The ghost writer is back
Does Franco Debono know what ‘hefty’ means?
Would he use an expression like ‘it is in Labour’s supreme interest’?
Does this look like a sentence he might have written?
And come next election Labour know that Simon Busuttil could give them a hard time with the floaters who have left the PN, because he could get some back, whilst Tonio Fenech would be Labour’s trump card, with Austin Gatt behind him.
There’s nothing wrong with having a ghost writer, or a speech writer or the equivalent. Practically all politicians have their stuff written by others.
The most important thing is that the sentiments expressed are yours.
But the last time I said that he isn’t writing some of his posts, he became hysterical. There’s nothing wrong with it, Franco, honestly. But don’t be defensive about it and please don’t claim nobody else is writing them when they so obviously are.
If this post is really yours, then your ghost writer must be the one who’s cobbling together barely coherent paragraphs in pidgin. So why do you use him/her?
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Eddy, Eddie (our country’s outstanding politician I mean) said he respects Tonio’s decision even though he would not sign such a commitment.
Is there something wrong with that?
You seem happy to see differing opinions within the PN, as having such a low IQ level you think that the PL can gain from that.
Please note, that diversity within the PN was the reason why you are so eagerly waiting for the next election after 25 years of waiting.
Sur Privitera, ghax ma taghmilx kikra camomilla, tpoggi bilqeghda fuq sufan u waqt li tghatti saqajk b’kutra, tiftah u taqra erba’ pagni minn xi ktieb. Jekk issaqsi lil Michelle, tkun tista’ sselfek ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’.
B’hekk tkun qed tiehu break inti, taghti break lili u nissuspetta, lil numru kbir ta’ nies ohra.
Ghamlina pjacir ,iddahhalx imnierek fejn mhux suppost sur Privitera.
Kemm nixtieq li tmurlu l-KeyCaps minn fuq il-keyboard. Jaf li dik paztazata?
Imma minn persuna bhalu x’tistenna?
I had a browse through onliine Torca and this hooked me:'Features'&ID2=43325
It seems that Michelle Lia has a ghost-writer working for her. It’s called The Daily Mail.
Half of the article is plagiarised.
You can vote a man to parliament but you can’t make him think.
That’s why you need to think before you vote!
Nevertheless, Franco might be immature and nerdy, and his language skills might not be those of a Walt Whitman, but he is right in the issues he’s been harping on.
[Daphne – Who the hell cares and how is that relevant? Everybody is right on some issues, unless they are locked up in a mental institution. Hitler was right on some issues, and no doubt Chairman Mao was too. Mussolini made the trains run on time (apparently), and Mintoff was a good rider. So frigging what. We’re not talking communication style here. We talking deep-rooted personality problems which won’t go away.]
Unless the PN rids itself of Gonzi, Austin, and half a dozen more useless personalities, sort out transport, energy, roads, flooding, fireworks savagery, the single-mum loafers situations (‘loafers’ not those who have widowed or been through tragedy), illegal immigration they will have to kiss government good-bye.
[Daphne – A tall order. I hope the order you lay at Joseph Muscat’s door is even taller. Some people speak as though the Nationalist Party operates in a political vacuum. “I won’t vote PN because I don’t like X, Y, Z, even if it means I’ll get Labour and X, Y, Z multiplied exponentially.]
Under Labour ‘fireworks savagery’ will remain, if not, it will get worse.
Illegal immigration will stay the same. Labour has always remained silent in sensitive immigration issues.
‘single-mum loafers’, they are normally Labour voters, it will only get worse under a Labour government.
Most of the road we have problems with flooding were built by a Labour administration. Flooding is not only a Maltese problem, it happened in Italy, Germany, UK, Philippines and the Senegal this summer.
a) Don’t give us that amateur psychology nonsense!
b) That is absurd. What political vacuum are you talking about? I mentioned very concrete and pressing issues. PN had more than 25 years to sort them out but they failed miserably. The PN is in a worse state that Mintoff’s 80’s bunch was in. Being more subtle does not mean that you’re better.
I don’t care whether office is held by Beelzebub or St Peter, I would just want someone who’s able to move Malta forward not just blab. I don’t think MLP will do better than PN, and that’s why Malta’s in dire straits
I pity Malta’s present, and even more so – its future. It’s finished! Enjoy your concrete jungle eco-island !
[Daphne – People like you bore me.]
Paul Bonnici: I note that you did not write that under labour CORRUPTON will get worse ! Or that SQUANDERING of many millions of euros on unneeded projects will get worse. Or WAITING LISTS will get longer ETC::ETC::
The typical supporter the PL has at present:
Let’s get rid of Gonzi , no matter what.
