Comment of the morning: Chapter titles in’s upcoming history book

Published: January 22, 2013 at 10:42am

This was posted by ciccio. If you think he’s missed anything, please contribute your own suggested titles beneath.

1. How Labour made Malta independent.

2. The Golden Years of fundamental human rights.

3. 1981: How the Nationalists unlawfully occupied the opposition benches with 51% of the vote.

4. 1987: the end of the oppressive years of the Nationalist governments led by Mintoff and KMB.

5. The Labour governments of Fenech Adami from 1987 to 1996.

6. How Labour liberalised the economy.

7. 1996-1998 – The Nationalist government of Alfred Sant.

8. 1998-2003 – Labour leads Malta’s battle to join the EU.

9. 2003. Il-Partnership ma rebahx.

10. 2003-2013. Economic growth and development within the EU – il-Bidu Gdid tal-Lejber.

11. 2013. Zmien il-partiti spicca. Gvern Gdid tal-Muviment.

26 Comments Comment

  1. Bubu says:

    He’s complaining about a “lack of vision” following EU accession now.

    Of course after his master’s partnerxipp plans he worked so hard to promote failed miserably, he saw the light and was filled with vision and yearning for the EU.

    The chutzpah of this guy is unbelievable.

    [Daphne – I wouldn’t say chutzpah. That’s an admiring term. What you’re looking for is ‘brass neck’.]

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I would laugh, but the book has already been written by the likes of Dominic Fenech.

    They carry an intellectual authority which politicians don’t. So there. The subversion of history starts in the halls of academia. I think even the Vivamalta crowd will agree.

  3. Albert Farrugia says:

    12. 2012: Labour Government successfully pins the blame on the Nationalist Opposition for failing to get budget through parliament.

  4. just me says:

    The Labour Party keeps insisting about the new power station. Some simple calculations are enough to alarm anyone.

    The total cost of the power station, tanks, ships, etc., will be in the region of 600 million euro. Malta’s population is approximately 400,000. A simple division shows that the cost per person in Malta would be 1500 euro.

    So taking a family of 4 this would mean a cost of 6000 euro. Just to pay this back over 10 years, the electricity bill for that family would have to increase by 600 euros every year.

    And this besides the increase to cover the profit the company will have to make, distribution costs, increase in the cost of gas (predictions show that in a few years the price will double), etc.

    So how on earth can the Labour Party promise that electricity bills be reduced by 25%? How can anyone in his right mind take then seriously?

  5. La Redoute says:

    Dom Mintoff, il-haxxej kbir ta’ Malta

    Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici, champion of education

  6. silvio says:

    Yes he forgot:
    How labour intentionally brought the Drydocks to bankrupcy
    How labour sold Malta’ only airport to foreginers,
    How labour sold Malta’s only shipping line to foreigners,
    How Labour sold Malta’s largest bank to foreigners
    How Labour sold Malta Lotteries to foreigners,
    How Labour increased the W&E tariffis and were very happy to vote so.
    How the leader of the Labour Party,voted against the wishes of the majority of us Maltese in the divorce referendum,

    The list can go on and on, but the conclusion should be That Labour should be very proud of all this.

  7. Miss O'Brien says:

    The Times, the Curia, and Eddie’s home were thrashed by the marmalja Nazzjonalista.

    *The Times seems to think so too, the way it is pandering to Labour.

  8. Brian*14 says:

    1976 – George Borg Olivier orders the burning down of all Nationalist clubs.

    1977 – Nation-wide Strike Action during this Golden Year.

    1979 – The Year of Free Speech for the Curia, The Times and the Leader of the Opposition, Eddie Fenech Adami

    • Amanda says:

      1984 – The law courts are ransacked by a PN mob, led by Fenech Adami
      1984 – Austin Gatt locks pupils and teachers out of their schools, and leads a mob of women shouting ‘Jew B’Xejn Jew Xejn’.

  9. George Callus says:

    Please note: Alfred Sant did not vote in the EU referendum, but Joseph Muscat voted NO.

  10. David J Camilleri says:

    10a Labour takes Malta into the Eurozone.

  11. Riya says:

    Mintoff kisser u farrak Malta minn kull angolu u biex ikompli jahqar lil hutu il-Maltin appunta lil Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici Prim Ministru fejn tahtu saru attrocitajiet kbar u tal-biki.

    Joseph Muscat missu ilu ifahhru lil Dr. Fenech Adami mhux issa biex jipprova jigbor giehu mal-floating voter.

    Missu, jekk jippretendi li hu ragel u jekk hu tal-affari tieghu semmma x’gid hadet Malta minn Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici u siehbu Alfred Sant. Ghax il-Labour dejjem pudini ghamel u hu issa ha jaghmel froga bil-power station.

    Il-Labour huwa edewwa tal-Maltin u tal-pajjiz. Dejjem hekk kien u hekk jibqa ghax la hemm imhuh u lanqas qalb. L-unika qalb li hemm hija ghal bothom.

  12. Orlando ellul micallef says:

    Another chapter: L-idea ekonomika ta’ Joseph Muscat – Cipru.

  13. Jozef says:

    12. How Joseph managed, against all odds, to break the mould and convert the PN to gas.

    13. How Joseph was the first to realise that those who have no place in business deserve a place in the market as well.

    14. How Joseph converted AD to uphold the faith in his promises.

  14. Natalie Mallett says:

    15. Joseph invented free childcare so women can finally get a job.

  15. So breathtakingly glib is our Joseph says:

    12. How the power station in Cyprus exploded and caused a financial meltdown because the Cypriots followed Gonzi`s advice to build two massive storage tanks the size of the Mosta Rotunda in Malta.

    Or was that in Iceland?

  16. anti labour says:

    15. How Joseph learnt to lie and break copyright and blame it on somebody else.

  17. ciccio says:

    Meanwhile, we have to contend with Cyrus’s: “Joseph, Malta li rrid nghix fiha.”

    Literally translated that means that Joseph is the sort of Malta which Cyrus would like to live in. It must feel like “Alice in Wonderland.”

  18. AE says:

    Be careful with these titles. Not everyone who reads this understands irony.

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