Oh. My. God. Please, somebody cart this imbecile off to pasture.

Published: December 19, 2012 at 3:23pm

This comment just came in from ‘beppe’:

Hi there – So I was surfing the radio and for a minute I tuned to One. Joe Tanti had an ‘invitation’ from several dear family members of Onor. Luciano Busuttil ‘dedicating’ a song for his wedding anniversary.

And guess what track they requested?

HERO by Mariah Carey.

HERO: Hello darling, I used to be mayor of Hamrun. Now I’m a prize cabbage with a seat in parliament. Fancy a date at the airport coffee shop?

74 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    He may have been mayor of Hamrun, but Joseph didn’t invite him to the carpark opening.

    Was that on the 17th?

  2. kevin zammit says:

    At least it wasn’t The Bad Touch by Bloodhound Gang considering that he also revealed to Joe Bloggs the dates on which he copulated with il-WIFE.

    • Jozef says:

      It has dented his career hasn’t it? I mean, what made him put it on Facebook?

      Is it because Anglu’s talking erection?

  3. What utter rubbish ! What an illuminating blog !

  4. Ken il malti says:

    This guy is so over the top with the lovey- dovey schmaltz thing that he is over compensating for something.

    His wife better check his mobile phone call record.

    It is very hard to fool a woman in these matters, as they all have a sixth sense when it comes to their mate’s hankey- pankey activities suspicion.

  5. Anna says:

    Daphne, can you please draw the attention of your readers to Labour’s latest Christmas billboard (maybe you can upload a picture). Father Christmas, presumably representing Labour, giving us his back whilst wishing us ‘awguri’. Typical crass ignorance. Who comes up with these ideas?

  6. ciccio says:


    They probably had this cabbage in mind. It is a Spring Hero variety.


  7. anthony says:

    “In time you will find the way”.

    It seems to me it will take Luciano a very, very long time indeed considering where he is starting off from.

  8. I disagree, Daphne. Leave these idiots front and centre. Let them continue too expose their immaturity and incompetence.

    Possibly the thinkers can now compare.

  9. etil says:

    If, heaven forbid, the PL will be in government, we will be having members of parliament who act as teenagers playing the fools on their Facebook.

  10. SPAM says:

    Just in case someone is running out of ideas for xmas presents:


  11. Joe says:


    “The Labour Party said it was open for a solution which respected the wishes of the Carnival participants and those who enjoyed this tradition.”

    This statement alone exposes the lack of Leadership of the PL. They simpl fail to understand the basic concept that a leader is duty bound to do the right thing.

  12. Aunt Hetty says:


    Joey is not yet in power and already planning to substitute traditional Carnival for the Socialist-inspired Spring celebration in good old-fashioned Socialist tradition.

    How very modern and avant garde indeed.

  13. Claude Sciberras says:

    Daphne, where are you… Your friend is going to resign!

  14. Dear Daphne,

    Considering that Anglu is expected to resign to night, I find it quite compelling that at the moment, in a corner away from Hagar Qim, a party with top Labour people (I regonised the cars, which included THAT Merc SLK – as well as other luxury cars – bil-guh imma insomma) is going on. Is it some new vice leaders congratulations party? the party has been going on at least since 5PM.

  15. Fido says:

    The news of the fall of the great cabbage Angolino has bolted through the skies from the Lejber Mount Olympus.

    So this was what the 21/12/12 Maya prophecy was all about!!

  16. ciccio says:

    Good. Now Labour can elect Frankie Tabone as their Deputy Leader.


  17. AA says:

    Damn. Tuks Fors just resigned or rather forced to do so.

  18. denis says:

    Luciano….WORST mayor Hamrun ever had….

  19. ciccio says:

    Tghid Joseph Muscat kecca lil Anglu Farrugia talli kixiflu l-paprata tat-trahhis fit-tariffi tal-ilma?

  20. Riya says:

    Mela qatt ma’ ra mara jew?

  21. Jeff says:

    Fast forward to April 4 th 2014:- Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and President Anglu Farrugia. I m putting my money on it.

  22. canon says:

    What happened today was the knock out effect by Simon Busuttil.

  23. Aunt Hetty says:

    Il-prattikament prim-ministru , prattikament kecca lil prattikament vici-prim ministru mis-skip tieghu.

  24. Maltija says:

    Have you ever seen his comments on timesofmalta.com? He cannot even piece together a sentence in English.

  25. Matt says:

    Daphne, I was hoping you will give us the real scoop tonight. What is going on behind the MLP doors? Are they feeling the pressure of the nearby election?

    Anglu gave me hope as a Christmas present.

