He thinks he’s a well respected man
October 20, 2012 at 12:25am
John Dalli is interviewed here by Saviour Balzan on the TV show Reporter:
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John Dalli is interviewed here by Saviour Balzan on the TV show Reporter:
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He’s certainly right in one thing: he now has an international profile.
Antoine Vella: How about having your views on the new power station extension fiasco ???
Same as Franco Debono, full of self praise.
Guys, if you have to tell us you have it, you haven’t got it.
I never heard Eddie, Gonzi, Guido, Ugo, Censu, Du Puis and all the others brag about their competence.
Another thing, for those Nationalists who admire Dalli, Franco and Jeffrey, if they were any good would the Labour Party be on their side?
This one begs to differ, on Maltastar if you please.
‘Jo Meli- Fri 19-Oct-2012, 07:49
When Benito Mussolini got kicked OUT of Office in July 1943, during a full blown World WAR, the SAME day he when to the Head of State, The King of Italy and RESIGNED ! So much for the brand of Dictator on the person of Benito Mussolini.
When Eddie Fenech Adami tendered his “resignation” to President Ugo Mifsud Bonnici, EFA also handled a letter to the President that the Cabinet cannot do withOUT EFA !
SPOT the Dictator in the above HISTORICAL FACTS…..’
Just to set the record straight, Mussolini was placed under immediate arrest and whisked off from parliament in an ambulance to the nearest caserma by the carabinieri. At no point did he accept to resign. He was then taken to an island prison off the coast of Tuscany.
If Evarist Bartolo thinks no one noticed his sly use of hate speech he’s dumber than I thought. But then Marxism dictates everything to be deconstructed and revised in the name of the cause.
Lovely strain of progressives we have in Malta, allowing fascists with manboobs to pursue their revisionism on the movement’s official website.
Shame. It’s one thing pushing an agenda, but when extremists gain the right to impose themselves onto the mainstream, it’s downright dangerous.
Then there’s this gem by a Carmel Cilia
‘Jien lil Dr. Muscat nghidlu ‘Beware the Ides of March’ In Nazzjonalisti issa forsi indunajt li jaslu ghal kollox biex izommu il-poter. Nispera li thwejji pjan ta emergenza f’kas li il partit jkellu bzonnu. Awguri mill-qalb…..’
Cryptic to say the least. I suppose Joseph had better be wary of the nature of the awguri were he to ignore Mr.Cilia.
I take this to mean one thing, that’s it’s actually plausible to consider Labour on the edge of oblivion enough reason to vote the PN.
What I take it to be is. Should the PN win the next election, LP will contest it with a contingency plan. What plan would Carmel Cilia suggest to Dr Muscat?
Very well said, Tania.
It seems that John Dalli didn’t have time only for Bondi+.
The only profile foreigners will remember is; Crooked Maltese Dago greedy for money and Snus.
Way to go Chewbacca !
Facing criminal proceedings and jail time, and he thinks he is respected. No foreign leader would want to appear in public with him.
He desperately needs Gonzi now. I don’t think that any time soon he will be going on One TV to discredit him. My ..my.. how the tables have turned.
Daphne, I think I read somewhere that there were three Maltese persons involved namely, a commissioner, a businessman and a lawyer. We have the names of two i.e. JB and SZ. If I am correct, what is the name of the third?
The Debono syndrome seems to be transmissible.
Here’s another guy who will never qualify for the Nobel Prize.
He has been reduced to peddling his talents on television.
He also appears so smug about his newly-acquired international profile.
He must be under tons of stress.
That’s for sure.
Mhux pruzuntuz ukoll.
You snus you lose Johnny boy
Ill-timed pro-Gaddafi statement, lobbying for Sargas while EC Commissioner, now Swedish Match – three strikes and you are out.
My mum used to tell us it’s dangerous to play with matches.
When was this? I ask for two reasons.
1. He looks well-fed here: in his latest photos he looks as though he lost a lot of weight.
2. Talking of which, why does he imply that his (moral) weight has increased on after his EU appointment?
“Jien illum bniedem rispettat … Hafna nies illum jgharfu l-kompetenzi tieghi”.
Why all this emphasis on “illum”? Is his argument premised on the idea that he has suddenly gain moral weight because of his EU appointment. If this is true, Gonzi has a real lot to answer to.
What strikes me is that Dalli, and many others like him, talk about “jien, tieghi, fuqi, mieghi” – always the first person singular.
Real leaders talk about “ahna, taghna, fuqna, maghna” – they involve the entire party in their vision.
When was this? I ask for two reasons:
1. he looks well-fed here: in his latest photos he looks as though he lost a lot of weight;
2. talking of which, why does he imply that his (moral) weight has increased after his EU appointment? “Jien illum bniedem rispettat … Hafna nies illum jgharfu l-kompetenzi tieghi” – why all this emphasis on “illum”? Is his argument premised on the idea that he has suddenly gain moral weight because of his EU appointment. If this is true, Gonzi has a real lot to answer for.
What strikes me is that Dalli, and many others like him, talk about “jien, tieghi, fuqi, mieghi” – always the first person singular.
Real leaders talk about “ahna, taghna, fuqna, maghna” – they involve the entire party in their vision.
JPO, Mugliett, Franco, Dalli all have it in common – it’s all about them.
John Dalli is definitely much more respected than you can ever dream to be
[Daphne – The respect of Laburisti such as yourself is unwelcome to me. I want only the respect of those I respect myself. As for the rest, I couldn’t give a damn. Not having the respect of Eddy Privitera is not going to keep me away at night with acute anxiety.]
The respect of someone you don’t respect is never sought after.
Similarily, it is now something positive (in my eyes) to be criticised by Franco Debono, anyone he is jealous of gets added points.
You mean ” awake”, right ? I am referring also to genuine nationalists who admit that you have harmed the PN in the past just as you are harming GonziPN today – which is a different party to the one they associate themselves with.
Jozef: Just a few more weeks, or months and we will see who will end up into oblivion ! You have already sent into oblivion your surname !