
Published: January 22, 2013 at 8:44pm

42 Comments Comment

  1. Paul Bonnici says:

    He says he was used by the PN.

    He allowed himself to be used, he was not forced.

  2. Pro says:

    Redikolu kollu kemm hu.

  3. TV Marlene says:

    Lanqas ghall-iskip ma jikwalifika, forsi ghalhekk ikwalifika ma’ tal-Labour.

  4. Riya says:

    Nies bhal dawn bla principiju ta’ xejn. Tipikament Laburisti: jekk ma nakkwistax dak li rrid il-pajjiz mhux sejjer tajjeb.

    Dawn it-tip ta’ nies il-princippji taghhom jaraw lilhom biss anke jekk il-pajjiz ikun sejjer tajjeb imma ghax mhux kapaci isibu xoghol kif jaqbel lilhom jehel il-gvern.

    Mela William imur ikanta mhux bi pricipju allura mhux veru jkun qed ikanta mill-qalb izda bi skop.

  5. Adrian says:

    This guy was never to be trusted. He didn’t participate in the Ngħidu Iva song during the referendum campaign.

  6. Judy says:

    Bha ha ha! What a load of crap. Ma jisthiex!

  7. Pisces says:

    Poor guy, pie in the sky. Imagine us like Spain or Greece.

  8. Mikiel says:

    programme was today around 6pm

  9. Kevin Zammit says:

    Has he hit the Earl Grey as well?

  10. Willie Cojones says:

    Min jaf kemm hawn bhalu dan. Min jaf kemm hawn nies li Joseph Muscat ghammixhom u bellaghlhom li ser itellahhom is-seba’ sema, u qed itihom x’jahsbu li “Malta taghhom ukoll” ghax jahasra dawk ta’ goNziPn haduhielhom u ghamluha taghhom biss, mill-President l-isfel.

    Il-verita hi li wara d-9 ta’ Marzu, jekk Joseph Muscat isir Prim Ministru, dawn jispiccaw jikkjuwjaw wara l-marmalja ghal xi favur.

  11. sasha says:

    Utterly pathetic, yet another hypocrite shows his true colours.

  12. WhoamI? says:

    @ 1:45 “Gonzi… PNnnn…”

    Jaqq, xi hmieg ta’ nies.

  13. anthony says:


    For us, Maghrebis, Bakshish.

  14. painintheass says:

    “In-Nazzjonalisti ilhom 25 sena juzawni.” Min iz-z*bb irridek?

  15. Edward says:

    I think it is very likely that at some point the PL dangled some great position or opportunity in front of this man, appealing to his vanity, and got him on to their side, which is what I think they do to everyone who has suddenly decided to vote Labour.

    • La Redoute says:

      Well, serves him right. Plenty of people have opportunities dangled in front of them. People of principle don’t accept unfair advantage. Mangion got what was coming to him.

  16. george grech says:

    U int ghedt li m’hemmx p*fti fil-video?

  17. Gahan says:

    He can’t speak clearly. His words are garbled.

    Doesn’t he feel used by Joseph?

  18. Giulia says:

    Tisimghu jitkellem (ilaqlaq) tahseb li kieku ma kienx ghalih il-PN ma kienux jirbhu l-ahhar elezzjoni. Povru tifel.

  19. bob-a-job says:

    Joe Grima the professional switcher.

    This is something that was hidden away in an obscure corner of the internet.

    I quite like the bit where Joe Grima refers to Joseph Muscat as the (I-am-already- there) redhead Joseph Muscat. This probably explains why Joe Grima was shown the red card.

    One might notice that Grima’s dismissal bore too strong a similarity to Anglu’s demise.

    Non c’è due senza tre they say. Where’s Toni (It’s Curtains) Abela? Rumor has it that he is to become a protagonist on Chi l’ha visto.

    The last paragraph is very telling. Joe Grima’s antipathy for Alfred Sant is significantly obvious.

    by Joe Grima

    Joe Grima talks about the political activity held by the MLP in Fgura

    Tuesday, 25 May, 2004

    On Sunday, di-ve news carried a lengthy report about a political activity held by the MLP in Fgura, without doubt a Labour stronghold of long standing. The report first quoted Glenn Beddingfied , an EU parliamentary hopeful, who during this campaign has shown a lot more character than he was been known for as a Super 1 journalist. Glenn
    Beddingfied was quoted as having ” ignited enthusiasm with an emotional appeal to Labour voters? to go out and vote”