If there’s a traffic jam , get rid of Gonzi and problem solved.
If oil prices rise ,it’s Gonzi’s fault . Get rid of him and bring Joseph in shining armour who will subsidise gas, electricity and fuel so that the rich will buy cheaper fuel for their expensive cars and boats and heat their pools and villas while the new middle class will be left to bleed in new taxes.
If a contractor hits a power line , get rid of Gonzi and Joseph will fix it without effort.When Joseph is Prime Minister there will be no such accidents.
And if the Delimara power station extension is running on heavy oil which is dirty , scrap it and let’s get the prototype coal firing power station which John Dalli wants to sell us, no matter what , even if it costs a billion and produces twenty times the amount of coal ash than what the Delimara power station extension produces.
If that is not enough ,people like Mr Fenech are willing to vote PL which is ready to adopt the PN budget when it will get elected in the next election.
Malta is moving slowly forward while nearly everyone around us is getting more austerity measures by the day.While in many countries people were protesting , in Malta we had our so called unions holding a conference in a hotel grumbling about the electricity bills which amount to what we pay for our mobiles and internet and TV services.
If we’re ready to vote Labour for the ‘reasons’ which Mr Fenech wrote about it would be a good reminder that Mr Fenech’s memory is very selective , PN has been in Power for the last four years because people voted them in , before that we had another PN administration and before that people voted LABOUR , that just half of the twenty five years which Mr Fenech is blabbing about.
Inpatient people like Mr Fenech rush in to write on perception instead of hard facts. I agree with Mr Fenech when he wrote:
“I don’t think MLP will do better than PN”
So why on earth should we grumble?
Mussolini did not “make the trains run on time.” He ordered newspapers not to report those which were late.
And if he did indeed make the trains run on time, he ought to have been made stationmaster. Not the supreme leader of the previously third liberal pillar of Europe.
Same thing with Franco. Same thing with Joseph. Appeal with the baser elements of the population is not what a democratic country needs.
It’s not what Malta needs, all over again, that’s for sure.
I like this, original!
“He ought to have been made station master” (Mussolini)
What nonsense.
So if Gonzi should make Arriva opertate on time, what will that make him? A dispatcher or a bus inspector?
He’ll probably think that by ghost-writer you mean someone like Anton Grasso.
‘whilst’? Jeez.
My pet gripe!
With Franco endorsing Simon , Tonio Fenech will win the deputy leadership contest hands down.
With friends like Franco , Simon does not need enemies.
Nothing is left unturned and DCG is brilliant at this.
My daily dose for a smile. Go, girl.
NOTHING unturned? You’re saying DCG is an unbiased writer? Crickey!
[Daphne – The exclamation is crikey, and it’s archaic. You’re thinking of cricket.]
What about Joe Mizzi’s MP ghost writer on The Malta Independent?
Don’t tell me he wrote this:
[Daphne – Yes, Randon, most of them have one. Sometimes it’s not even because they can’t write, but because they don’t have the time for it. Politicians’ offices the world over generally have at least one writer on the staff.]
Dan huwa l-kumment tieghi imqanqal mill-qalb li ktibt lil franco debono fuq il-blog tieghu: (s’issa ghadu ma ppublikahx)
Sur Avukat,
isma minni ilni nghidlek dawn l-ahhar gimghat, ara ma jfettillekx tivvota kontra l-gvern ghax tkun qed tpaxxi ammont kbir ta laburisti li jiehdu gost bid-deni. Huwa Lawrence Gonzi biss li jista’ jmexxi lil dan il-pajjiz, inti kont ghadek zghir wisq biex tiftakar x’guh u ghaks kien hawn fil-pajjiz taht gvern laburista. Jiena niftakar sew iz-zmien bejn 1980 – 1987 konna qisna pajjiz tat-tielet dinja, illum meta tiehu comparison genna tal-art malta. importanti li tiftakar, importanti li ma tivvotax kontra l-budget.
Isma minni billi kellek xi tghid ma austin gatt mhux l-ahhar tad-dinja. tahseb li inti l-ewwel wiehed li kellek xi tghid ma xi deputat fuq l-istess naha tal-kamra u tahseb li se tkun l-ahhar wiehed? isma minni inti ghadek zghir u tghaggel hafna. fil-politika trid timxi bil-mod, jiena naf x’jiena nghid ghax ilni involut minn gewwa sew fil-partit ghal-30 sena shah, kont ghadek bil-harqa inti meta jiena kont qed niggieled ghal-liberta li inti qed tgawdi illum.
