Published: November 20, 2012 at 9:20pm

Just look at them – Leo Brincat (Herr Flick) and Karmenu Vella (Il-Guy), singing Labour’s praises on Xandir Malta in another age.

And within a few months, both are going to be ministers of the Maltese government YET AGAIN.

The first time they were ministers, I was still at school.

And people call this voting for change.


16 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    What’s this? A skit of The Accountant and the Rent-Boy?

  2. Harry Purdie says:

    Here we have Herr Flickosaurus and Il.Guyosaurus, a stellar team that is renewed as Bullshitosaurus. I cringe and sigh.

  3. AE says:

    A little bit off subject. Just watching Bondi +. The clips portraying Labour’s campaign are all about what Labour is going to do.

    This is all drivel to those who can see through it but many will not and will believe all the fluff.

    The Nationalist stuff was all about why one should not vote Labour. So effectively all the clips were about Labour with the Nationalist Party nonexistent.

    Thank God for Mario de Marco speaking about the achievements of this government. I really think that the PN campaign should focus more on the positives rather than just on Labour’s negatives.

  4. Hohoho says:

    What year was that? Roughly 1981? The time when colour televisions were banned in Malta, and yet, Nationalist relatives of Leo Brincat managed to “jiddubbaw” a colour television, thanks to their Labour connection?

    • David J Camilleri says:

      It must have been mid-1986 or maybe April 1987, but surely before the 1987 election held in May. Here Il-Guy concludes with:

      “Nikkonkludu nghid illi l-ghazla ghal votant li gej hija ghazla hafifa, il-poplu Malti irid jibqa miexi taht dan il-gvern, taht it-tmexxija ta’ KMB, ghall-aktar paci, aktar progress ghall-futur ahjar mal-Labour.”

      Anyway, as we all know, the people chose otherwise and rightly so, elected the PN with a majority of votes for the second consecutive election.

      I would add that they showed Il-Guy and KMB ‘the middle finger’, especially with regards to their version of peace, progress and a better future.

      Also one must note and remember that 1971-76 they called themselves Labour, 1976-81 they called themselves Socialist whilst in 1981-87 they started as Socialist but ended up trying to use the word Labour again, even though they were in fact governing in a harsh communist style.

    • Aunt Hetty says:

      Maybe they paid some labour minister’s secretary fifty Malta pounds ‘minn taht’ for the privilege and they kept a spare black and white one behind the sofa just in case of a surprise midnight raid by the then SMU.

  5. Reporter says:

    Portughes was afraid.

  6. nutmeg says:

    Change partied so hard with the Nationalists’ that she stood up her Labour date.

  7. Matt says:

    I tremble when I hear them talk. They will ruin this island in a few months. They will take the country back to the freighting days.

    Wake up people!

  8. Wilson says:

    Il-Guy and Herr Flick –

    I ask myself, how in hell do they have the cheek to still present themselves in public?

    Change? What change?

    What positive change could they possibly bring about?

  9. Paul Borg says:

    Shivers down my spine.

  10. TROY says:

    Vote for Labour and get a free ride on the time-machine, back to the past.

  11. sos says:

    Of course it will be a change. A change from the present capable administration.

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