Mario Gerada wants you to vote Labour to change our cuntry. Oh, and he’s a member of the Labour Party’s executive committee, too.

Published: November 16, 2012 at 2:30am

Michelle Muscat: “I asked the Krismisfader for Christian Grey and a helicopter, and all he sent me was the lousy tie.” On the far right: Mario Gerada.

Who would have thought that the shadow foreign minister would have a subliterate first cousin, albeit one who is now, thanks to that Laburist ahdar Silvio Meli, a judge with the mind of an unschooled housewife in the queue at the corner-shop, probably better off than he is?

Here’s Gerada on Facebook:


Times were difficult in the past to express my political feelings.
Sometimes I shamed to say that I am from Zejtun due to political stigma.
Over the past 25 years I received great injustices because of my political beliefs.
Since Joseph Muscat became the Leader of Labour Party, I seen Labour Party evolving into the National Party I always aspired for.
As member of Labour Party National Executive Committee I can be your voice………
Please do not hesitate to contact me. Feel safe and pride to say that you form part of the movement that shall be changing Malta and Gozo into a better place for us and our children’s children.

Vote for change. And to the cuntry, what’s more. Like hell I will. Biex nispiccaw b’xi proxxmu bhal dan, cjerrrrrrmennnn ta’ Enemalta.

58 Comments Comment

  1. WhiteSummer says:

    These things scare me to no end.

  2. edgar says:

    He wants to change our cuntry. And who better to do that than a stupid cunt.

  3. Gahan says:

    M’ghandniex xi nghidu , dan sar ners fi zmien il-Lejber fejn jekk kont Laburist injurant kont xorta tilhaq fejn trid.
    Ghaddew erbghin sena u ghadu ma jafx jikteb sentenza sewwa bl-Ingliz.

    Nies bhalu ihobbu jindhesu f’organizzazzjonijiet biex jikkumpensaw ghal-injuranza taghhom. Ma’ niskantax li x’imkien jinstab li kien membru fil-kumitat ta’ xi kazin,jew kunsill lokali jew ta’ l-inqas ipprova jsir.

  4. Friday says:

    All this luxury holidaying and cruising without even working? He’s doing very well under GonziPN it seems. Why would he want a change?

    Maybe he thinks he will do even better when his cousin is in the cabinet of ministers.

  5. A. Charles says:

    I would never have thought that Gerada was a Zejtuni; we have a better quality type of people in that beautiful town called Zejtun.

  6. WhoamI? says:

    Cuntry though. Could it be the opposite of Gallantry perhaps?

    Xi hmieg ta’ nies. “Ikkontattjani ghax jien qieghed fl-ezekuttiv u nista nkun il-vuci tieghek. Nirrangalek xi haga zgur. Ejja ha noholqu pajjiz gdid ghalina, ghal uliedna u ghal ulied uliedna.”

    Kemm tmejjlu b’Eddie meta qalha din, issa qed juzawha huma, imma f’stil verament differenti. Xi hmieg, jaqq.

  7. PG says:

    Maybe not chairman, but would make a fitting replacement to the present president of the nurse’s union.

  8. sos says:

    I liked the “cuntry” bit: I hope his hopes of changing the “cuntry” includes better education for people like him.

  9. Paul says:

    “Times were difficult in the past to express my political feelings.”

    Say what? Never knew Laburisti had problems expressing their political feelings in Zejtun. I always thought the Nationalists had that problem, and got beaten, terrorised and bloodied in the process.

    History re-written once again. Shame.

  10. Rover says:

    Has anybody asked him if he had anything to do with Tal-Barrani fracas?

  11. A. Charles says:

    Mary Spiteri and Renato sing cuntry music in “Gensna”.

  12. Natalie says:

    I love the caption under the photo.

    Miskin, he suffered great injustices because he’s a Laburist from Zejtun, he’s the right age and has the necessary contacts to make it probable that he was involved in Zejtun klikka.

    However, remember, feel safe and ‘pride’.

