Excuse the fb speak: omg wot a cabigg

Published: December 19, 2012 at 11:22am

Luciano Busuttil is a LAWYER.

He has a LAW DEGREE.



He was MAYOR OF HAMRUN (and used it as a pick-up line biex jghabbi).


And the bloody cabbage, the frigging turnip, doesn’t know what ‘recuse’ means. He’s on timesofmalta.com’s comments-board this morning, telling us how members of the Commission for the Administration of Justice should RESCUE THEMSELVES on the matter of his friend Judge Lino Farrugia Sacco, and pontificating about how judges and magistrates always RESCUE THEMSELVES in matters of potential conflict of interest (you know, like his other friend Magistrate Consuelo Herrera invariably does).

This kind of thing makes me desperate. We expect perfection from the Nationalist Party and have such a high tolerance threshold for crass idiocy and dangerous incompetence in Labour.

Mr Luciano Busuttil

Today, 10:20

It would be interesting to see if the Commission is composed of the same members who already expressed an opinion back in 2004. Normally if this is so, they should rescue themselves and new ones appointed. A judge or magistrate who has to hear again a case in which he already had expressed an opinion, always rescues himself/herself.

24 Comments Comment

  1. Neil Dent says:

    And what has a previous Commission for the Administration of Justice hearing with regards Judge Farrugia Sacco got to do with the current issue?

    It’s a new, separate case.

    I commented about an hour ago but The Times are yet to upload.

  2. Alfred Bugeja says:

    What’s more, being the hotshot lawyer that he is, he doesn’t even know that the composition of the Commission is laid down in the law and includes the Chief Justice, the President and the Minister of Justice. All of these have changed since 2004.

    • Anthony Briffa says:

      I am sorry but you are expecting too much from a busy man who might be probably preparing road maps for the dear leader.

  3. Lestrade says:

    Somebody at The Times has taken pity on him and rescued him by amending “rescue” to “recuse”; usually all posts are not proofread at all and uploaded, crap and all.

  4. Evarist Saliba says:

    This comment, together with the claim that Auschwitz is in Germany, damn this lawyer/politician (serving on a foreign affairs committe) as unfit for either role. He is either ignorant or too reckless.

    Let him represent the new Labour Party if they are happy with him.

    Let’s hope that voters will be more discriminating.

    [Daphne – The Auschwitz clanger wasn’t Busuttil’s but Parnis’s.]

  5. Maria Gauci says:

    Whilst on the subject of FB, he sent his Christmas cards in government envelopes …. possibly paid for by us (not sure!) … a picture is doing the rounds.

  6. bystander says:

    I have led a sheltered life.

    I never knew of this word until 2 minutes ago.

  7. Maria Gauci says:

    I just noticed you had already put the picture of the cards on the blog, sorry!

  8. beppe says:

    So I was surfing the radio and for a minute I tuned to One. Joe Tanti had an ‘invitation’ from several dear family members of Onor. Busutill ‘dedicating’ (sic) a track for his wedding anniversary.

    And guess what they requested?

    HERO by Mariah Carey.

  9. voter says:

    By the look of things, it was not difficult to become a lawyer.The less you know, the more are the chances of becoming one

  10. Qeghdin Sew says:

    The law course is a joke. The sooner it’s closed down, the better.

    Just for 5 years, so the idiots in charge give up, buzz off, and are replaced by hopefully more competent ones who might do the unthinkable and raise the standards.

  11. Luciano Busuttil says:

    Look again. I think you need to visit an ophtalmologist. The word I used and what is on timesofmalta.com is recuse.

    [Daphne – Rubbish. I copied and pasted direct from timesofmalta.com – OBVIOUSLY, as why would I bother retyping or inventing – and I only looked for it after I received three text messages and emails from readers who had seen it before I did. If you’re so sure you wrote the right word, I’d take it up with The Times, not with me. And while you’re on line, why don’t you tell us what WIFE gave you for your HAPPY ANNIVERSARIES? Bloody idiot. Ara min se jmexxi l-pajjiz ukoll: a cabbage who socialises in airport coffee-shops and picks up girls by telling them he’s mayor of Hamrun. Tal-biki? Tal-wahx, more like.]

    • bystander says:

      Ophthalmologist I think you mean.

    • Jozef says:

      Trid tkun gidra biex tigi fuq dal-blog u tipprova tgiddeb lil Daphne.

      Xi hsibt dottore?

    • Neil Dent says:

      That’s a downright lie, Dr. Busuttil – I saw it too and sent in a comment straight away, having not realised that you’d meant to say ‘recuse’.

      Not being familiar with the word, I wondered what the hell you were trying to say with ‘rescue’.

      timesofmalta.com never posted my comment. I assume you called them yourself to have it changed – if not, I doubt they’d have amended it for you.

    • Natalie says:

      If someone trying a pick-up line on me told me that he was the Mayor of Hamrun, I would run a mile. That’s so pathetic.

  12. lino says:

    Why Mr and not Dr?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      At least he’s broken with the fraudulent “Dr.”. Lawyers don’t have a PhD. In any case, gentlemen call themselves Mr.

      Posers will use titles. That excludes officers in the armed forces of course.

      • farrugia says:

        Rather than the personality traits of lawyers, that fraudulent Dr is courtesy of the University of Malta and the degrees it bestows.

  13. La Redoute says:

    “Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking, don’t you think?” ― L. Frank Baum, The Wizard of Oz

  14. anthony says:

    He can rescue himself if he just disappears.

  15. ciccio says:

    Why exactly did Labour Luciano come to the rescue of Farrugia Sacco?

  16. canon says:

    Li kieku kont flok Mr Luciano Busuttil kont noqghod hafna attent meta nibex lil Daphne.

  17. Maltija says:

    I can’t believe people like him and dear Silvio Parnis are running the risk of governing this beautiful country in a couple of months. It almost brings tears to my eyes.

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