Bondi+ on right now

Published: January 22, 2013 at 9:13pm

If you’re watching, please comment. Fascinating so far…

Right now they’re talking about how Frank Portelli didn’t speak out about X, Y or Z at Enemalta because there is no Whistleblower Act.

Did he really say that?

It doesn’t make sense. Whistleblower protection applies to EMPLOYEES OF THE COMPANY INVOLVED, and not to disinterested third parties. From what would Frank Portelli require protection if he speaks about something happening at Enemalta? How would a Whistleblower Act protect him?

40 Comments Comment

  1. Stephen says:

    Can hardly bear Manuel Mallia. Wolf in sheep’s clothing. And what’s with AD, qishom forcina tal-Labour?

  2. Giovanni says:

    Addio ritratti ta’ Joseph ma’ Tancred issa. They use you and throw you away.

  3. ciccio says:

    It is clear that the Malta Labour Party of Evarist Bartolo, Karmenu Vella, Joseph Muscat et al has embarked on scheming another convoluted case alleging “corruption,” where they have no clear issue, but where they think they can play a lot on raising doubt.

    Meanwhile they are trying to discredit Austin Gatt.

    I had seen them do this before.

    • Wilson says:

      I have never seen them do anything except this.

      A dormant opposition that once every five years gears up to take the race, hitting the first puddle face forward.

  4. Giovanni says:

    If I take water from a fountain for personal use is that stealing from my fellow citizens ?

  5. Peter Mercieca says:

    Does anyone know who supplied the information to Maltatoday, and more importantly when? The timing is just a tad too politically convenient to say the least.

    [Daphne – The Labour Party did.]

  6. Gbow says:

    I think Bondi is getting it wrong and in a sense doing a favour to Dr Muscat by making him look less opportunistic and malicious.

    In the clip presented Dr Muscat was clearly implying that PN politicians were directly involved in the dealings and according to him they effectively favoured HVO and refused a ‘free’ gas pipeline to benefit from such dealings.

    Obviously, this is much more serious than saying that senior politicians should resign to shoulder political responsibility.

  7. silvio farrugia says:

    Frank Portelli just wrote on FB that Lou Bondi made a false declaration on his programme. He never denied the allegations of corruption he did. WHY is Lou Bondi lying? What is his agenda?

    [Daphne – Lou Bondi did not mention Frank Portelli. Mario Mallia and Manuel Mallia did.]

    • silvio farrugia says:

      Who is really lying then?

      [Daphne – Maybe nobody’s lying. Maybe Frank Portelli misheard. Maybe he wasn’t watching at all and somebody else reported wrongly. Anyway, I’ve had it up to here with Frank Portelli’s pronouncements, trying to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds, and all those unacceptable performances on Super One TV, an excellent way of keeping the Labour Party off HIS back.]

      • Gahan says:

        Frank Portelli is caught between a rock and a hard place. He wants to sell his hospital to pay his considerable debts.

        I recall when he alleged that in Scotland a hospital similar to Mater Dei cost less. The devil was in the detail – it would return to the builders after 25 years.

      • Jozef says:

        Now that his nemesis, Louis Buhagiar, had health minister Joe Cassar inaugurate his private hospital, Frank Portelli’s back to making allegations.

        It’s an oil-igarchy now.

      • Antoine Vella says:

        Joseph Muscat is really bringing a change of direction: the country is doing a fast U-turn back to the 1970s and 80s.

        People are suddenly weighing the possible consequences of disagreeing with Labour and prudence has become fashionable again.

    • Village says:

      Frank is mixing personal business with politics.

  8. On the square says:

    Why did Tancred Tabone hire Frank Sammut as his consultant? No prizes for the right answer.

    I like Claudio Grech. He knows his business “ta’ l-affari tieghu”. Is he a PN candidate?

    [Daphne – Yes, he is.]

