Labour reveals its plans for water (yes, Anglu, water) and electricity bills

Published: December 19, 2012 at 10:03am

10 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    Sa issa kollox ghadu pjan sigriet. Mid-dehra hadd ma jafu hlief Joseph.

  2. FP says:

    Muscat had dropped water out of the equation sometime ago. I’m sure someone can fish out the right video clip.

    Now you see, now you don’t. And then you see it again.

    Our own David Copperfield. Joseph Muscat.

    And now, in case you’re too ignorant to comprehend, the argument that’s doing the rounds is that if electricity rates are reduced, it’s bloody obvious that water rates will automatically also come down.

    Elementary, dear Watson.

    Now turn the world of magic and make-believe off.

    You’ll end up with a future ‘prattikament’ prime minister fooling the people into thinking that this theory, coming from a person who studied economics and holds a doctorate, MUST know what he’s talking about.

    Can the PN take this one up and explain this non-sensical “economic” theory, please? PRETTY PLEASE?

  3. turnip says:

    le hi defni – l-lma kakupardu semmieh!!

  4. COD says:

    Not yet, as he is still working out the road map. We have to wait until 7th January now.

  5. ciccio says:

    Quite an erectic revelation, I think.

  6. voter says:

    Farrugia steps down! Jason must have taken a big sigh of relief.

  7. MxC says:

    It’s the final countdown to the opening of their grand scheme.

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