So…are we coming or going?

Published: December 19, 2012 at 3:14pm

22 Comments Comment

  1. Ken il malti says:

    What a bunch of amateurish bumblers and incompetents.

    And some people are willing to trust these goof balls with the wheel of the rudder .

    Good luck Malta.

    • Toni says:

      despite kollox. Serrah rasek li n-Nazzjonalisti ser jirbhu l-Elezzjoni. Ma nistax nkun sincier aktar minn hekk. Jien kont Laburist genwin.. gej minn Familja ultra laburista, mintoffjani.

      L-elezzjoni ntilfet il-mument li tellajna lil Joseph Muscat leader.. Kompliet tintilef il-mument li accettajna lil Cyrus Engerer fi hdanna.. u hadna d-daqqa tal-mewt meta l-partit ghogbu jibghat lil FDB ghax beda jisthi jibghat lil Anglu.. u kompla ghaxxaqha bil-farsa tar-rizenja u l-elezzjoni taparsi ta` Vici Kap gdid.

      Jien kienet ilha tberren minn mohhi mid-90ijiet din, u għadha u aktar saħħaħt din l-opinjoni fil-ġimgħat li għaddew. Li fil-Lejber hemm min hu komdu, jew moqdi, u ma għandux interess jara l-Partit fil-Gvern, anżi għandu interess li jtellef. Dan ix-xi ħadd huwa influwenti sew fil-partit u jċaqlaq il-pupazzi minn wara l-kwinti filwaqt li huwa qajla jidher.. U qed jirnexxielu fl-iskop qarrieqi tiegħu. Jien in-Nazzjonalisti, aċċettawni fi ħadnhom, ma nobgħodhomx illum il-ġurnata għax għanmdhom Partit li jieħu ħsieb kullħadd, laburisti u nazzjonalisti, u jirsisti biex jirbaħ sa l-aħħar, u hekk għandu jkun! Kulħadd jissaporta lit-tim tiegħu u jagħmel għal-aħjar u mhux moħħu biex jagħmel il-pantomimi!!!

      Kuraġġ!!! Għax rebħa oħra kbira nazzjonalista ġejja. Jien li għamilni nazzjonalist, kienu l-ipokreziji tat-tmexxija tal-partit preżenti.

      Iva jien xtaqt kieku kien hawn Gvern laburist gdid.. Imma b’dal buzullotti tahsbu li se jkun ahjar minn Gonzi? Hawn alternattiva ghal-Gvern Nazzjonalista. Come on! Ma ahniex sejrin hażin sa barra, perfetti u fuq ir-rubini m’ahniex, imma mitmughin u mlibbsin tajjeb. F’pajjiżi oħrajn l-anqas din ma jkollok.

  2. edgar says:

    Qishom reklam tal-Kenwood, kemm ihawdu.

  3. canon says:

    Issa Joseph Muscat dalwaqt jghidilna li id-dawl u l-ilma ma jmorrux flimkien.

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Anglu was definitely coming. That’s why he fumbled his lines.

  5. TROY says:

    Don’t know! What coulor is it please.

  6. Osama says:

    Il-pjaniniet dwar ir-rohs tad-dawl u l-ilma aktarx se jkun dawn:

    zewg tariffi, wahda rhisa u ohra ghola. Bejn it-8 ta fil-ghodu u t-8 ta fl-ghaxija jkun gholi cioe ir-rati t’issa. Bil-lejl ikun orhos.

    Kemmxejn ridikola pero xi ftit taghmel sens. Geyser jew heater tal-eletriku tixghelhom bil-lejl u tiffranka zgur.

    Xejn ta barra minn hawn. Probabbli jghadduh passata biha ghax jghidulu li l-washing machine taghmel l-istorbju bil-lejl!

  7. David J Camilleri says:

    Even Joseph Muscat gets confused when in erectric mode it seems, he says: “Gvern imexxilili…” then stops and rewinds back to correct it to “…immexxi minni”.

    I hope that he was not referring to the ‘old dinosaurs’ surrounding him who would be commanding him like a puppet once (M)LP – Socialist are in government. Only time will tell.

  8. Paul bonnici says:

    Politika tkun aktar ‘solidali’, says Anglu!

  9. Paul Borg says:

    L-Orizzont lead opinion today:

    “Malta tkun aħjar finanzjarjament barra l-UE”'Opinjoni'&ID2=99755

    We have been warned!

  10. bystander says:

    He went thataway!

  11. Tony axisa says:

    R u lost for words?

  12. silverbaron says:

    Looks like il-kontijiet tal-ilma have landed Anglu in hot water…

  13. Raphael Dingli says:

    Last person to leave please switch off the lights – and ensure the water tap is shut tight – what a disgrace!!

    It’s not the outright lies that gall (that is par for the course and expected from a politician) – its the complete stupidity!

    I nominate Mickey Mouse to replace Anglu Farrugia – this would represent a significant improvement for sure. They can only go up from this position they have got themselves into. What a delight!

    One more episode like this and Gonzi will romp it in – before the election campaign even gets underway.

    • La Redoute says:

      I thought you voted Labour. You should be pleased, not that it makes any difference to the water bills in Australia.

      • Raphael Dingli says:

        I vote Labour (most times) in Australia as I cannot bring myself to vote for the Liberal party here (note liberal in name only – they are actually Tories to the bone.)

        I have no vote in Malta as I do not live there but do follow the politics.

        After the last twelve to eighteen months of watching the new PL I am disappointed and disillusioned. New PL is so full of fossils it’s cheeky to call it new.

        The PN does not deserve another go – too much hubris – but the the alternative would be an unmitigated disaster – so if I did have the vote in Malta it is highly likely that I would reluctantly vote for the PN.

  14. Lara Borg says:

    Anglu is gone. And you are definitely going soon too.
    Your career will not last much longer. Look on the bright side – at least you can age gracefully….

  15. Raphael borg says:

    Hi Daphne Caruana Galizia Nawgura lilek u l-familja Tieghek Sena Gdida Mimlija barka Mis-sema.

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