    Muscat’s building blocks are falling. When I zapped, he was building arguments on the uninformed The Times editorial of today.

    Probably EneMalta explanations about the ENI pipeline came late when it was written, or they are in the bag.

  9. david says:

    At the Labour mass meeting last Sunday you were made to think that this is happening right now, and the reason our power station is running on oil is for Austin and his buddies to keep making millions in commissions.

    You were also made to think that Frank Sammut was some PN friend or front man for Austin. Now we find out he was appointed by the Labour government of the 80s.

    • QahbuMalti says:

      He was spinning that line this evening. Alleging that on the latest consignments worth a million euros a day we are paying commission.

      He is of course confusing a kickback with a commission – he well knows the difference but it does not suit him.

      Imagine that extrapolation. An isolated corruption scandal by a Labour-appointed ‘consultant’ 9 years ago – and then projecting it as if it were happening this week. No matter the man in question had his position terminated in 2004.

      And why aren’t our ‘investigative journalists’ (do they exist?) not asking Tancred Tabone what Frank Sammut’s role was at Enemalta in 2004? Why did he appoint him as a consultant in the first place?

  10. Gahan says:

    Claudio Grech just burst this bubble about the oil lobby (ta’ Dallas hej).

    If there really were such a lobby then why did Enemalta invest in the interconnector to provide 70% of Malta’s generation needs, Claudio asked.

    When Mallia was confronted with company names to pinpoint who these people are, he backed out.

    Malta taghna lkoll, my ass.

  11. Antoine Vella says:

    Labour have temporarily forgotten that Frank Portelli is the owner/director of St Philip’s Hospital. Only a few weeks ago they were accusing him of corruption regarding its use by government.

  12. QahbuMalti says:

    Interesting track record the MLP have with appointing their lackeys and them being so susceptible to corruption.

    All allegations at this point but we are seeing a trend here.

    The political appointees are best described by the Maltese term ‘bil-guh’.

    The chip on the shoulder is merely a symptom of the bigger problem they have when appointed to ‘high office’.

    They grab what they can, illegally or not, because they can.

    It’s like starting your first job and being shown the stationary cupboard – it’s just so tempting.

  13. Riya says:

    Il-fenomenu hu li tal-Labour jghiru ghal Austin Gatt ghax m’ghandomx bniedem intelligenti u kapaci bhalu.

    Forsi issa jkollom lil Konrad Mizzi li ghadu anqas beda id-dinja fil-politika u xeba jigdeb u jqarraq bin-nies.

    Jahseb li dak li jharbex u jpingi fuq il-karti isir f’jumejn u Joseph Muscat jerfa ir-responsabbilta’ ta’ dan it-tharbix fuq il-karti. Morru halluna kollha kemm intkom.

    Mela il-politika u l-progetti kbar qed tahsbuhom xi cajta jew. Kunu serji ghal darba f’ghomorkhom.

  14. Gabs says:

    Always the same old story. Labour’s politics is all about throwing mud.

    They know that the power station issue didn’t go down well with a lot of people, and so more mud is thrown.

    They never change. All these years in opposition didn’t teach them much.

  15. Nighthawk says:

    Will Joseph Muscat tell us whose room at the Corinthia he went straight up to last week? An Israeli gentleman perhaps? Someone with lots of cash?

    • mandango70 says:

      You should join Daphne’s international network of spies.

      And with the latest Mossad twist, it gets all so very exciting.

      When’s the next episode showing?

  16. Dickens says:

    Trying to bolster one’s argument by quoting Frank Portelli is risible.

  17. Ghawdxi Hazin says:

    PL has already sidelined Konrad Mizzi.

    He used to be on every programe or press conference but now it has been quite a few days since we last saw him. His last appearence was on Tvhemm when it was clear that no such contracts as proposed by PL exists.

    I am already missing him because the more I saw of him the more I was convinced that Labour’s energy policy is not doable.

