Labour: the Cabbage and Kohlrabi Collection

Published: December 19, 2012 at 11:39am

It’s been a good week for Muscat minestra, hasn’t it. Now we have that Silvio Parnis saying on Smash TV that Auschwitz death camp is in Germany (you know, ghax tan-Nazi).

He should ask some of his party friends, who’ve been there (see najspic below).

The Maltese cross-party delegation at Auschwitz, looking like a convention of Smurfs.

20 Comments Comment

  1. Lestrade says:

    What was Herr Flick (from SS central casting) thinking, being a member of this delegation?

  2. Alfred Bugeja says:

    The second from left is not an MP. But his connection with Auschwitz and anything that has to do with Israel is clear.

  3. Neil Dent says:

    Ignorant AND insulting. Nice.

  4. vanni says:

    I suppose that geography wasn’t Parnis’ strong point at school, but somebody should tell him that Auschwitz is in Poland.

  5. markilmaws says:

    Very kind of PN to donate a couple of their own turnips to this collection.

    [Daphne – Those are anything but turnips. They’re sick bastards, which is different.]

  6. markilmaws says:

    Just as we’re speaking about vegetables, what was the swing % towards PN following the harakiri by anglu

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      1% for Labour. In other words, a statistical fluctuation. There was no swing at all. Projections show that PN will lose by 4%.

      • ciccio says:

        Baxxter, can we increase the toLLerable error to 8%?

        Labour is quite toLLerant.

      • RJC says:

        There’s still hope in the thousands who do not usually respond to polls, being one of them myself.

        In the couple of times that my name was drawn (by whatever method they use) my reply was a flat no to all answers.

        Why should one give one’s opinion to an unknown?

  7. Spiru says:

    PN or MLP kollha minn fuq dahar il-poplu marru…

  8. Aunt Hetty says:

    Silvio Parnis, testa di rapa.

  9. David says:

    I know that Auschwitz is in Poland since I have visited the camp. However I do not think it is a popular holiday destination and so many have not visited this camp and would not know it is in Poland. Besides Auschwitz is the German name of the city, not the Polish one, and the concentration camp was run by the Germans when Poland was annexed to Germany at the start of WW11.

    The Maltese MPs went to the camp in winter when temperatures are much colder than Malta and such clothing is normal in winter.

    As is written on the entrance to Auschwitz – arbeit macht frei.

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