Is William Mangion a switcher or just somebody who prostitutes himself for political campaign videos?

Published: January 22, 2013 at 1:36am

William Mangion, general election campaign 2008, Nationalist Party video:

William Mangion, general election campaign 2013, Malta Labour Party video:

72 Comments Comment

  1. bob-a-job says:

    What’s wrong with living up to one’s name? Willie is a dick.

  2. marc says:

    Well I guess he’s a floater.

  3. P Shaw says:

    What is that expression on Cyrus’s face?

  4. P Shaw says:

    By the way, what happened to the living wage and is the MEA on board?

    Will Muscat encourage women to go to work and then oblige the employers to pay them according to the number of people in the household and the number of cars/holidays/ etc they need to live a comfortable living according to the ‘benchmark’ standards?

    I went through the list of the MEA council and noticed that apart from Josie Muscat, Fava and somebody else, most of the council members are employees/ex-employees of Air Malta, Drydocks, BOV and other parastatal companies.

    Shouldn’t this organisation represent employers and enterpreneurs who created enterprises and generate employment opportunities?

  5. Musical says:

    Daphne, in 2008 you had written this brilliant article on The Malta Independent saying why you will vote PN. I would love to read it again, and probably so would most of those following this blog.

    [Daphne – My columns are published on Thursday and Sunday, so it’s a matter of working out the dates for Thursday and Sunday in the two weeks before the election (8 March) and then finding them in the archive at I would say it must have been on the preceding Thursday (6 March 2008).]

  6. cintura says:

    Was that Ramona Frendo on the video?

  7. Tobby says:

    “Seize the moment”….he said!

  8. Spektor says:

    Marshall’s testimonial is the most ridiculous.

  9. Katrin says:

    Apart from William, hames snin ilu ghamlu ghageb shih ghax il-PN kienu ghamlu l-kampanja elettorali b’Gonzipn u ghadhom ghaddejjin biha u issa dan il-clip hlief Joseph Muscat ma ssemmiex.

  10. edgar says:

    William could not resist following and being behind Cyrus Engerer. That Burberry scarf is so magnetic.

  11. old-timer says:

    There are people who butter their bread on both sides.

    • Principji Sodi says:

      Xi gimgha ilu rajt lil William Mangion fuq Kalamita u qal illi mar mal-PL ghax mar ghand il-Prim Ministru u staqsieh biex ighinu (ghax kien fi problemi finanzjarji … jekk fhimt sew) u dan ma ghenux.

      Milli stajt nifhem biex isibulu job. Sabulu job imma qal illi ma kienx to his expectations.

      Imbaghad sar habib hafna ma’ Joseph Muscat ghax semghu, fehmu, mar jiekol ghandu d-dar. Insomma wiehed minn dawk illi ghax ma hax li ried dar mal-PL.

      Imma biex inkun ghedt kollox, u forsi ma smajtux, ma smajtx lil William Mangion ighid li Joseph Muscat sablu xoghol to his expectations.

      • Bubu says:

        Mentalita’ bazwija minn sorm omma.

        Daphne, forgive the vulgarity, but it seemed to be the best way to get the point across.

        [Daphne – Yes, I know the feeling. Before your comment came in, I had actually made the observation that there’s been a noticeable spike in the use of cathartic Maltese expletives by people commenting on this blog, as the Labour campaign gets into gear. That’s the kind of reaction they’re provoking, which I imagine is not the one they want.]

  12. Gahan says:

    I think William Mangion is a switcher. Some years ago he became a highly religious person, quoting the Bible (New born Christian?) and preaching Christianity. I stand to be corrected about this.

    Now you have his word that Joseph keeps his word and you know what he stands for.

    Happy-clappers scare me.

  13. Marco says:

    Who exactly is William Mangion?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Didn’t you ‘keep him in mind’?

      • ciccio says:

        I think that was Mike Spiteri.

        Mangion’s 1993 entry was “This time.” Apparently Joseph Muscat thinks it was 20 years ahead of its time.

      • Adrian says:

        The singer of ‘Keep me in mind’ is Mike Spiteri, a staunch Nationalist.

        He was with his wife Taħt it-Tinda at Dingli last week.