  13. mattie says:

    M’ghandux x’jaghmel Joseph Muscat, jahli l-hin jiehu r-ritratti.

    Ahjar immur jahseb ftit u jara x’ser jaghmel u mhux jippoza biss. Fl-ebda pajjiz ma tara dawn il-hmerijiet hlief fl-Italja meta Berlusconi kien fil-poter u ara kif spiccaw.

  14. Roy says:

    Is Franco Debono his ghostwriter?

  15. TROY says:

    Miskin Mario, kemm bata ghax Zejtuni. Pero issa ghajnejh infethu, xtara karozza ‘expensive’, mar cruise u akwista xeba flus.

    Vera bidla li qeda isseh f’isem il-Labour. Sar mittilkless, imma ma tantx stenna sakemm tela’ Joseph.

    Ifthu ghajnejkom u gawdu minn din il-bidla fenominali – vote MLP u gawdi.

    Tinsiex li min hexa, mexa.

  16. Hip Hip says:

    Mr.Gerada, you want people to vote for the Labour Party. OK that’s fine, but first I urge the public to watch Kurt Farrugia on Bondi + of yesterday.

  17. D Gatt says:

    This is just in:

    Woman awarded €799,168 for gender discrimination. You wouldn’t guess who the judge is.

  18. Steve Forster says:

    I think he actually spelled country correct in this instance. The place seems to be full of stupid c**ts at present.

    Shame some members of the judiciary can not join “I’m a celebrity” and piss off for a while.

  19. Seqer says:

    Gerada jmissu jiehu l-parir tal-Great Leader. Hu dejjem jishaq li l-partit tieghu ghandu prijoritajiet differenti kif jonfoq flus il-poplu.

    Allura Gerada ghandu jrodd lura l-kemxa flus tajba li ha jkun iddobba mill-kaxxa ta’ Malta, biex il-Gvern ikun jista’ jaghtihom lil min verament ghandu bzonn u biex irahhas il-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma.

    X’jambihom wisq ma tantx jidher li ghandu, ghax il-lifestyle tieghu tidher kemm hi batuta.

    U fi ftit xhur ohra tkun ahjar ghal Gerada, ajma zaqqi cermen gerada. Imbad tkun tixraqlu l-SLK.

    Kompli nfurmana, Daphne.

  20. percita says:

    Silvio Meli sar generuz wisq b’flus haddiehor.

    Prosit tassew.

    • Aunt Hetty says:

      Silvio Meli thinks that awarding damages with other people’s money is like awarding penalties in a waterpolo game.

  21. tinnat says:

    That must be one of the best malapropisms ever uttered by a Laburist ahdar.

  22. fran says:

    F**kng hell. The more I hear and read about these people the more I wonder how they even get one vote from anybody.

    Does he have a cuntry house in Cunt (Kent) too?

    God help us all.

  23. mandango70 says:

    Silvio Meli did it again it seems.

    Are you sure you’re not shooting at the wrong guy?

    [Daphne – Sorry, but I fail to catch your drift.]

  24. Steve Forster says:

    I also see that our favourite Hon is dishing out more euro millions to the detriment of the government.

  25. Jozef says:

    Don’t tell me he’s writing Joseph’s speeches.

    ‘Since Joseph Muscat became the Leader of Labour Party, I seen Labour Party evolving into the National Party I always aspired for….’

    This thing about suffering for the past twenty five years seems common thinking among insiders, to what degree Joseph’s influenced remains to be seen.

  26. Jaqaw ma ghandekx biex tixtri xi Mercedes bhal tieghu, jew? Kemm int ghajjura.

  27. Manuel says:

    It’s back to the old times again. This is a foreshadow of what Labour in government will be: hbieb tal-hbieb. Hafi miskin it-tifel.

    Kemm bata taht il-PN. Miskin. Unemployed, cruising around the world and with a convertable in the garaxx. Veru bata r-ragel.

