Dishonest reporters and a lying Labour leader

Published: January 21, 2013 at 2:42pm

A half-truth is a lie, sometimes worse than a lie. The Labour Party, in collusion with Malta Today, has given the impression that Frank Sammut is still CEO at Mediterranean Offshore Bunkering and that he’s still ripping off a percentage of purchases which are then sent to a secret Swiss bank account.

The documents they show are dated 2004, but still they give the impression that the situation carries on until today, but they just don’t have the documents to show us.

The truth is that Frank Sammut was kicked out of Mediterranean Offshore Bunkering in July 2004. You can read the termination memorandum which he received here: Termination letter

If the PDF fails to upload quickly enough, you can see a picture of the memorandum below.

I am given to understand that he was removed because there were suspicions about him, but no facts or information to bear these suspicions out. So to be on the safe side, they just terminated his contract.

The bank account information has only emerged now, in the mysterious possession of the Labour Party.

The point is this. Far from backing Frank Sammut’s corruption or allowing it to happen, the 2004 government removed him that same semester, summarily.

There can be no doubt at all that Joseph Muscat knows the facts. Frank Sammut’s letter of immediate termination, dated July 2004, is signed by Tancred Tabone, currently president of the Chamber of Commerce, with whom Muscat appears to have a fond relationship (see photographs below).

What we are dealing with here is a Labour leader who spent years being groomed in his role as a Super One propaganda hack, and who just can’t detach himself from that mentality of lies, fabrication and manipulation.

Imagine a prime minister with that low mentality. It’s just unbelievable. But then I suppose the people who like him are that way themselves, and so see nothing wrong with it.

50 Comments Comment

  1. Tinnat says:

    And for nauseating newspaper editors, read the following:

  2. silverbug says:

    In Xewkija, Muscat asked a pertinent question – who is benefiting from the purchase of this oil? The question is telling in that the reply, obligingly came the next day through the good offices of Maltatoday.

    Question is, something like this cannot have been worked overnight.

    How long had the info been available to the source? Sitting on the info and doing nothing about it makes the source an accomplice.

  3. Anthony Briffa says:

    Ara vera Camorra bejn tal-lejber u tal-Malta Today.

    Viva Malta taghna lkoll.

  4. Oscar says:

    Just watch how tactile Joey is. And good old Tancred’s loving it. Ah well what goes around comes around.

  5. Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

    Again with the media. Why aren’t they pointing these things out?

  6. Fido says:

    Let us not forget that Joseph Muscat has been groomed in the Alfred Sant School of Thought where as Sant had admitted, “itfa’ it-tajn illum, itfa’ it-tajn għada u xi ħaġa jeħel”.

  7. FP says:

    “Dishonest reporters and a lying Labour leader” …

    … and a dictaphone media: take anything anyone says as fact and roll the presses.

    Thank you for publishing this (and a lot more), Daphne.

  8. David says:

    Proset Daphne!

  9. ciccio says:

    Since Labour has access to Swiss bank accounts information, why don’t they publish details of Mintoff’s bank accounts?

  10. P Shaw says:

    How did the PN let the MEA, MHRA and Chamber of Commerce slip into the ‘hands’ of the MLP? This is similar to 1995/6 when the GRTU became a puppet of the MLP and organized a general strike together with the GWU.

    Or are these older guys feeling empowered by having an immature PM in Castille come March that they can easily maneuver as their puppet to their personal benefit?

  11. Josephine says:

    Who could possibly have been the primary source of information about this?

    More importantly, once they had all the ‘juicy’ details, why did they not act on them at all in the last 8 or 9 years? Was it because they were hoping for some kind of deal but have been ‘let down’ (or so they thought)?

    People’s lack of morals never ceases to amaze me.

  12. Chicken says:

    Shouldn’t Evarist Bartolo be investigating the procurement procedures for Joseph Muscat’s and Konrad Mizzi’s gas power plant? That sure smells of serious irregularity.

  13. maryanne says:

    A taste of things to come and they are still in Opposition.

    Labour want Austin Gatt questioned by police – (The Times)

  14. C Falzon says:

    So let’s see if I got this right:

    1. Mr Sammut is appointed MOBC chairman by Alfred Sant’s Labour government.

    2. According to Malta Today Mr Sammut allegedly takes commission (bribes?) on oil purchased by Enemalta at the same time that he is in a position to influence decisions on purchase of such oil.