        William Mangion is the singer of ‘This Time’. Probably he thinks this time there is a greater chance that Labour wins … and so he switched allegiance.

      • ade says:

        “Keep me in mind” was by someone else altogether – Mike Spiteri.

        This pseudo-spiritual, born again Jesus freak gave us “This time”.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Damn, I’ve got my Eurovision lore confused now.

        I’m definitely slipping up. Must be the Earl Grey.

  14. Ant Vassallo says:

    On Kalamita (One TV) he explained – at length – that he had expected a good job from the Nationalist govt and so he now beleives in Joseph and the PL

  15. rjc says:

    Reminds me so much of the ‘Part-ner-ship’ song they had in 2003.


  16. E Azzopardi says:

    Imbellah u mnixxef. Lanqas irrid nemmen. Araw din.

  17. It’s pretty obvious. Joseph is buying these “celebrities” off.

  18. mandango70 says:

    Some go one way, others the go the other way. Happens all the time.

    • Last Post says:

      You’re right if the only principle that exists is that of short-sighted ego-centrism.

      I went my way full speed ahead back in 1981 after years of Labour double-speak, mismanagement, corruption, disasters (remember the water and electricity shortages?), violence and arrogance, culminating in the perverted election result of that year.

      Since then, despite all the errors and some personal misgivings, I still prefer the PN because you know where you stand with them. I can’t trust the (M)LP because they have proved time and again that they’re just a bunch of unprincipled opportunists.

  19. Ganna says:

    Sharon Ellul Bonici runs a business which operates childcare centres. Ghax Malta taghna lkoll.

  20. Albert Farrugia says:

    Well, you might call thousands of people switchers these days. Incredible how such a simple video is having such an effect on PN morale! Attacking someone just because he appears on an innocous video! Another nice one to increase the PN standing at the polls.

    [Daphne – Albert, do try to use your mind properly. Remember that biblical parable of the wasted talents? Nobody is attacking anyone for appearing in a Labour video. This is called mockery, it is entirely normal in democratic countries with a tradition of humour and free speech, and anybody who takes a public stance on anything can and should expect it and get it. So come and burn my house down, what can I say. And yes, they are ridiculous: figures from Xandir Malta of the 1970s talking about the future of Malta in 2013. How liberal and progressive, God bless them. One of them hasn’t even lived in Malta for 30 years.]

    • Antoine Vella says:

      I’m always amazed at the thin skin of most Labour supporters: the slightest criticism or sarcasm is described as a “vicious attack” and while they continuously dish it out they clearly do not have the strength and stamina to take it.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Can we stop using the word “attack”? It’s getting ridiculous and it’s not correct English.

        [Daphne – Thank you, Baxxter. I try to tell people, when this word is used in conversation, that attacks involve knives, guns and some blood. The usual Maltese English.]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Take a five-minute coffee break, Malta, and see some of the wonderfully nuanced terms which you should use instead of “attack”. I include both nouns and verbs:

        criticism / scathing criticism
        volley of insult
        volley of criticism
        to lambast
        to blast
        to rebuke
        violent disagreement
        to castigate
        to denounce
        to berate
        to pour cold water on
        to chastise
        to fulminate against
        to censure
        to pick holes in
        censure (noun)
        insult (which it never is. For then we’d be translating from the (wrong again) “jinsulENta”)
        to pour scorn on

        and others.

        [Daphne – Forget it, H.P. You’re speaking about people whose ‘language mind’ was formed from infancy by Maltese. When that happens, you can’t grasp the wonderful variety of a more extensive vocabulary, when you encounter it later in life. You will notice that Maltese people who speak English have a very restricted vocabulary and use the same word to serve several purposes when in proper English each purpose has a specific, and different, word. Hence, ‘attack’ being used for all of the above. I’ve just had a bit of an argument with somebody while watching Joseph Muscat on television, addressing a mass meeting. “He’s speaking like Fenech Adami,” this person said. “What you mean is that he’s IMITATING Fenech Adami,” I replied. “Yes, that’s what I said,” came the reply. “No, it isn’t what you said. What you said is that he’s speaking like Fenech Adami, which means exactly that. But he’s not speaking like Fenech Adami, he’s IMITATING him.” Then I gave up trying to explain the signficant difference.]