    It was then Robert Micallef (who prides himself to have the support of Dom Mintoff and KMB- leaders of the get- out- of- Europe- Brigade) and Wenzu Mintoff, Dom Mintoff’s own nephew, who took their turn. The two Labour speakers
    “Shot down the PN Government’s performance this past year. Dr Mintoff remarked how “we are not growing in Europe; rather we are steadily diminishing in economic terms.” Robert Micallef said “The Nationalist Government failed to sustain economic growth, whilst it is not providing guarantees for social welfare ”

    It was soon the turn of the much-vaunted, (I-am-already- there) redhead Joseph Muscat to criticize” the much-vaunted consistency of the PN.” According to Muscat,” the PN government is no longer supported by civil society” Taking his turn at the Government-bashing exercise, deputy Leader Charles Mangion criticized the Government on its Tourism policy. He said “Tourism is failing to pick up whilst the loss of foreign direct investment year after year is worsening the situation”

    It was then the turn of the much-awaited Irriduh great immortal leader himself to draw his quota of applause.
    In a long series of kitchen sink wisdoms he “cited a long list of instances of Nationalist economic mismanagement ranging from the situation at the Water Services Corporation to the recent tariff hikes at Gozo Channel.
    The di-ve report then ended this way.” In the wake of the ensuing incitement, Dr Sant issued a public call (for Labourites) to rally together for the first of a series of Mass Meetings to be held in the build-up to June 12th”

    Now I am certain that that was a typing error which simply slipped unnoticed. What the reporter probably meant to use was the word “excitement”.

    Under the circumstances and having read the report, I believe that the word he actually used in the report was much more appropriate and fitted the occasion much better. Prosit


  20. manum says:

    The end justifies the means, opportunistic people.

    I will scream with laughter if Labour doesn’t make it.

  21. sam says:

    Is he serious? ‘Juzawna?’ Mhux hu accetta biex jidher?

    Kemm waqa ghan-n…k.

    L-unika hope li baqalna Joseph Muscat? What? Kanta wahdek ta, ghax ftit se jibqghuk jisimghuk.

  22. Mesmes says:

    Willie’s making the sort of comments which make floating voters think, why should I vote Labour? To pay such opportunist through my taxes?

    The unbelievable thing is that this is being shown on a Labour web portal.

  23. Natalie says:

    So Mr. Mangion thinks that having a political party use his songs in its campaigns is wrong. As if.. That’s a great advert and he should be proud that his band was chosen above all other singers/ bands.

    I can’t understand his reasoning why he should feel used.

  24. TinaB says:

    Who are you trying to fool, Willie?

    Dak li ghandek int, thalli li xi hadd juzak u tistembah wara li jghaddu 25 sena, God bless.

    Hallina tridx – mhux ta’ xejn mort mal-partit ta’ Gowzef ghax mentalita bhal taghhom ghandek.

    Good riddance, u jekk joghgbok ibqa hemm ghax maghhom jixraqlek.

  25. Albert Farrugia says:

    My oh my! Is it possible that PN supporters have been reduced to this level that they feel slighted that an insignificant, unpopular singer changed sides? I mean look around you people.

  26. Il-Pestezz!! says:

    Tghid ghandu xi recording?

  27. Matthew says:

    Presumably, nobody ever dragged him kicking and screaming to a recording studio and forced him to sing on Nationalist Party videos at gunpoint.

    I think one can also assume that whenever his songs are played on the radio (isn’t that what songs are for?) he gets paid a royalty.

    So in what way does he feel forced and used?

    The rubbish that Laburisti come up with to justify their position is truly preposterous.

  28. just me says:

    While giving this interview, wasn’t Mangion being used by Labour?

    iNews is the GWU’s news portal.

    If he felt that the PN used him, this is much worse.

    And could he specify which promises the PN did not keep?

  29. old-timer says:

    In all probability he has now been offered some top post in the musical field ( director at Manoel Theatre for example) or some similar thing like Malta Song Contest or something

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Nah. He’s not Manoel material.

      That could be Brian Schembri, or perhaps Kenneth Zammit Tabona, who’s been careful to straddle that fine line of late.

      Hell, why not bring back Narcy Calamatta? Or “Bertu” Marshall, come to think of it.

      Labour options in the field of culture and the art are unlimited. Bring on the Change!

  30. tal-misthija says:

    Iehor bhal Bundy, li ra d-dawl ta’ JosephMuscat.com.

  31. Lupin says:

    I listened to what he was saying, or rather trying to say, three times.

    Can someone please explain what he meant? Ghax jien ma fhimt xejn.

    Nahseb ittiehed minn Josephmuscat.com u Anglu Farrugia f’qasir zmien.

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