John Dalli was already planning to vote Labour

Published: October 20, 2012 at 4:39pm

Last month, the man who shamed Malta (and who was unwisely and irresponsibly given the opportunity to do so), was interviewed by the General Workers Union’s Sunday newspaper, It-Torca.

In that interview, he made it clear that he’s not going to vote for the Nationalist Party. If he were going to do so, he would have said so, and the fact that the question was asked at all is indicative of how Labour sees him.

Instead he made the same sort of fuss about the secrecy of the vote that Marlene Mizzi made when she was asked how she voted in the EU referendum and the subsequent general election. She became almost hysterical when pressed by a journalist, shouting that the vote is secret.

Imagine a politician refusing to say how he or she will vote. It’s just beyond belief. And we can draw perfectly legitimate conclusions from that refusal, of course.

It-Torca: Mid-diskors tiegħek iġġib l-impressjoni li ġejt ostraċizzat mill-partit tiegħek. Kif inhi r-relazzjoni tiegħek mal-PN illum?

EU Commissioner John Dalli: Jien, kif għedtlek, għandi t-twemmin politiku tiegħi. L-aktar partit li matul ħajti indirizza t-twemmin tiegħi kien il-PN.

Illum qed nara l-partit jittrasforma u għandi ħafna mistoqsijiet għax il-PN kif inhu llum ma jikkomparax ma’ dak li nemmen jien. Jien nosserva l-ispektrum politiku kollu u jien, f’Malta, nappoġġja bis-sħiħ lil dawk li jiżirgħu l-għaqda u mhux il-firda.

Jien nemmen ukoll li aħna kollha Maltin; Malta hija tagħna lkoll u lkoll aħna nvoluti biex immexxu din il-gżira li tagħmel il-mirakli. U għalhekk jien osservatur.

Qed nosserva l-kampijiet politiċi u nara min eżattament hu kredibbli u x’tip ta’ politika jħaddan – mhux biss li jippriedka imma li jwettaq. Jien favur l-għaqda u favur id-demokrazija sħiħa li tfisser li kull individwu għandu jħoss li għandu l-istess saħħa daqs ħaddieħor.

Nemmen ukoll li għandna jkollna sistema qawwija ta’ solidarjetà. Sistema ta’ solidarjetà għandna imma fuq l-istat ta’ demokrazija f’pajjiżna bħalissa jien kemxejn inkwetat.

It-Torca: Jekk għada sseħħ elezzjoni ġenerali inti se tivvota lill-PN?

EU Commissioner John Dalli: Il-vot huwa xi ħaġa sagrosanta għall-individwu u ma naħsibx li hija mistoqsija li għandha ssir. Il-vot huwa dejjem ħaġa sigrieta. Min jgħid kif se jivvota jagħmel hu imma mhux se noqgħod inħabbar x’se nagħmel.

22 Comments Comment

  1. roundhead says:

    Min qieghed jghid li se jiffriza l-pagi zgur mhux kredibbli – ekonomikament.

  2. A. Charles says:

    This is the straw which broke the camel’s back.

    May he rot in hell.

  3. Ganna says:

    Dalli qatt ma ghamel xejn ghal xejn.

  4. paddy says:

    Only L-Orizzont failed to report Dalli’s resignation on its front page.

  5. Stanley J A Clews says:

    Incidentally what happened to John Bundy and his programme on ONE on Friday night?

  6. Max says:

    Some years ago Super One would not address him by his name but with his brother’s Bastjan….and now he has become Labour’s hero.

  7. Vanni says:

    That shows that they were really considering forming a new party.

    For some “Not voting PN” did not mean a vote for Labour. They (Dalli, Debono, Mugliett, JPOS, plus some others) were just playing for time, testing various grounds, hinting, and in some instances shouting it out loud and clear.

    The Labour Party would have been very pleased with that eventuality. They were (and still are) giving them air-time to air their views.

    From Labour’s point of view “Not voting PN” still means a vote for Labour.

    Their leader made a big mistake (that of having Silvio Zammit as a friend) and an enormous one (if he was aware of the 60 million euro affair). They are not going to give up. Not at this stage. That is why he is on one of the others show next Monday.

    In a game of chess, the next logical move from JD’s end would be a sacrifice attack on the king’s castling. Something to the tune of “GonziPN were involved in JD’s entrapment”. Even if they have no proof and if they are 100% convinced that it is not true, the surprise element can work.