      • ciccio says:

        Baxxter, I think what Antoine had in mind was along the lines of “attakk fahxi u personali.”

        Remember when we were all accused of perpetrating those sort of things from these comment boxes?

        In fact, my red button below says “Submit attakk fahxi u personali.”

      • ciccio says:

        Oh, and then I get a red bar stating “Your attakk fahxi u personali is awaiting moderation.”

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Sometimes it gets dangerous, Daphne. The other day I read a report in The Times, telling us that Gonzi “gets goosebumps” when he hears Joseph Muscat’s election proposals.

        Which of course means the complete opposite of “I’m not happy those proposals.” He probably said “jaqbadni l-bard meta nisimghu jitkellem.”

        [Daphne – ‘Dehxa’ is the word he used.]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        “He turns my blood cold.”


  21. Peter Mallia says:

    Did you notice that the ‘news of the world’ put on a different obama-video, which is quite different?

    What a mess of a country this is going to be.

  22. JPS says:

    Probably both…and a bad singer too.

  23. George says:


    Alfred Borg Memorji
    Malta Taghna ilkoll
    Meta morna l-iskola u sibna il-bieb mghaluq
    Malta taghna ilkoll
    Meta kissirtu il-kurja
    Malta taghna ilkoll
    Meta kissirtu il-qorti
    Malta taghna ilkoll
    Meta kissirtu id-dar ta EFA
    Malta taghna ilkoll
    Meta trid telefon trid tmur ghand il-ministru
    Malta taghna ilkoll
    Meta biex tixtri TV trid thallas 50 jew 100 lil xi hadd u TV jiswa Lm500
    Malta taghna ilkoll
    Meta biex tiholl student l-unversita irrid ikolrlok il-parrinu
    Malta taghna ilkoll
    Meta l-istipendju gie imdawwar b’self
    Malta taghna ilkoll
    Meta iz-zejt kien jiswa $12 il-barmil u kienu ser jisplodu il-kontijiet
    Malta taghna ilkoll
    Mela lil Ghawdex spicca mighajr Ministeru
    Malta taghna ilkoll
    Meta gejna imcahda milli isir Mass Meeting fiz-Zejtun
    Malta taghna ilkoll
    Taghna ilkoll
    Taghna ilkoll
    Taghna ilkoll

  24. Athina says:

    This from the people who mock ‘GonziPN’: ‘Joseph’ is uttered 6 times in a 2-minute slot.

  25. sasha says:

    All the hypocrites are finally being exposed. Pity the Nationalists didn’t listen to their own who were telling them clearly that these were hypocrites in the first place.

  26. M. Cilia says:

    Very true, Anna.

  27. diamond says:

    I met William Mangion at a meeting during the 2008 campaign and he told me, “I hope PN wins as I risked too much with my appearance on the video of Flimkien Kollox Possibbli”.

    Now in 2013 his reasoning is just the same, but he’s switched sides as he thinks it’s a safe bet.

  28. Wilson says:

    Could it be the hair loss attraction?

  29. U halluna! says:

    Fil-video ‘Taghna lkoll’ ghoddejt mal-25 tifel/tifla fosthom anke filmati tat-tfal igorru l-placard bil-messagg politiku tal-Lejber ‘Taghna Lkoll’.

    Mhux hazin hux mill-Partit li xeba’ jibki d-dmugh tal-kukkudrilli fuq kemm mhux suppost nuzaw tfal fil-kampanja elettorali? U halluna.

  30. U halluna! says:

    William Mangion inzerta naqra sfortunat miskin.

    Fil-video ta’ Flimkien Kollox Possibbli jkanta ‘Biex il-poplu jgawdi sahhtu, lesti nonfqu flejjes kbar’.

    Il-gvern Nazzjonalista matul din il-legislatura nefaq mal-miljun ewro kuljum fis-sahha, qed joffri mal-4000 servizz tas-sahha b’xejn, zied in-numru ta’ operazzjonijiet u n-numru ta’ medici li jinghataw b’xejn, zied il-professjonisti Maltin li jahdmu fl-isptarijiet taghna u hafna iktar.

    L-istrofa li kanta William Mangion ma setghetx tkun ahjar.

