Thanks for the laugh, chaps: you prove that satire is best done by insiders, which is why the total chavs at Zoo/Super One just can’t get it right

Published: November 16, 2012 at 2:56pm

11 Comments Comment

  1. spa says:

    Matthew James Smith is so hot.

  2. observer says:

    Frankly, I can’t manage to make either tails or heads of the thing. Looks like ‘mittelklassi’ to me. One thing that struck out like a sore thumb, however, is the characters’ drinking wine – and white at that – out of blue coloured chalices.

    [Daphne – Why ‘blue-coloured’? It’s sufficient to say they’re blue. I had absolutely no problem making head of tail of this, because it’s not an alien culture to me as it might be to you.

    Definitely not mittelklass. Mittilkless is what Zoo spoofs on Super One, thinking it’s these kind of people.]

    • Ian says:

      Observer, this video makes fun of how a small part of the population speak – and it’s by those people themselves.

      That’s why it’s so funny.

      The literal translations, the ‘likes’, the exaggerated ‘ayys’ and the occasional Maltese word thrown in.

      Obviously, not all private-school educated people speak like this, but there are those who do and it’s fun to point it out in this satirical manner. The people at Zoo can’t do this because, well, they can’t.

      They’re not in on it.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        The people at Zoo look like survivors from the Razor Blade Apocalypse. I mean I know the “designer stubble” look is in, but really.

  3. Karmela says:

    Funny -It takes me back to my young and 6th form days where we could relax and be ourselves. Until I learnt that in the real world you’ll be labelled as kiesha, first at university and then in the workplace.

    And Glic and ‘pv’ so very-me-type contortions. PV is past my age but Can’t wait to practise ‘glic’ on hubby and lunches with bfs – ‘need to stock up on glic for the boat ‘and ‘ pass the glic please .’ Love it! Brilliant satire!

  4. Harry Purdie says:

    Credible sources have informed me that Alfred Sant has hired Paula Broadwell to write his biography.

  5. Joseph Caruana says:

    On the other hand, Zoo/Super One are good at portraying their own kind of people:

  6. David S says:

    Matthew Smith is hilarious

  7. L.Gatt says:

    What’s glic?

    [Daphne – Glicine (white wine made by the Sicilian producer Corvo).]

  8. Peter F says:

    The irony. PLU laugh at this. Zoo want to be this.

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