Everyone’s texting me about that thing in his pocket

Published: December 15, 2012 at 10:23pm

Does anyone have any idea what it is? It can’t possibly be a handkerchief, can it?

Somebody’s actually gone up close to the TV screen with a magnifying glass and is none the wiser for it. Others are watching the show on their iPad and trying to zoom in for a better view.

My own opinion is that he got dressed in a rush and left his war medal on his dressing-table.

Also, a word of advice to whoever it was who put on Anglu’s make-up: when men of a certain age wear heavy foundation and powder, they look like old ladies.

Don’t do it.

All Anglu needs is a stiff hat with a flower stuck on it and he might as well be making jam at the Women’s Institute.

23 Comments Comment

  1. Roy says:

    My guess was some frilly panties got caught there as he was rushing out.

    More fashion-inclined acquaintances seem to think it’s some sort of new fad which Anglu is sporting, perhaps a bit misguided.

    Could also be a nod to the late moustache.

  2. A Montebello says:

    Your last line just killed me.

    I’ve texted it to a friend who replied with a “loooooooooool”.

    It’s right up there with your recent comparison of Joseph Muscat to a baby’s arse.

  3. Zelig says:

    Two words. Gesu Madonna.

    “Issa hares lejja”.

    That thing in his kerchief pocket is naqra tixlil ruhi ghax tant kien mhaggel Anglu biex jasal l-istudio tal-WE li ma lahaqx lesta il-hajjat.

    Gej kmieni il-karnival din is-sena.

  4. Bob says:

    How come he was in class with Simon? I thought he was older…

    • Zelig says:

      ‘Mature’ student, Bob.

    • Qeghdin Sew says:

      He was a mature (that’s the technical term, not an earned adjective) student.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      They were in the law course together. Anglu was a mature student as he was already a police inspector when he enrolled in the course.

    • David Ganado says:

      He joined the course as a ‘mature’ student, after joining the police force.

      • ciccio says:

        In other words he joined the course LATE in his life, when the Nationalist government opened up the university to people like him, mature students, and gave him a stipend too.

        He wouldn’t have been able to become a lawyer under his beloved Gvern Laburista.

        Precisely as Simon told him. Labour are always late and behind.

  5. scott brown says:


    Definitely his boxer shorts, still in the packet and specifically put there not to forget to put them on.

    You know, meeting Simon he had to be neat and tidy and took a spare pair of panties with him.

    Being who he is, he forgot all about them. Not that he needs them, because the man and the party he represent have no balls.

  6. H.P. Baxxter says:

    He thinks it’s a pocket square.

    It’s just that vulgar thugs wouldn’t know a pocket square if it dressed itself in blue and pistol-whipped them in a police station.

    Horrible suit, horrible shirt, horrible tie, horrible tie knot, and then he stuffs a silk hankie in his pocket to look sophisticated.

    He can’t even fold the thing properly. And the colours are horrible. What an almighty hamallu. Please gouge my eyes out, I can’t bear to watch.

  7. C Falzon says:

    It’s an electric-shock dog-collar.

    Joseph presses the button every time he thinks Anglu says something stupid. I think he should be pressing it a bit more often.

  8. Panto Dame says:

    That’s his Christmas stocking.

  9. CPS says:

    Dik paper napkin tal-Karta Converters, special gift minghand is-Sur Eddy Privitera.

  10. bookworm says:

    Kollox hiereg barra ghandu, specjalment il-polz tal-qmis. Qisu mpjegat tal-Bov. Anyway, tistennix risposta cara.

  11. U Le! says:

    Bortex reject maybe? Or they tried to wire him for post programme analysis and then realized the wire should be hidden?

  12. Jozef says:

    He’s so thrilled at his sentence in court.

    So a contractor told his employees not to report to work if Labour are elected.This because he suspected they intended to vote Labour.

    Practically all contractors in Malta tell their employees that if they vote Labour they’ll lose their jobs. It’s called sharing the company and outlining its future.

    I’ve had contractors protesting how dare Labour first name them as being a cirku in a cirku and then expect them not to train their staff accordingly.

    X’affarijiet dawn.

    • M. Grech says:

      Earlier this week on TVHemm, Tony Zarb was arrogant enough to encourage the members of his union to vote ‘biex titla’ xemx gdida’ or something to that effect.

      When asked by Norman Vella whether he was actually pushing for the GWU members to vote Labour, Zarb answered: ‘Dak int qed tghidu!’

      Anglu Farrugia must have missed the program.

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