  18. Gahan says:

    Sinjura Daphne wara li smajt u xtarrejt dak kollu li qieghed jigri qghadt ftit nahseb kif u ghaliex dan l-ghagha kollu , u din l-aspettattiva ta’ Muscat fuq ir-rapporti tal-Enemalta.

    Issa il-bierah Dr Joseph Muscat taghni x’nifhem li ghandu xi evidenza tahraq li s-senserija li kien jiehu Frank Sammut fuq il-bejgh taz-zejt kienet tinqasam bejn xi nies.

    L-eks gurnalist tas-Super One beda jistaqsi jekk il-prim ministru jafx b’iktar rapporti iktar minn dawk li gew ippublikati mill-EneMalta.

    Ejja nghidu ghal-grazzja tal-argument li dan il-hmieg huwa kollu minnu u jinqabad xi hadd li veru kienu jitqassmu il-flus mahmugin bejnietom u jitpoggew fil-banek Svizzeri.

    Ejja nghidu wkoll ghal-grazzja tal-argument li kienet ingibdet l-attenzjoni lil-prim ministru li l-istil ta’ hajja ta’ certu nies m’hix kompattibli mad-dhul taghhom , kif kien darba qal ,jekk niftakar sew , Dr Frank Portelli. Forsi investa f’istocks tajbin meta waqghu ghal-sormom u irkupra xi 32% , forsi wirithom , forsi rebahom il-kazino jew tern bl-gheniebi fil-lottu.

    Jien x’se naghmel , lil min se nafda ghal-dawn il-hames snin li gejjin?

    Ma twelidniex il-bierah , jidher bic-car li Dr Joseph Muscat qieghed jahdem id f’id ma’ Salvu Balzan. Ghax kieku ghalfejn din l-aspettativa kollha, biex johrog dawn ir-rapporti li milli jidher ilhom ghandu s-snin, li filli johroghom Balzan u filli jkompli jghidilna Joseph li “Il-kbir ghadu gej”? Kellu evidenza cara ta’ senserija (li minn dejjem tinghata) fuq zejt li jinxtara bl-irhas offerta bit-tenders… u hadem storja minnha biex taqdi l-lublieba tieghu li jsir l-izghar prim ministru ta’ Malta.

    Dan juri li Joseph hu tajjeb biss biex ikun gurnalist ta’ partit politiku.Ghax issa li kieku hareg bihom Salvu biss , konna nahtru lilu Prim Ministru?

    L-eks gurnalist li ried jinfluwenza r-radju RTK minn taht u nqabad (qisha intnesiet dil-bicca!), mid-dehra jidher li dahal sew mal-Malta Today fil-miftuh.

    L-ahhar skandlu li hareg bieh il-Lejber kien l-Iskandlu tal-Mistra li minhabba fih hafna nies kienu rmew barra mit-tieqa ix-xoghol tajjeb kollu li kien ghamel Gonzi u l-PN f’legizlatura shieha. Dawn ma kienu jafu xejn b’li kien qed jahmi JPO ghad-diskoteka tal-Mistra.

    Bhal dak li qallu li jekk jien nikxef li per ezempju Joseph Muscat kien jaf li xi hadd minn tieghu xtara xi haga bla VAT , allura jien, Gahan insir il-mexxej Laburista?Dan x’ragunar hu?

    Issa nistenna lil-Gonzi jisfida lil-Eks Gurnalist li ghandu “scoop” f’idejh biex naqtawlha rasha u jobzoqha , halli ma jigrilniex bhal tal-Mistra.

    Jien irrid inserrah rasi li min imexxili lil-pajjizi jkun jaf x’decizjonijiet irid jiehu ghal gid tieghi. Bis-sensazzjonalizmu gurnalistiku hadd ma’ mexxa’ pajjizi, la fil-bnazzi u wisq inqas fil-maltemp.

  19. jack says:

    Actually I think that Claudio Grech performed very poorly

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