Min jaf kemm kien najs il-party ta’ Anglu

Published: December 19, 2012 at 11:01am

Anglu ‘Erectric’ Farrugia, on Facebook:

L-attività li ser jorganizza t-team tieghi nhar it-Tlieta 11 ta’ Dicembru gewwa s-Soreda Hotel hija fully booked. Ghal dawk li ma lahhqux biljetti ghal din l-attività, nirringrazzjahom xorta u zgur li niltaqghu f’attività ohra dalwaqt.

12 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    So tactful. No ticket, no party.

  2. Jack says:

    According to Silvio Parnis on his Smash TV program, Auschwitz is in Germany.

    Following Anglu Farrugia’s Colombia gaffe last Friday, I think Labour MPs need to do something about their general knowledge.

  3. voter says:

    What was the price for tickets? – Full up indicates that there is money about

  4. Rita Camilleri says:

    I think we should get them a good old fashioned atlas for Christmas, because they are bound to have problems with Google Earth.

  5. Lupin says:

    Will he send Frankie Tabone in his stead to make the great speech?

  6. Spiru says:

    Mhux f’hotel tal-qamel marru? Typical Labour.

  7. Natalie says:

    Eh, kien hemm il-pastizzi, sangwiches tal-gobon u l-perzut, soft drink u tazza nbid tal-Lachryma Vitis kull wiehed.

    Imbaghad lghabna naqra tombla u fl-ahjar tellghu Bambin tal-gipps.

    Le ara hadt gost. Tghidx kemm fahhruhuli l-flokk gdid li xtrajt minn fuq il-monti. Qieghed ahmar bil-lewlu. Hadtu barginn!

    Insomma, hekk ghidnilu lil Anglu taghna, jien u Guza, ghidnilu l-mustacci kienu jixirqulek, hassra nehhejthom.

  8. Allo Allo says:


    L-anqas haqq il-party miskin. For D Rekort he was an excellent opponent. What more could the PN wish for?

  9. denis says:

    Dalwaqt ittajjarlu rasu!

  10. Angus Black says:

    Good picture with the lijder who later fired him.
    Must have been taken at Anglu’s farewell party!

  11. Jar Jar says:

    Well, that was one hell of a farewell party!

  12. TIME IS ON MY SIDE says:


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