Hallik mil-oligarkija u l-hmerijiet, dawk kollha cucati, isma minni ivvota favur il-budget u tpaxxi lil hadd, hallih jiggverna bil-kwiet lil kap taghna, dr. lawrence gonzi, huwa biss kapaci johrogna mil ftit mewg li ltqajna mieghu dawn l-ahhar snin. imma tinsix li l-pajjizi ta’ madwarna huma kollha ghaddejin minn mewg hafna hafna ikbar minn taghna
Insa dak kollu li inghad u li gara, ahna lesti nilqghuk lura fil-partit m’ghandekx dubju, billi titkellem u tghid li ma taqbilx ma jkun gara xejn. imma li tivvota kontra l-budget hija kera hafna.
Isma minni tpaxxijomx dal-qabda pcielaq li jiehdu gost bid-deni. Dawn nies li hafna minnhom ma jafux xigifieri ghakx u kif konna nghixu taht gvern laburista 1980-1987, kien hawn dwejjaq, vjolenza, guh u kulhadd kien jibza jitkellem. x’differenza illum ma kienx ikun mintoff fil-gvern u jkollok xi blog bhal dan u toqghod tikteb l-affarijiet kif thossom! ara illum gonzi ihallik tghid li trid u jisimghak u gili anki jilqa s-suggerimenti tieghek. pero trid tifhem li fl-ahhar mill-ahhar huwa l-prim ministru. jiena gieli kelli laqat ma dr. gonzi stess u gili kritikajt il-mod kif imexxi, imma fil-bibien maghluqa u mhux fil-pubbliku, umbghad jiddecidi hu kif l-ahjar li jahdem. Jiena ghandi fiducja kbira fil-prim ministru u inti wkoll ghandek ikollok fiducja ghamja fih ghax hu ghandu l-istampa kollha quddiem ghajnejh u ghandu ghal qalbu l-pajjiz u l-maltin.
isma minni tkunx tifel zghir u vvota favur il-budget
Guzeppi tal-Mosta
Guzeppi tal-Mosta: Jekk Gonzi lanqas kien kapaci jmexxi grupp ta’ 35 deputat, kif temmen li hadd mhux kapaci daqshu jmexxi l-pajjizna ? Tant kellu l-istampa kollha quddiemu, li lanqas kien jaf li dik il-kumpanija Braziljana kienet impjegat 4 haddiema ghal ftit xhur, u waqt li kien qed jitkellem f’Xarabank, kienet qed tkecci dawn l-4 haddiema u tghalaq il-bieb ghal-kollox !!!! U minn fuq qal li Dr. MUscat ma kienx jaf b’din il-kumpanija !!!!!
Sur Privitera Dr. Gonzi mhux 4 haddiema kien kapaci jhaddem imma 20 ,000.
Privitera, Gonzi semma kumpanija li thaddem erbgha min-nies, izda nsejt li hallset it-taxxi wkoll ghax kienet irregistrata hawn Malta.
F’dawn l-ahhar erbgha snin inholqu 22,000 impjieg gdid (Erbgha mija u erbghin impjieg fix-xahar).
Fi zmien Alfred Sant fi tnejn u ghoxrin xahar , tlettax ‘il-sena ilu, il-Partit Laburista holoq mija u hamsin impjieg (Tmien impjiegi fix-xahar)u ma kellux il-hila “jmexxi grupp ta’ 35 deputat” ghax irizenja.Dak iz-zmien bit-tnehhija tal-VAT ma ngabbrux xi MITEJN MILJUN LIRA f’taxxi, hekk flok mela l-hofra kompla kabbarha.
Pidgin English is common amongst Maltese people including many graduates of the University of Malta who can’t even write a letter (shocking indeed). Don’t censor facts, Daphne, as you did with another similar comment.
[Daphne – What does censorship have to do with it? Publications don’t censor. They edit. Learn the difference. The state censors. I am not the state, nor is any other editor or moderator in any shape or form. I would like this website to remain attractive. That means deleting chaotically expressed comments when I don’t have the time or inclination to edit them.]
There was nothing chaotic in my comments. You did not edit: you did not publish my first comment but did not publish it, thus censoring it.
You’re talking nonsense: censorship is not a power exclusively bestowed upon the state! Editors censor (not just edit!), there are cinema censors, etc.
[Daphne – Oh do stop it. Newspaper editors used to receive hundreds of letters every week in the pre-internet age. Only a small number were published and the rest were spiked. That’s not censorship; that’s editing. And what I do here is no different. It is editing too. If people send me stuff for publication in my magazines, and I don’t publish it, is that censorship? Grow up, and learn the true meaning of words too.