  26. Giraffa says:

    Daphne, now that Anglu Farrugia has joined the ranks of ‘irrelevanti’ could you spare us the image of his face on your site, which has been haunting me for too long? PLEEEEZE

  27. Tania says:

    Looks like they’ ve carted one off, just not this one, yet.

  28. ciccio says:

    In 2010 Joseph Muscat advised the Prime Minister to bring us to Junk status.


    Bil-Labour racanc…anzi, Junk.

  29. Steve says:

    If it was not for the Nationalist government which build the airport, Luciano would still single.

  30. mandango70 says:

    Taking your time it seems until you enlighten us common mortals on the Anglu Farrugia resignation, eh?

    21 12 2012 12:20

  31. Libertas says:

    Franco for Labour deputy leader!

  32. Karl says:

    Wara Joe Debono Grech nahseb li dan star ‘kendidejt’ number 2!

  33. Len says:

    At last Dr Muscat, rightly so, pulls the rug out from under Dr Anglu Farrugia following the Xarabank – Dr Frankie Tabone saga.

    After strenuous effort from yourself, Daphne, to show that Dr Farrugia is not fit for the job, considering that he might become our deputy prime minister coming March, Dr Muscat realised that it will be ideal to sideline his deputy.

    Today, on a national level, Malta won and hopefully politicians such as Dr Angelo Formosa and Dr Frankie Tabone will be relegated to oblivion.

    It would be interesting to know they will join forces and start their own party or to consign themselves to insignificance.

    Funny how they both think that they are an asset to our country and both of them are in denial, cannot fathom their incompetence for the job, one as a minister for justice and the other as a deputy prime minister.

    Hope that Xarabank will give them the opportunity for a farewell debate on national television.

  34. Aunt Hetty says:

    Joe Cuschieri for deputy leader, pleeeeease.

  35. Josette Jones says:

    What do you make of this sort of spin, Daphne?

    “PN sources told maltastar.com that the PN strategy team is worried that Dr Joseph Muscat’s assertiveness has increased his trust rating among the electorate and contrasts with Dr Lawrence Gonzi’s weaknesses to deal with ministers who let government down in the last four years.”


    I can see the ‘PN sources’ all rushing off to to the Marsa Industrial Estate to report the news.

  36. Jozef says:

    What I find scary in Farrugia’s resignation is how Joseph gave us his version yesterday only to have it torn to shreds by Farrugia’s letter this morning.

    Is Joseph even capable of foresight? Did he actually hope it would go away?

    Please don’t tell me he assumed the letter would remain unpublished. If that were the case, we face being led by an individual whose naivety derives from unearned privilege.

    Not exactly safe for business.

  37. Facebooker says:

    Eddy Privitera on Facebook, 15 December 2012:



  38. Anglu Mustage says:

    Is Anglu Farrugia going to grow his moustache back now?

  39. Tania says:

    Did you happen to hear what the leader of the opposition said this afternoon at the President’s Christmas children’s choir?

    I heard him pass a very insensitive comment about the tragedy in Conneticut. I hope I heard wrong, was not really paying attention to him until I heard that comment.

    If I did hear right then he needs lessons in diplomacy, pronto.

    Incidentally, I left the second c out of Connecticut on purpose, it should be silent but the newscasters keep pronouncing it.

  40. etil says:

    Missed you Daphne. Hope you and your family will have a wonderful Christmas.

  41. tal-Madum says:

    So i returned back home from a three hour christmas pantomine called Shrek u l Gzira ta’ tlett gholjiet and am really amused that the script writer deemed fit to enrole Yana Bland as the witch and you as the journalist named Daisy Caruana Malizia and for once even called Delizia!JPO was John Pulcinell Ordnat!!

  42. Aunt Hetty says:


    Grand article, describing to perfection the Macchiavellian Muscat for whom the end justifies the means, ANY means.

  43. giraffa says:

    Daphne, now that Anglu Farrugia has joined the ever increasing list of irrelevant people, could you finally remove his smug face from your blog page? Pleeeeeze

  44. ammiratur says:

    happy christmas Madam j’alla tikkonverti

  45. Lola says:

    Hi Daphne where are you? We are missing you immensely.Happy Xmas to you and your family..Did you hear the latest news?We are going to have a new party and the leader is going to be Franco.So in the very near future our leaders are going to be young ones and hopefully broadminded.

  46. dudu says:

    The biggest loser resulting from Louis Grech’s election to Deputy Leader is (poor) Franco Debono. As from 7 January Labour will focus on their electoral manifesto (?) and other (and some may argue, only) positives such as Louis Grech. Franco will be considered a liability by Labour too as has happened with Anglu.

