Another top comment

Published: December 16, 2012 at 9:55pm

And Joseph Muscat actually said the same thing this morning. This comment came in from Lomax:

Another blasphemous thing he said was that when Labour lowers electricity bills, then automatically the water rates will be lower because we use electricity to power desalination plants.

Needless to say, the moron didn’t realise that if the electricity bills are lower, it does not mean that the production costs of electricity will be lower.

It will only mean that Jack Citizen will receive lower bills but it won’t cost us LESS to product electricity.

What a bloody moron.

32 Comments Comment

  1. Makjavel says:

    What do expect of an ex Super One reporter pushed to his level of incompetence?

  2. anthony says:

    I do not believe Joey said what you are saying he said.

    If you are correct, then Joey needs help fast.

    Even faster than Tabone needs it.

    Tabone is utterly irrelevant. He has been in the recycle bin for ages as far as Malta is concerned.

    Joey is prattikament prim ministru.

    The sooner he gets help the better for us all.

  3. Kevin Zammit says:

    I will go a step further – Sieheb Anglu, Joseph said this morning that if the Nationalist Govenment didn’t understand this point, then they have a problem with governance!

    The problem is that Carmen tal-Mosta and it seems more than have the voting population do not have enough brain cells to understand this point.

    All the Nationalist party can do is to try and spread word of these stupidities and hope in the intelligence of the Maltese electorate.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      All it can do is to appeal to any sense or intelligence retained by the cohorts of Sliema/pepe whiners who would gladly vote a bunch of morons into power for the sake of “change”.

      If only there was a time machine which could take us forward to 11 March 2013 for just one day.

      In normal countries the next sentence would be: “Then it would be a landslide victory for PN.” In Malta, however, I must write “Then it would be 53% to 47% for PN.”

    • Kevin Zammit says:

      “Muscat explained that Labour would also lower the water bills as a result of lowering the electricity bills, since the Reverse Osmosis plant was one of the principal Enemalta consumers. Muscat expressed surprise at how the government did not know this simple fact”. – Maltastar

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Yeah, all right, boy genius Joseph. But you’d still have to calculate whether that would leave enough revenue for WSC after factoring in the reduced operating costs.

  4. sasha says:

    OMG what morons, how on earth did they get their university degrees?

    And how are they going to run the country? What an embarrassment.

  5. Kevin Zammit says:

    I always wonder how different it could and would have been had George Abela been elected instead of these morons.

    [Daphne – Oh, I’m not so sure about that any more.]

  6. C Falzon says:

    “Needless to say, the moron didn’t realise that if the electricity bills are lower, it does not mean that the production costs of electricity will be lower.”

    But you are mistaken there. A week or two ago the amazing Karmenu Vella explained very clearly how the new Labour govrnment will reduce our electricity bills. Instead of subsidizing electricity they will make the production cost cheaper.

    Semplici hux – cara daqs il-kristall.

    I am very much looking forward to seeing this new secret technology being revealed to the world here in Malta, The rest of the world will then follow our example.

    Currently the only known ways to make electricity cheaper than using diesels running on HFO are hydroelectric, geothermal, nuclear and coal. We don’t have lakes or geothermal vents, we don’t like coal (for good reasons) and I sure hope they are not considering nuclear. So Karmenu must have access to some brand new top secret technology that no other country has access to.

    Or else maybe, just maybe, he just hasn’t got a clue.

  7. bob says:

    It’s so simple really.

    Water will cost less because the electricity used in it’s production will cost less.

    Electricity will cost less because the water used in it’s production will cost less.

    And each will keep on costing less till they become free.

    Quod erat demonstrandum

  8. canon says:

    Jekk qal hekk Joseph Muscat huwa ekonomista tal-habba gozz.

  9. margus says:

    They will power the ROs by plugging them into their starkendidejt Konn Rudd.

  10. Antoine Vella says:

    Water is subsidised anyway so, even were production costs to go down, it doesn’t mean that bills would automatically be reduced. I believe that, according to EU rules, subsidies on water have to cease.

  11. ta'sapienza says:

    Thing is that electricity production will be cheaper once this extension (which Labour did their best to scupper from the outset and rubbed hands with schoolchild like glee with every hitch) is in full swing.

    And Muscat will claim all the credit.

  12. mandango70 says:

    Its evident that you are misreading what’s being said. Labour’s promises in relation to the utility bills is not solely the reduction of same, but the reduction of such bills as a result of a lower cost of production.

    PN had been accusing (I use “had been” as it seems they’ve understood what’s being said), that the lowering of the bills will mean higher subsidies, and thus, a bigger chunk of our taxes going towards such subsidies as opposed to education, health etc.

    What Labour is saying, is precisely what I’ve written in the first paragraph. The question, in my opinion, should be, how will a future Labour Government ensure that the production costs are lowered in such a way as to enable it lower the utility bills to the households and industry. Legitimate question that warrants a reply. For that, we’d have wait at least till the 7th of January 2013.

    • Jozef says:

      I have an idea what they intend to do, Mandango.

      It requires an interconnector to access the nearest node in the European grid.

      And no, they won’t tell us how they’ll reduce production costs, they’ll simply provide a table how the bills will change. How that’s been arrived at is anyone’s guess.

      Do you realise you’re here justifying an unknown and hoping for the best, ten weeks from election?

      • mandango70 says:

        I’m not justifying anything. Actually I’m stating that it is a legitimate question to put to the LP.

        Unlike yourself, I do not wear blinkers and there is no overriding interest to me that Labour should win at all costs. I strongly suggest it to you, try it out, you’re bound to feel elated once you take the bold decision.

      • Jozef says:

        Agreed, it’s a very bold decision to take.

        ‘Feel elated if I try it out’

        Do you realise what you’ve been reduced to, peddling Labour like some illegal substance?

  13. La Redoute says:

    Joseph Muscat is the archetypal spoiled brat, raised in the Labour belief that everything can be free because, to him, that’s how it’s always been.

  14. Jozef says:

    Here we go again. Minister of justice’s ability to veto any sentence in court anyone?

  15. il-baks says:

    Il-billboard tal-Milied (suppost) juri ezattament dak li jaghmlu l-Labour fil-gvern: ituk darhom u jigu jitnellhu minnek.

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