    And Silvio Meli is again in the news today. He seems to be highlighting the ‘ingustizzji’ that are committed daily under this Government. Pity he was not around as a judge under Mintoff and KMB.

  28. Ed says:

    If a kingdom is headed by a king, a cuntry must be headed by a …..

  29. ciccio says:

    A cuntry: a place run by a government of c**ts. That’s where we’re going.

  30. Toninu says:

    Looks to me like a warning. We will end up living in a cuntry if Labour is in government.

  31. el bandido guapo says:

    “…I received great injustices because of my political beliefs.”

    In my opinion what this almost always really means, in general, not necessarily in direct reference to this individual.

    It means “…because of my connections, I act like an utter jerk and abuse of my position in my workplace, am very difficult to work with because ‘Il gvern mhux taghna’, being highly obstructive at every available opportunity, but conversely expect to be privileged for all my efforts”

    The only problem with these people is not that they very occasionally get kicked out, but that there are oh so many of them and only a miniscule percentage ever get their just desserts. It is so frustrating that in the civil service so many untouchables exist.

    • Carlos Bonavia says:

      …I received great injustices because of my political beliefs.”

      It means that if he hadn’t received so many injustices, he’d be able to afford to buy a jet and not just a measly SLK

  32. Lilla says:

    “Sometimes I shamed to say that I am from Zejtun due to political stigma.”

    I am sometimes ashamed to say I am from Zejtun because of people like you, Gerada.

    Crass, ignorant, stupid, incompetent loudmouths like you.

  33. Dr Francis Saliba says:

    Is Gerada trying to persuade people to vote Labour or is he trying to persuade us that he and his are illiterate and unfit to lead?

  34. Jozef says:

    How is one discriminated if the job is inherited in the first place? Looks like the intention here is to uphold the caste system.

  35. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Labour’s new blockbuster: “Top cuntry for old men.”

  36. A Montebello says:

    And for those defending Gerada Marju…. in all honestly, would you trust this man to take care of your ageing mother?

    Does he strike you as an honest, gentle compassionate individual with the patience to be a nurse?

  37. Ian says:

    Kemm hawn nies injoranti jahasra.

  38. Joe says:

    Is this the kind of citizen who will be the new middle class which Joseph wants to create?

    If yes, I can understand voting Labour.

    If Mario won the lottery or inherited a large amount of money, good luck to him. If, on the other hand, he did not, I hope that there will be the necessary investigations.

    Last year I did a few odd jobs and I paid 35 percent tax on a profit of about 400 euros.

  39. Mister says:

    Mr Justice Silvio Meli is on a roll here.

    Did the judiciary get their raise or not? I lost track of that issue.

  40. Bubu says:

    I do suspect “cuntry” is not altogether the wrong word in this case.

    Judge Silvio Meli has cost the national coffers one million euros in two days. Nice. There’s Vaderkrismis for you.

  41. Reporter says:

    “better place for us and our children’s children”

    Do you follow his logic?

    • mattie says:

      Ijja, ninqdew bit-tfal to get sympathy and to make a point.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Why does he skip a generation? Perhaps because our children are all bastard offspring of British sailors, as Labour lore would have it?

    • Manuel says:

      No you can’t because what they say, wherever they say it and in whatever manner they say it, it’s illogical. Just listen to their Grande Capo and you will understand what I mean.

  42. Erasmus says:

    Ask not what you can do for your cuntry, but what your cuntry can do for you.

  43. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Cuntry style doughnuts

    Time to rebrand, Harry. Sex sells.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Thought about that, Baxxter, but master franchise doesn’t allow. However, I am considering changing their shape.

      • ciccio says:

        Harry, make sure you keep the hole in the middle. Baxxter is right, sex sells.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Sex sells like hot cakes. Or hot doughnuts. Sexualise your doughnuts and you’ll set up a positive feedback loop which will make you master of the universe. Is this marketing genius or what?

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Excellent marketing thinking, Baxxter. I can easily remake my donuts into objects of desire, not to eat, but to admire.

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