Will somebody call for the men in white with some tranquilliser darts, please?

Published: December 10, 2012 at 7:40pm

It would be the kindest thing to do. The man is flipping out.

20 Comments Comment

  1. Tania says:

    It’s a wonder he didn’t suffer a heart attack. Ja ndannat.

  2. Lomax says:

    Welcome to the rubbish heap of history, you damn crazy bastard.

  3. TinaB says:

    Thank God. Hlisna minnu fl-ahhar.

  4. xmun says:

    Franco Debono in parliament – mental breakdown in progress

  5. anna caruana says:

    The only man to enter parliament with good intentions,

    Let the fireworks begin

  6. Peter Mercieca says:

    And the man didn’t even have the balls to come out of the front door.

    What an utter chicken and Labour puppet!

    He gained nothing whatsoever of his agenda, except causing delays to the much needed benefits to me, you and everybody else included in this budget. How utterly useless his little campaign was, egoistic to say he least.

    • Qeghdin Sew says:

      “And the man didn’t even have the balls to come out of the front door.”

      He didn’t even go through the front door when entering the building. I’m sure the police escorting him had the final word on that.

  7. ciccio says:

    Someone said on TV that Franco Debono brought the government down.

    Who is Franco Debono?

  8. Bubu says:

    The dimwit went and did it.

    Looking forward to forgetting all about the fucking wanker.

  9. caroline says:


    • il quws says:

      Ma nahsibx li huwa coward. Franco Debono bniedem ala biebu ta vera .Fl ahhar mil ahhar waqqaf il gvern. Vera halla hafna zmien jaddi imma xorta waqqghu. Issa naraw x se jsir minnu FD. Naraw jibqax Malta jew jitlaq.

  10. C Mifsud says:

    I’m glad PN did not give in to this madman’s demands. Now he is finished in politics forever.

  11. Joe Micallef says:

    They already did but the men in white refused.

  12. Anthony Briffa says:

    Finally this Franco’s charade is over. It looks like his Roman long week-end did not do him any good.

    Unfortunately where I am at the moment I could not follow Dr. Gonzi’s speech. From the comments I am reading I am convinced it was a magnificent speech, which annulled Muscat’s speech of Wednesday.

    I manage to go online just in time to listen to Franco’s speech of hatred. I never imagined that he could stoop so low in the highest institution of the country. Whilst listening to his outburst I was asking myself how is it possible that a person can be so green towards colleagues and the same people who helped him be something in politics. I hope that his canvassers of 2008 will have something to tell him for betraying their faith in him as a PN candidate.

    At last he is now history and after tomorrow’s reports in the media, we will never again hear anything anymore about him. I am sure that not even Super One will invite him unless they will use him to hurt the PN campaign. He will be a detested man by all those who believe in democracy and who believe that being in politics is to serve and not to push a personal agenda.

    Earlier on I commented that after tonight’s vote Franco will consign himself to the MLP’s skip along with the other PN rejects. I would like to add that, following his outburst against everybody this evening, his place is now in the sewers of the MLP HQ.

    One final note is that his form II competitor managed to use him, beat him in politics, and consigne him to oblivion.

    Good bye Franco, good riddance to bad rubbish. You are not even recyclable.

  13. Claude Sciberras says:

    The speech was riveting…

  14. paddy says:

    good riddance – Franco Debono is history at last

  15. TROY says:

    Relax everyone. Franco is safely back in his padded cell.

    He’s been given his medication and is now sound asleep.

  16. Candida says:

    His speech was a despicable piece of hatred not even fit for the worst of men – no subject, no responsibility, no honour, nothing just hatred – reminds me of the dictators.

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