    So let’s adopt the B-P motto.

  8. Petbus says:

    Did John Dalli say that he was planning to vote Labour?

    [Daphne – No, he refused to say how he would vote. And given that a former Nationalist minister should have no trouble saying he plans to vote PN, we can only conclude that he plans to vote Labour. Or not vote at all. I must say that he’s a great icon for floaters…]

  9. Gahan says:

    It looks like the PL got a shooting star candidate with Cyrus Engerer , a star candidate with Edward Scicluna ,and lost a superstar candidate.

  10. mandango70 says:

    But he also stated (elsewhere I guess) that he was contemplating the possibility of standing in the general elections (on the PN ticket one would assume).

    In that circumstance, one can safely assume he’d vote for himself, thus for PN.

    [Daphne – He did not say that at all. He said that any plans he has he will keep, and I quote verbatim, “in pectore”. He may well have considered standing for election in the Labour Party for all we know.]

  11. Ghalkemm zgur li HADD ma jista jghid kif se jivvota John Dalli, ghax wara kollox jista jhassar il-vot jew ma jmurx jivvota, kieku kellu jivvota ghal PL. ikun ghamel bhal ma ddikjaraw li se jaghmlu eluf ta’ nazzjonalisti genwini ! Dan johrog mis-surveys, kemm tal-Malta Today u kemm ta0 The Times !


    • Daphne: Ma rrispndejtx hux ? Huwa kif tista tirrispondi meta power station GDIDA diga ma tistax tibda tahdem ghax ghandha hsara kbira ! Mela x’se jigrilha meta tkun ilha tahdem xi ftit snin ????

      Dan il-kuragg li ghandek, jew tibza minn Austin Gatt, li kien il-protagonist ta’ din il froga ?

    • ciccio says:

      Sur Privitera, il-power station ghadha ma gietx kummissjonata, u allura ghadha f’idejn il-fornituri. Skond il-kuntratti, hija responsabilita’ taghhom li jikkonsenjawha fi stat perfett ta’ hidma, u ghalhekk jezisti il-perjodu tal-commissioning.

      Kumpaniji importanti madwar id-dinja ikollhom delays kbar biex iwasslu progetti importanti. Kemm l-Airbus A380 u l-Boeing Dreamliner kellhom dewmien kbir biex jitwasslu lill-ewwel klijenti taghhom li kellhom isofru stennija twila. Illum dawk l-ajruplani itiru b’success.

      Hu ftit pacenzja. Forsi wara kollox il-powerstation jispicca jinawguraha il-Prim Ministru Dr. Joseph Muscat.

    • haga mohgaga says:

      Ghalfejn ma ktibt xejn fuq l-kaz ta pedofelija fil-PL Eddy, kaz li kienu ilhom zmien jafu bih !

    • el bandido guapo says:

      Ghaziz Eddie tal Pawer Stejxin.

      Fehmna ftit fejn ezatt jidhol it-tort tal-Gvern li b’incident inaspettat li taht cirkostanzi zvinturati hafna, turbina tal-PS il-gdida (li tikkontribwixxi ghall biss 5% mill “output” u li il-kumplament tal PS tahdem perfettament minghajr) gratila hsara. U, permess tal-kuntratt li ghanda l-Enemalta ma BWSC, tista’ kwasi tghid li il-pajjiz ser jibbenefika.

      Jekk ma jirnexxielekx – ammetti mieghek innifsek li int injorant, mhemmx ghafejn tghidilna ghax kulhadd ga jaf.

  12. David S says:

    Ma xi dwejjaq ta’ bniedem dan Eddy Privitera.

    He dominates The Times print and online editions, and now here as well? Criticize the government, by all means, but be meaningful and try to be witty, not these senseless cucati – or shall I use the word you may understand better? Qisek vavu.

  13. GakkI says:

    Sur Privitera, int mhux dak li kien qazzilna l-bubu jikteb kontra l-EU? Mela anke fil-power stations tifhem?

    Daphne m’ghandiex ghalfejn tahli zmien ma’ zattat bhalek.

  14. elephant says:

    Privitera – Nazzjonalisti “genwini” qatt ma jivvutaw Labour. Kellek bzonn, jahasra tnaqqas ftit il hdura u frustrazzjoni li ghandek.

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