Labour and PN: two completely different animals

Published: November 18, 2012 at 9:19pm

Watching The Sunday Times video interviews with Tonio Fenech and Simon Busuttil (see links below) I couldn’t help but think how the difference between the two parties is encapsulated in the difference between Tonio Fenech/Simon Busuttil and Labour’s deputy leaders Anglu Farrugia/Toni Abela.

Can you even begin to imagine the Nationalist Party with Anglu Farrugia or Toni Abela as a deputy leader, still less both of them together?

It’s impossible.

Just as you can’t even begin to compare Anglu Farrugia/Toni Abela to Tonio Fenech/Simon Busuttil. Lanqas biss jibdew. It’s like comparing two completely different animals, rather than two animals of the same species.

Watch these videos, then watch Fenech and Busuttil in the links below.

20 Comments Comment

  1. Min Weber says:

    What’s wrong with Glen Bedingfield? Why does he read like that?

    What’s wrong with Anglu Farrugia? Why does he talk like that? (And I am not referring only to his pronoucing the “zz” (“ds”) as “z” as “zarbun” in “organizza” …)

    Carmen mhix legali. Illegali, miskina.

    When Anglu’s mother spoke, she reminded me of Franco. “Kemm bata miskin … ”

    Are the character references for real?

  2. Min Weber says:

    Complete idiots, Muscat Terribbli, Pawlu Ellul and of course the One and Only Gadget.

    If they were recording that blessed programme, why didn’t they just stop, rewind, and re-record?


  3. nutmeg says:

    A pair of them and they’re not worth even half of either one of their contending counterparts.

  4. Min Weber says:

    I am utterly disgusted by Abela’s tomfooleries with those rubber puppets.

    He is a disgrace to his profession and to the political class.

    There are no words to describe this base pseudo-buffoon.

    He started looking at the puppet’s cleavage to avoid the question on Alternattiva Demokratika. What a clown, really. Not even a zany. Just a clown. Pathetic.

    PS You forgot that video in which he sticks his tongue out, Fantozzi-like, at a pregnant Lydia Abela. Utterly crass.

    “Awtobijografi ta’ nies kbar”. Thick.

  5. ACD says:

    Busuttil and Fenech are both missing Toni Abela’s innovative spirit! Neither of them ever suggested anything quite like Abela’s Labour Supermarkets.

  6. Harry Purdie says:

    Yes, their is no comparison between the Labour buffoons and the Nationalist thinkers.

    However, one must not forget that one half of the population admire buffoons.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Check that, got my ‘theirs’ mixed up again.

      Correction, ‘there is’.

    • Snoopy says:

      And another 10% are chronic whiners just interested in the little patch in the their back garden.

    • Hi Purdie ! ” Buffoon” like the one we saw on Xarabank boasting of a big Brazilian company ” which has relocated its Headquarters from Brazil and brought it to Malta “, which turned out to have had 4 employees working for a few months. And was putting down its shutters as Gonzi was speaking on Xarabank ! How’s that for buffoonery ?!

  7. Vanni says:

    Mur arah ghaddej mill-passatur ta’ l-MEPs bhal Tonio Borg.

  8. marks says:

    As Edwin Vassallo once said on air:
    PN: imbarazzo della scelta
    PL: scelta dell ‘imbarazzo”

  9. Taks Fors says:

    Wiehed jipproduci zwiemel, bhal George Borg Olivier, Eddie Fenech Adami u Lawrence Gonzi, u l-iehor jipproduci…ara ahjar ma nkomplix.

    Imma meta jtellghu kap, wiehed itella ziemel u l-iehor itella, x’hiex? Bhal Mintoff, KMB, Sant u issa dal-ginger faqmi.

    • Mur gibkhom ikollkhom xi darba prim ministru KAPACI – bid-difetti tieghu b’kollox – bhal ma kien Mintoff. U kif jidher car li se jkun dan il-“ginger” li diga mieghek politikamemt lil Gonzi f’kull elezzjoni u r-referendum mill – 2008 l-hawn !

  10. T Spiteri says:

    Labour’s Karmenu ‘Nostradamus’ Vella speaking about ‘Mirakli tal-bidla’ back in the 1970s.

  11. Aaron Balzan says:

    What a lot of big bullshit comes from you mind. well can’t exsept better from a witch. what do you have to refer to people like animals. or because in your mind you thing that you are the worst of the animal kingdom. Have a life because now I’m really ashamed of being Maltese with people like you

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