    So Franco, your only option for more visibilty is to gatecrash your way to political events where you will undoubtely confirm your mental instability and intellectual immaturity.

  47. Mesmes says:

    Lest we forget: Joseph Muscat will get EUR30K if elected because he promised that he will refund tax on the cars he bought (even if the related court case is lost!).


    Imma l-importanti li ma jiehux iz-zieda!

  48. Andre says:

    Alexei Dingli copying Luciano on Facebook.

  49. Jo says:

    To Daphne and all who contribute in anyway to this blog, first of all Thank You, and may 2013 be a better year than the last.
    Let’s all do our best to make it so by voting PN.

  50. Robert says:

    We are missing you

  51. Last Post says:

    Off topic…
    The silence on this blog may just be a Christmas truce …. at least let’s hope so.

    This post is to inform readers and visitors to this blog about this blogger’s column on today’s issue of TMIS entitled “The Doctored History of Maltese Television”.

    Taking the cue from last Friday’s Xarabank to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Maltese TV, she scans the vicissitudes of local state television broadcasting with special reference to the 16 years of Mintoffian rule when it was publicly and blatantly classified as a tool to mould a “socialist generation”.

    She then pointedly describes what the introduction of colour TV really meant in the context of Mintoffian Labour policies and everyday economics. I personally experienced the ordeal (and expense) to buy a colour TV, something which I only bought second-hand from a relative who was emigrating some months before the change in government (1987).

    The irony is that demand for colour TVs was so high that even in its 2nd hand condition I was still asked for its original (selling) price! You may call me a fool but then I had children of my own and I failed to convince the family that it wouldn’t make such a difference to our lives.

    The concluding part of the article gives us a peek into (the ghost of) Television Future as shown in Ray Azzopardi’s visit to the new premises…!

    As usual it is brilliantly written and oh so insightful, based on factual evidence. Don’t miss it.

  52. Fred Muscat says:

    @Daphne: I see that your Blog has frozen in the last two weeks. Maybe you have become speechless since the PL have made the unthinkable move and swapped his deputy leader as if he was swapping a Panini card. Most probably instead of a well-deserved holiday abroad you are home deleting all the past comments about Anglu from your blog, given that leaving them will only serve as useless clutter making your Blog look dated and irrelevant :)

    • Qeghdin Sew says:

      Any article becomes dated the moment the next one is published, for that matter. What now, shall we burn the ‘dated and irrelevant’ National Archive too?

  53. Carlos Bonavia says:

    Daphne where are you ? I’ll cut my wrists if I don’t see you blogging soon – I’m warning you

  54. Esteve says:

    WANTED: Voice of reason in this sea of madness.
    Daphne please come back!

  55. Maria c says:

    Hope everything is fine,happy new year,hope you ll be back soon

  56. P. Galea says:

    When are you coming back? we are missing you so much

  57. hubert grech says:

    biex iparla veru hero

  58. Aunt Hetty says:

    Hope that all the regulars of this blog had a grand old time with family and friends during the festive season.

  59. Aunt Hetty says:

    The ”imbecile” must be fuming mad at the prospect of Louis Grech pilfering ”his” votes from under his nose in the first district in March.

  60. Borromini says:

    The best outcome of the Anglu Farrugia’s ‘resignation’ is the replacement of his photo with yours on this website.

  61. GiovDeMartino says:

    I agree with P Galea.

  62. Last Post says:

    OK people, “Eppur’ si muove…”

    I’m convinced all of us have been missing Daphne. At least we could follow her articles on TMI/S to see she’s fine and still vibrant. Now her Mona Lisa-style smile has replaced that celestial (!) dork’s face. The number of comments to this post has been updated with a 7-fold increase.

    Let’s hope it won’t be long before we’ll again be regaled with Daph’s views, comments and adventures as we enter the crucial part of this electoral campaign.

  63. maryanne says:

    Is MaltaToday preparing the way for this week?

    Sargas still hoping to promote carbon-capture in Malta using gas

  64. Kevin Zammit says:

    Your blog page looks a million times better with your picture instead of Anglu’s, li ghadu relevanti imma nisthu bih.

  65. Philip says:

    Re your assessment of Louis Grech. Qaxxartu.

    A happy and healthy new year to you and loved ones.

  66. anthony says:

    A welcome bidu gdid for 2013.

    A bull neck replaced by a lovely neck.

    A neck to be reckoned with.

    “Some chicken,…… some neck” W S Churchill – Ottawa 1941.

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