Some kind person has given Anglu the campaign medals he left on his dressing-table last Saturday

Published: December 19, 2012 at 12:08am

9 Comments Comment

  1. Ken il malti says:

    The medals are covering up a black and white rainbow flag.

  2. Ronnie says:

    In Italian they say ‘il lupo perde il pelo ma non il vizio’.

    Well, Anglu ditched the dodgy moustache and now blow dries his hair, but he remains a 24-carat plonker.

    This is a great gift idea for our Anglu:

  3. David S says:

    Anglu actually thinks he won the debate because he interpreted the orange timer to be a poll rating ,and he was always ahead of Simon .

  4. Edward Clemmer says:

    “Generalissimo” Angelo, who assaults general intelligence.

    • Jozef says:

      I don’t see him cutting it as a democrat in the states, imagine Conan O’Brien.

    • Edward Clemmer says:

      And now, at last, the earthquake begins before the end of the world, as Joseph Muscat decides to sacrifice his black knight in the first of several chess moves before the immediately forthcoming election campaign. Another medal for Anglu.

  5. ciccio says:

    Nice medals he’s got for his erection campaign.

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