    3. Fenech Adami’s PN government sacks him in 2004, apparently because they weren’t convinced all was well with him.

    4. Nine years later Malta Today publishes their story, making it seem that Mr Sammut is in the inner circle of Klikka ta’ GonziPN.

    5. Labour picks up on the story, using it to ‘prove’ that the choice of oil over gas was a result of corruption in the PN government.

    One thing not yet clear to me is, when he was sacked from MOBC did he stay on some board that decides on oil purchase or was that only when he was at MOBC?

    Some have commented that it is irrelevant that he was sacked from MOBC because it was not there but on some other board (and possibly at a much later date) that he was involved in decisions on oil purchase. I don’t know if there is any truth to this and I don;t know how to find out, but it does seem rather unlikely to me.

    [Daphne – Frank Sammut was never on the board that takes decisions on purchasing oil. That fact emerged on Bondi+ this evening.]

  15. Maria says:

    Article in ‘The Times’ online on the (in)famous Frank Sammut:

    “He had been appointed managing director of the company in 1997.”

    Question: Who was in government in 1997? Who promoted and gave him this role?

    Prime Minister Alfred Sant’s Labour government.

    Enough said.

  16. Gahan says:

    I think Astrid wants to sit on the fence.

  17. Makjavel says:

    This campaign has shown us clearly that Muscat can’t answer questions. He can only throw another question back at you.

    This latest collusion with Malta Today is a shame to Saviour Balzan, who has now exchanged credentials with the worst type of media manipulators.

  18. Wayne Hewitt says:

    Id-dizonesta madronali ta’ Joseph Muscat tohrog bic-car fl-intervista li ghamel mas-Sunday Times il-bierah, fejn qal li fl-istrutturi tal-Partit kien qed jghid mod u fil-pubbliku mod’iehor fuq l-ishubija ta’ Malta fl-Unjoni Ewropeja.

    Jista’ jkollok prova ikbar minn din – fejn qed jammetti hu stess li hu bniedem dizonest bic-certifikat?

  19. Harry Purdie says:

    Just finished watching Obama’s inauguration and listening to his speech. What a contrast to your title above.

    Uplifting, professional and businesslike. vs sick, sad and scary.

    • Tumas-Muscat says:

      Might I add “visionary” to descriptions Obama’s speech? It’s something which is missing in most politicians’ views today in general, and, it seems, Malta in particular.

      All we’ve got here is one party trying to undermine the other through sickening lies and perversions, and the local vernacular of ‘progression’ and ‘change’ reduced to “it’s my turn now” or based on one single unnecessary project (and Labour is mainly guilty here on both fronts).

      We need someone with a credible and dignified vision of trying to improve Malta for everyone (meaning every single one, not just friends or supporters), not cheap gimmicks just to get to power. Instead, we sadly get this.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Call me a grizzled old cynic, but I think you’ve a touch too much faith in politics and its power to to create universal well-being.

        No one, no matter how competent or honest, can “improve Malta for everyone”.

        There are a million things that can go wrong in any person’s life, and if we all have our place on the bell curve, then some of us will end up as losers.

        Just about the only thing that politicians can do is to manage the world’s limited resources in the most efficient way.

        Visions just won’t do.

        PN’s vision is, in the grand Christian Democratic tradition, “to put every single person at the centre of our politics”. Yeah, right.

        Four hundred and twenty thousand conflicting interests all at the centre. Impossible.

        Politics is not the art of the possible. It’s the art of saying No. That’s one lesson which PN has forgotten.

        As for MLP, I won’t dignify them with a comment.

      • Jozef says:

        Baxxter, are you serious?

        This legislature has been riddled with those who won’t take no for an answer. It trickled down to mould Muscat’s basics.

        Or even worse, those who think an alternative is still a no simply because they won’t change their mindset.

        Have Joseph will expect.

        This is where the paradigm shift you mention has to come into the equation. Even if it hurts.

        Saying No means saying yes to contemporary thinking.

        Remember when the mayor of Paola mumbled something about the whirring noise made by the automatic doors on buses?

        Or the notorious revised salaries? It turns out this cabinet was the cheapest ever. Lot of grumbling then, backbenchers, ex-ministers and their established entourage of businessmen, contractors and whatnots.

