile man, psikolabili say – I think both
        you how the other readers understand what I want I mean by the word car

        Have raised really important argument, Baxxter, and the gbidtilna
        attention to the fact that democracy is the optimum satira
        a means to curb the crossing of a threshold that is derived from its severest
        ambition, which recognizes no owner and want to hear from any
        reason. May the jkollox right in you, and not me.
        H.P. Baxxter says:
        September 19, 2012 at 11:38 pm

        What should we do in such instances, Min Weber?
        Avvanzajna much in democracy, but not enough.
        I should be saying that the health of European civilization is precisely the satira.
        So let’s become more European, and remove the stupid censorship.
        Still we are respecting the natural law.
        H.P. Baxxter says:
        September 19, 2012 at 11:49 pm

        Labile is a word you learned in chemistry, many years ago.
        Originally, comes from the Latin “labilis”, which eventually gave us the
        Old French “labile”. An example of a chemical that is labile is the
        nitric acid. While an example of by the Property element is
        On Weber says:
        September 20, 2012 at 12:03 am

        Satira, satira, satira – how full of nice words, noble concept,
        unique in cultural heritage: I agree 100% Baxxter. The changed satira
        Europe face, because of the way and stop mastered resist
        intransigence of the rulers and the danger to the public when resurface c-
        carlatani. It guarantees, control abuse, the essence of democracy;
        but I’m saying is: We count seven eyes because
        this man has delicate ego – not panic disorder should,
        or anxiety – but ego weak, delicate equilibrium, retains tie
        and I definitely do not want to see it do some idiocy. Both him, as for us.
        On Weber says:
        September 20, 2012 at 12:08 am

        Labile also has meaning in psikoligija, both of Freud as that
        analytical, and other schools, as for Lacan, CBT, and
        so. Means that it has little control over the emotion and
        his instincts, to take him and the sopravvent jirriducuh for simple
        worst slave of his party, that party animal, the doctor of Vienna called it an
        and the endless harm to know when the ego is weak.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Greatly appreciated, Min Weber. I understand your comment and acknowledge your main point.

        However, I was merely attempting to point out the ground rules of Daphne’s blog,

        I also admit that, after 20 years enjoying this wondrous land, I am terribly amiss at not learning Maltese.

  7. c. camilleri says:

    Also, from the first line of every paragraph – FRANCO I RESPECT NOBODY

    Where’s the U-boat enigma machine????

  8. maryanne says:

    @ Min Weber

    There’s always something fishy where there’s Franco:

    The death of Peter Serracino Inglott, 76, was inadvertently announced during a meeting of the parliamentary committee for the recodification of laws by Nationalist MP Franco Debono.…/Family-calls-for-prayers-for-Serracino-I...

  9. Groucho says:

    I believe this is called an agrostic.

    Actually, I don’t believe it. I know it.

  10. M. Grech says:

    And here is another one. If you read the first letter (in capitals) of each line, from top to bottom, it spells out CAPON!

    Sep 19, 2012 @ 22:44:50

    Carry on with the good work dear Dr Debono
    An astute mind like yours is so hard to find in parliamentarians nowadays.
    Please do not let the witch intimidate you from shouting out the truth.
    Only the likes of the evil clique would find fault with what you stand for now.
    Note that you are in my thoughts and prayers of many.

  11. Bubu says:

    Another one:

    Sep 19, 2012 @ 22:44:50

    Carry on with the good work dear Dr Debono
    An astute mind like yours is so hard to find in parliamentarians nowadays.
    Please do not let the witch intimidate you from shouting out the truth.
    Only the likes of the evil clique would find fault with what you stand for now.
    Note that you are in my thoughts and prayers of many.

  12. Bubu says:

    SUCKERS: read down the LHS

    Sep 20, 2012 @ 12:26:42

    Stardust, il-bully,
    until I realised the depth of Franco’s
    character, I thought he was just a Mr
    know-it-all. Franco’s interest in haiku
    earns him my respect. I have always
    read his blog pre-conditioned, but I now
    see that I was wrong.

  13. Mario says:

    Some epic entries here…HP Baxxter and Min Weber, we want more.

    • Min Weber says:

      If Baxxter agrees, I’m game, Mario.

      Verily, I cannot do it by myself.

      Awkward would be the word springing to you mind if I did.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Looking at the public support, I say we should carry on with this.
        Entertainment is our business.

      • Min Weber says:

        Further to popular request, unequivocally insisting on
        our return to stage to continue with this
        routine of ours, which would really
        seem to have captured our fans’
        imagination, should we oblige

  14. J Abela says:


  15. Carmel Scicluna says:

    HP Baxxter u Min Weber u Harry Purdie jispirawni fil-kitba letterarja satirika tieghi.

    Dan il-blog mhuwa xejn minghajrhom! Napprezza hafna li qed jiktbu bil-Malti ghax qed jaghtu widen ta’ dak il-politku Malti tal-Moviment Gdid li ghandu ismu Taljan, jibghat it-tifel fi skola privata fejn jithaddtu bl-Ingliz u ma jaghrafx id-differenza bejn ilsien nazzjonali u ufficjali.

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