
Published: October 20, 2012 at 4:45pm

Even his choice of media outlet and interviewer, to state his case, demonstrates how totally unfit for purpose John Dalli was/is.

The man is really badly advised, unless he’s doing this under his own steam.

I can’t imagine how he developed that reputation for being bright and/or intelligent. Is it because he’s good with sums? He’s always struck me as being not bright, just sort of cunning.

Nobody bright would make such stupid decisions.

14 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    And such atrocious pronunciation too. Nico t’ghajn.

  2. Osservatore says:

    He can’t even speak proper English and keeps talking as though he still has his old job. Does he not realise he’s been given the boot?

    We all had some expectation or other as to how Dalli would try to put a couple of nails into Gonzi’s coffin. Little did any of us expect (least of all himself) how efficiently he would go about doing this.

  3. David S says:

    Surfing the net about Patrik Hildingsson and Swedish Match, one finds loads of material how aggressive this company has been to reverse the EU ban of snus.

    The company even has a representative office in Brussels just for lobbying purposes.

    This Patrik Hildingsson grabs at anything, even claiming that Swedish Match are up against the pharmaceutical giants, who produce the nicotine patches, and don’t want to lose sales to snus.

    Hildingsson has the nerve to compare snus which IS a tobacco product to nicotine patches which are licensed by the same medical authorities which license medicines.

    Indeed the EC was proposing banning of flavors in tobacco products which would have very adverse effects on snus consumption which is flavoured.

    So instead of repealing the ban on snus, it was going to be more restrictive.

    Yes Mr Dalli, it may well have been a case of entrapment, and you and Silvio fell for it hook, line and sinker. If one’s integrity could not be compromised, then there would not have been any entrapment. Period.

    My oh my, Silvio (lobbyist) Zammit versus Patrik Hildigsson. What a Match.

    A note to Maltese journalists: haven’t they discovered the Google search engine? The story is all there.

    • maryanne says:

      Even if it was entrapment, there are no kudos for Dalli. He wasn’t fit for the job.

      • Ghoxrin Punt says:

        You’re only entrapped if you want to be entrapped.

        Had he a modicum of common sense and decency he should have reported it immediately and not let himself be ‘entrapped’. This is not a naive young person but a seasoned politician. Entrapment, my a**e.

    • Reader says:

      He who plays with fire gets burnt (especially he who plays with MATCHes)

  4. A Montebello says:

    I’m no psychologist but Dalli’s technical replies roll off his tongue like someone who’s learned the spiel by heart.

    But notice how shifty and uncomfortable Dalli BA gets whenever he is questioned. And how he compensates with an overconfident smug expression when he really should be shitting his pants in shame.

  5. qahbu says:

    Note his ‘reaction’ to the €60 million claim: he is caught between trying to act surprised and reacting to the quantum of the claim.

    It is so stiff and rehearsed – shameful.

    When he gave the interview the figure had been around for hours and obviously he was well aware of it.

  6. andi says:

    So true. I was always of the impression that he got away with murder so frequently (metaphorically of course) that he thought himself invincible but isn’t that true for all those who eventually fall from grace from substantial heights?

    So now it’s Tonio Borg who’s replacing him it appears and hopefully Simon Busuttil replacing Tonio Borg. Let’s close the leadership race now and face the election with some some self respect and the prospect of a winning chance.

  7. Ken il malti says:

    I’ll bet he can make a great pastizz.

  8. Anna says:

    I am under the impression that somewhere, most probably on TV, I heard John Dalli admit that he knew about the communication between Silvio Zammit and Swedish match. Could it have been during the interview live via phone during the programme TVHEMM? Did anyone else hear him?


    Daphne,how come there is no mention anywhere in your blog that by coincidence the offices of John Dalli have been broken into and computers have been stolen which obviously had certain HOT information relating to this mystery.Do you think John Dalli will now blame YOU KNOW WHO for this breakin.Amazing how these things happen.

    [Daphne – John Dalli’s offices have NOT been broken into and his computers have NOT been stolen. Where on earth did you get that from? Oh goodness, you’re not getting confused about this, are you? It was the offices of the European Smoke Free Partnership and the European Public Health Alliance that were broken into – absolutely nothing to do with John Dalli or his office. Kemm thawdu, marelli.]

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