He’s like the character Who Did It in an Agatha Christie novel (u kemm ghandu dar mittilkless, bil-fidda u kewba…)

Published: January 18, 2013 at 4:19pm

Jason Micallef believes in so many things, God bless him, including freedom of speech/expression. Somebody haul out that lie detector, but please don’t put it on his kredenza tal-kewba ghax tiggrefielu.

62 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Those first two seconds scream CAMP.

    [Daphne – You think?As camp as a row of tents.]

  2. observer says:

    The whole charade reminds me of the film “Look who’s talking”

  3. Rosanne B says:

    Dawk valuri!

  4. silverbug says:

    Ahhh…the emphasis on being Laburist tradizzjonali, as opposed to what, a Laburist Progressiv? This man must really have Joseph Muscat by the short and curlies to get away with this sort of video.

  5. Spektor says:

    At 52″ when he turns around to face the camera… Priceless

  6. Jozef says:

    The video of the party leader.

    Cranberry glass. tsk.

  7. silvio says:

    I’m sure he would have been more credible if he said how sorry he is that Anglu is no longer contesting in his district.

    He could even have said how much he misses him.

    He sounded as false as his taparsi kredenza ta’ Malta.

  8. Ian Castillo says:

    The man hardly blinks at all – those are the creepiest eyes I’ve seen outside of a movie theatre, and his expression is painfully forced and controlled.

    There’s a whole lot going on behind that artificial smile.

  9. Wayne Hewitt says:

    Have you noticed he is also reading from a teleprompter?

  10. Tumas-Muscat says:

    Ironically, more than half the things he says he’s in favour of, most Labourites who count themselves ‘Laburisti tradizzjonali’ are not (like love, tolerance, transparency, wealth not for the few etc).

  11. Analise Vella says:

    Me thinks he’s got false teeth

  12. Alchemist says:

    ‘Laburist tradizjonali’- that’s bloody frightening.

  13. TROY says:

    LEST WE FORGET: ‘Iva, gvern tal-Laburisti ghal Laburisti’.

  14. Phili B. says:

    Declaring himself to be Laburist tradizjonali is an attempt at netting Anglu Farrugia’s followers by adopting his battle cry. He also did it to irk his boss. Dan jaf jisthi?

  15. Gordon says:

    Looks like he borrowed Muscat’s teleprompter to recite his Kredu.

    If he stuck to 5 points, he would have been more credible rather than rant off about everything and try to say it all in one long sentence in a monotone.

    Great lighting & make-up, though.

  16. Is-sur Meme says:

    Jekk temmen b’rieda daqshekk soda, ghalfejn qed taqra li qed tghid, Sur Micallef?

  17. Rosanne B says:

    Daphne, hawn il-faqar hux..ghalhekk ghandu id-dar tleqq.

  18. Futur Imcajpar says:

    ‘I don’t believe in class distinction’, you say, Jason.

    That might be because you’re at the lower end yourself and would not like to admit it.

    I bet you believe in class hatred, though. If you really come from a traditional familja Laburista, that’s encoded into your genome, together with a strong dose of lanzit and hdura.

  19. edgar says:

    No mention of Joseph Muscat and how great a leader he is.

  20. Nighthawk says:

    Campness (Campity? Campitude?) aside, which is a form of self expression he is fully entitled to use, the first few seconds scream out “and if you’re a Nationalist or a moderate Labourite, bugger off because I don’t want your vote”.

    Then the lies trip all over each other in the struggle to.. er…come out.

  21. bob-a-job says:

    Is this his Act of Contrition?

  22. Mesmes says:

    Mela kollha bit-teleprompter dawn?

  23. M. says:

    Am watching Xarabank. Muscat has that curious Berlusconi “hairstyle” which looks like it was given a boost with shoe-shine. And he seems to have lipstick like that of Konrad Mizzi. Now, to listen to what they have to say …

  24. ken il malti says:

    “Laburist tradizjonali”. Was Dom Mintoff ever this fruity?

    • Futur Imcajpar says:

      Mintoff sounded like a man after a few drinks at the typical village male-only, bar. Vulgar, impulsive, hot-headed and spouting nonsense to his like-minded and equally uncivilised drink-mates.

      • ken il malti says:

        So he hid his fruitiness well then.

      • Tabatha White says:

        True, and even then not many others had the guts to counter with logic, truth and common sense.

        Anyway, those who did got ‘rewarded’ beyond belief. A brief analysis is all it would take to identify these people… publicly. And why not? If actions are nothing to be ashamed of then there should be nothing to hide.

        Some years ago a then Labour Minister tried to convince me that Mintoff didn’t know what was going on (oh, so he did and didn’t inform him?). No worries, plenty of witnesses still living to attest to the fact that the threats-a-plenty came out of Mintoff’s own mouth, from Castille.

        That’s why I can’t understand why those businessmen photographed with Joseph & Co recently think that the person or companies who have ended up as net benefactors since then would accept a change in the way things have, unfortunately, always been run.

        Keep straight and push for rights rather than show everyone how desperate you’ve become, or have always been.

        One would have thought that at least these current generations would have matured, imma l-hanzir, taqtalu denbu, hanzir jibqa.

  25. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Laburist tradizzjoniali. As opposed to Laburist progressiv?

  26. M. says:

    Muscat is so effing evasive and gives me the impression that he is incapable of answering direct questions for which he hasn’t got rehearsed answers.

  27. Gladio says:

    Laburist tradizzjonali = Mintoffjan

  28. george grech says:

    Suddenly, I feel butch.

  29. David says:

    Mehud mil-film` The Notebook`

  30. ciccio says:

    Where is the blue tie? Tsk Tsk.

  31. Alfred says:

    Back to the flower pots to you mate…

  32. jack says:

    Looks like the Cyrus’s tanned twin.

  33. just me says:

    If Jason were really sincere about all these beliefs, he would vote PN.

  34. doreen says:

    Is he gay? I didn’t know that. Nemmen li kull ma qal ma jemmen xejn – just papagall. X’ biza ta’ nies.

  35. CinemaPL says:

    Grab some popcorn cause now there’s this as well:


  36. Daisy says:

    What do LGBT think of this – fast forward to 1.15min


  37. lo squalo says:

    This to me seems a message from a party leader. There are no logos which refer to PL campaign. If this person would be elected, he would be far apart from PL ‘team maghqud’.

  38. George says:

    Incredible – isn’t this the same Jason Micallef who five years ago insisted that ‘gvern Laburista jkun ghall-Laburisti biss’?

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