Censorship is a total ban on certain forms of expression. It should be bloody obvious to you that I can’t ban you from saying what you want to say. Go and say it elsewhere. Open your own ruddy blog and say it there. You are free to say it, just not free to say it here without my say-so. Publish it and distribute it through the streets. “Censorship” – xi dwejjaq fikhom. Kemm intom immaturi.]
There was nothing chaotic about my comments (read through many other PN boot-lickers comments to see what chaotic is!). You did not edit: you did not publish my first comment, thus censoring it.
You’re talking nonsense: censorship is not a power exclusively bestowed upon the state! Editors censor (not just edit!), there are cinema censors, etc. You are simply rationalising. You, who seems to have a good grounding in psychology, should know what that means!
Don’t portray yourself as some democracy-torch bearer. You’re just the mouthpiece of a clan and you expect everyone writing on this blog to share the same attitude.
[Daphne – I’m sorry to have to put it to you in plain language that you may or may not understand, but do please go away. You bore me.]
This guy must have a cactus up his ass—so prickly.
Immature, Queen Vic?
Hundred of letters? That doesn’t apply to your blog. Are you putting yourself at par with Le Monde or The Times? Has anyone ever told you that you might be prone to megalomania and narcism?
[Daphne – No, I am not putting myself on a par with anything. I merely tried to explain to you, in very simple terms that are not beyond the comprehension of a person of even limited intelligence, that editing and censorship are not the same thing. Yes, when I worked in a newspaper office we received hundreds of letters, only a few of which were chosen for publication. They were chosen by the letters EDITOR not the letters CENSOR. A comments-board operates on the same basis, but without the added requirement of considering space constraints.]
Stop redefining terms:
Yours is censorship because your publishing criteria is not based on quality.and acceptable conduct, but on political biais. That is unacceptable for any public blog. You just can’t phatom that people who are highly critical of the PN are not necessarily villagers or Labour people.
[Daphne – Mr Fenech, when a private organisation or person chooses not to publish something, that is not censorship, for the simple reason that you are free to have it published elsewhere or publish it yourself. Please do not keep banging your head against a brick wall of ignorance.]
“Go and say it elsewhere. Open your own ruddy blog and say it there. You are free to say it, just not free to say it here without my say-so.”
What are you? The Pravda?
[Daphne – Obviously not, because I am not a state-owned newspaper in a Communist totalitarian state. Nothing on the internet can ever be Pravda. You argue, truly, like a fool.]
Maybe it is this guy looking to downgrade?
Franco, your are the biggest embarrasment by showing your Form II school report to the press.
We will soon be asking : Who WAS Franco Debono”?
I prefer the PN to the LP because they tolerate someone like Dr Debono whom I admire to a certain extent. I like dissent in politics, it give life to democracy.
This would not have been allowed under Mintoff.
Gives life to democracy? How is one person dictating the proceedings in parliament and holding the island to ransom democratic in any shape or form?
How can you admire a person who is using his position in parliament to run a personal vendetta against anyone and everyone he is envious of.
There is no trait in his character that inspires admiration.
Probably it costs the government less to give senior civil servants cars then increase their salaries. Judges cannot do private work and I think some of them do it for prestige.
”If this post is really yours, then your ghost writer must be the one who’s cobbling together barely coherent paragraphs in pidgin. So why do you use him/her?”
I’m of the opinion that the ghost writer would pass on the article yet Franco Debono will then amend and hence the barely coherent paragraphs.
I nearly thought it was a blog about the ethics of editing, censoring or otherwise. Joe Fenech have a biscuit or two! You can take the horse to the water but you can’t make it…swim?
HEFTY trash bag,just like Franco.
Let us help him. Here are a few examples of the use of the word “hefty” in a simple conversation:
– That is a hefty cock you have there.
– Yes, it weighs in at a hefty eighteen pounds. Here, have a go.
– Oh, my! This cock’s been to the gym, I warrant! It looks like it could deliver a hefty blow or two!
– Not at all, it is a peaceful cock. Never saw much action.
– Well, now’s a good time then. I’ve a hefty cock here that needs a good bashing. Let’s have a hefty clash of hefty cocks.
– Yes, let’s.
Franco’s cock drooped many moons ago.
This Joe Fenech is one of the internet’s boring pests.
Have you seen Franco Debono’s latest offering? His video blog. The man has outdone himself in the idiocy stakes.
I assure you that if you watch him on a full sceen you will not be able to sleep at night.