        I mean, if politics is also how short the electorate’s memory is, you’re right. Still, that won’t take us anywhere.

    • Alf says:

      I cannot agree more. Life under Labour is so sick, sad and very scary. I speak through personal experience. I am worried for my children, your children, our children. I worry for my country, our country – the country which only the PN made it belong to ALL of us, irrespective of political colour or creed.

      Whilst to the masses and on billboards the PL keeps saying “Malta Taghna Lkoll” (and making no reference to Labour Party), PL spokesmen/women declare otherwise. If the PL wins the elections on the 9 March, the slogan Malta Taghna Lkoll will disappear.

      The PL is a wolf in sheep’s clothing till the 9 March after which date (should the majority believe them) the wolf will show his teeth. BEWARE and BE WARNED.

      • Alf says:

        If the PL is elected on the 9 March the slogan “Malta Taghna Lkoll” will instantaneously change to “Malta Kollha Taghna”.

      • Grezz says:

        Stop calling it the “PL”, will you all? Whatever its current name or guise or party colours or banners, it will always remain MLP – Malta Labour Party, and rotten to the core.

  20. TROY says:

    Now you see why they always put him on a box.

    A picture paints a thousand words.

    [Daphne – Let’s be fair. Tancred Tabone is exceptionally tall.]

  21. silvio says:

    I fully agree with you that a half truth is worse than a lie.
    I wonder why you didn’t tell your readers that Sammut was appointed on the Oil procuring board of ENM after he was as you say sacked .?

    [Daphne – For crying out loud, Silvio, look at the dates.]

    • silvio says:

      Please, do tell us when Sammut stopped being a member of the oil procuring board.

      [Daphne – Get with the story, Silvio. HE NEVER WAS A MEMBER OF THE OIL PROCUREMENT BOARD.]

  22. rjc says:

    First indication that Labour will not implement the budget as it is if elected.

    Succession duty, instead being removed completely as is being proposed, is now going to be removed only in the case of children with disabilities.

  23. Alfred Bugeja says:

    The more I read you and the more I analyse the pics you post, the more certain I become that this country is about to be taken over by the Pink Mafia (again).

  24. Lord Lucan says:

    This letter has nothing to do with the enemalta purchasing board which procured 380 million euros per year of fuel for the power station.
    As far as I know Mr.Sammut remained on this board for much longer.
    It stinks, and whoever is involved needs to be made an example of.

  25. Majsi says:

    What about Muscat’s promise to Enemalta workers that they will be involved in the building of the new plant?

    This impossibility comes from the fact that they will still be occupied on the existing plant, unless he plans to dismantle it before building the new one. Also beforehand they need to be qualified to be able built a new plant.

    He also promised them they will be involved in the dismantling of the old plant at Marsa / Delimara. But how could this be if they are to be employed by the private company responsible with the new plant, for sure they cannot be working in 2 different places at the same time.

  26. Joseph Vassallo- Agius says:

    What liars! What hypocrites!

    And we have to bear with them for five years.

  27. ken il malti says:

    The problem with Labour is that Joseph Muscat is not much of a politician and he hasn’t got anyone with any brains in the ranks of his party.

    The Malta Labour Party reeks of incompetent amateurism.

  28. Dumbo says:

    Muscat says that the best is yet to come. He affirms that “The time is now”.

    This is the greatest affirmation – if any is needed – that GonziPN (with all its imperfections, arrogance and what have you) sowed all the right seeds and now is the time to reap the benefit.

    You bet that the best is yet to come, but now it will come only if Labour is kept a zillion miles away from government.

    Ex admissis Muscat is just a parasite lying through his teeth, demagoguing his followers and the gullible disgruntled.

  29. francesco says:

    Joseph Muscat was called untrustworthy by his right hand man Anglu Farrugia.

    Let us not forget.

  30. Al says:

    I’m pretty sure that the investigation could reveal some surprises……….funding the PL perhaps?

  31. Aunt Hetty says:

    The nearer election day looms, the more my skin crawls.

  32. ninnu says:

    Savior rega hareg ta’ mazetta.

    • Jozef says:

      Exactly, he’s been promising a scandal in his video rants for years now, ‘fil-mument propizju’, you just wait and see.

      Is this it?

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