Mario Gerada: diga sar mittilkless. He didn’t hang about waiting for Joseph to become PM.

Published: November 16, 2012 at 2:42pm

Mario’s car (and dog)

Mario’s first cousin

Mario’s year of birth

Mario’s holiday on Vegas. His clothes and girlfriend are not very mittilkless but what can you do. Needs some work there.

Mario’s chums

25 Comments Comment

  1. mattie says:

    The dog is more well-kept than he is.

  2. Angus Black says:

    Looking at those pictures ruined my day.

    Xi dwejjaq ta’ nies.

  3. mattie says:

    And he’s probably blaming Facebook for his privacy issues.

  4. In Awe says:

    Disgusting and infuriating.

    He must be so proud.

    • Grosvenor says:

      These people will always exist, cause no matter how advanced a society is, there are going to be parasites. It’s bad upbringing.

      And even if you give them a job, the definite probability is, they won’t go and work.

  5. ABZ 069 says:


    Forsi ma aħniex ta’ l-istess fehma u kultant irrabjajt nara dak li tikteb, imma fl-aħħar jiem, ġimgħat irnexxielek tiġbed kunsens minn xi ħadd li f’għomri dejjem kont Laburist.

    Ejja ngħidu jien m’inix xi fan kbir ta’ Joseph Muscat u l-policies li daħħal il-partit. Imma li nara li din il-persuna jingħata 280 elf mit-taxxi ta’ kull wieħed u waħda minnha, minn mħallef, u tarah jippoża u b’karozza bħal dik? U jien immur nitbagħat kuljum forsi nlaqqat xi ħaġa??

    Meta fit-2008 u proprju issa Lawrence Gonzi lili tani opportunita sabiex nibdel ħajti għall-aħjar u reġa tani oħra biex nkompli nibni fuq dak li bnejt tul dal-ħames snin.

    Ma nistax ngħid x’inhu xogħli. Imma kburi li naħdem taħt dan il-Prim Ministru, u ta’ eks laburist li nemmen fix-xogħol se naħdem bis-sħieħ sabiex Lawrence Gonzi jerġa għal darb oħra jkun Prim Ministru.

    U Joseph Muscat, bħal Franco Debono jiġi relegat fl-abissi tal-istorja, bħala l-would be prime minister li minn sena qabel ma kellu jkun maħtur diġa beda jimxi bil-favoritiżmi! Grazzi!

  6. Aunt Hetty says:

    Jigifieri meta jitla’ Joe Muscat, jien ha insir mittilklass bhal dal l’ohxon u jkolli paqqa sabiha daqs tieghu?

    • TinaB says:

      Mhux hekk biss – jekk inkunu inridu xi “bup jop” ha jibda joffrihomna gratis Joey wkoll.

      Tinsiex dan ha jkun l-aktar partit femminista li qatt kellna fil-gvern.

      Smajt li aktarx ha jibda jaghtina anke kupun fix-xahar biex nibdew immorru naghmlu dufrejna twal imzejna b’kull disinn u kuluriti.

      Igri isir Prim Ministru. Kemm ha ngawdu u nkunu tal-lajf.

    • Jozef says:

      Basta ma’ tordnahiex hamra.

  7. Mark v says:

    Michelle should seek some advice regarding her attire. It’s not appropriate for the wife of the Opposition leader.

  8. sos says:

    Privitera rega tfacca

    • Grosvenor says:

      People like him and the guy above pine for the 1980’s as some halcyon time when everything was perfect but they have little historical understanding of the 1980’s.

      Someone said: “The past… even the grimy parts of it… keep on getting brighter for these people”.

      Can’t agree more.

  9. Mikiel says:

    Jien qed naspira nsier ‘mittelkless’, ha jkolli paqqa bhal dik, ghax s’issa ghadni lowklas hi.

    La dwiefer tal-gel, la karozza u lanqas hairstyle bhal ta’ Michelle ma dobbajt minghand tal-PN. U ma tafx kif, forsi niddobba par Wellinktin bwiez tal-Gucci bhal taghha, halli mmur nivvota bihom.

    Tghidx kemm ha nidru faqa hi, ahna il-femministi progressivi.

    • mattie says:

      Jahasra, if only they knew how all the money they spend only makes them look even more working-class, and certainly not middle class.

  10. Aunt Hetty says:

    Dak il-pooch ghandu ”style” u ” panache” aktar min sidu.

  11. Grosvenor says:

    People that make claims about ‘dal-Gvern kif qeridna’, are lazy, refuse to work, are greedy, ignorant and are a cancer upon society.

    And of course the vast majority of the people that say these things were either born with a silver spoon or they have lived their whole life being funded by the government, or both.

    Bottom line, people that blame the Gov. for the problems today are sociopaths. The problem is that a very large portion of the population are sociopaths.

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