  31. pablo says:

    I was at university in the sixties/seventies and remember who was what at the time. Manwel Mallia was a rabid Nationalist standing for the Students Representative Council election against AST and the Xirka mob of Evarist Bartolo and co.

    Then Manwel played establishment to become president of the Casino Maltese.

    Now Manwel is a Laburist Socjalist.

    Lordy lord.

  32. RosanneB says:

    So William Mangion wanted a good job, because ‘Malta taghna lkoll’.

    So what about those employed in the civil service who come after the next election if Labour is elected, they will be scrutinised. Then perhaps William Mangion will jump for the occasion.

  33. old-timer says:

    This Mangion chap said he switched sides because Gonzi did not give him a job to his liking.

    I really cannot understand how people link their jobs with political issues.

    Anyway, now I feel that Mangion will ask for cash for the videos he will produce for PL.

    Do not worry William, Joey hs plenty of cash to throw about. Judas switched for some cash as well.

  34. zz says:

    “joseph muscat iwettaq dak li jwieghed” …. x’wettaq ezattament ghal Malta dawn l-ahhar hames snin?

  35. diamond says:

    His line in Flimkien Kollox Possibbli was…biex il-poplu jgawdi sahhtu lesti nonfqu flejjes kbar!

    Now in Taghna Lkoll it should be…biex il-poplu jahxi sahhtu lesti nonfqu flejjes kbar!

  36. mattie says:

    Tsk Tsk, shame.

  37. Rounhead says:

    Wasn’t William Mangion a full-time singer? Why do full-time singers need jobs?

    With what jobs is William Mangion satisfied? And what are his qualifications apart from his raucous voice?

  38. charlie says:

    Pablo, it’s because you’re not aware of his true principles and values (sic).

  39. Betty says:

    It is so typical that we vote for a political party based on what ‘we’ acquired over the years and not what good has been done for the country.

    On a different note, why do we have so many ugly people on this island who all seem to be in adverts and video clips?

    Theres an English-speaking woman who’s pregnant saying that she wants her child to be born in a cleaner environment ghax Malta taghna lkoll. That’s Labour’s idea of multiculturalism and tolerance of different ethnic groups.

    Why not put a black person as well in this video and see their reaction?

  40. Josephine says:

    Dawn bis-serjeta !? Min ghamilhom l-Universita, waterfront etc? How shallow.

  41. cat says:

    John Bundy, William Mangion, same breed.

    On the other hand I ask why should Mr. Mangion beg favours of politicians. He’s a very capable musician with plenty of experience. I think one of the best we’ve ever had in our country.

  42. Gahan says:

    Norman se jsir nannu?

    [Daphne – No. But if he were, then not before time. He’s my mother’s age, and she’s got grandchildren who are older than Norman’s daughter.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Not yet. Give him time, Gahan. He needs to get installed in Piccadilly. Being a grandad rather dampens the whole “get posted, get laid” experience.

      Cheers, Norman. Her Majesty will be delighted with your rendition of “Mitna ta’ Xejn”.

  43. VICTORIA says:

    Ghal li jista jkun, id-diska tal-Labour jew ta’ Joseph Muscat?

    Jew ha jaghmel kollox wahdu dan?

    Lanqas il-PL mhu tal-Laburisti kollha u din id-diska turi car. Ahseb u ara MALTA.

  44. Jane says:

    I was amused after watching parts of Labour mass meetings along with this ridiculous clip, where the word “TAGHNA, TAGHNA, TAGHNA” is all over the place.

    A Maltese tongue-twister came to mind:

    Toni tighna tani tina talli tajtu tuta tajba.

  45. laburist says:

    Jien wiehed li nara u nisma u Daphne ma tantx tinzili asek ax esegerata wisq. Jien nixtieq najd li mu ha nivota l hadd. Jien laburist ima din ta w.mangon ma niflahix e. Lewel ipapija ma pn u ax jaf li em posibilita kbira li jitla labour qeleb mana biex ipapija ma kulhadd. Jidispjacini bye bye my vote hasra mux diehel dr.debono

  46. Simon says:

    I do not trust Joseph Muscat, who has been wrong on everything so far.

    He confirms that Malta is heading in the right direction, then he tells us that we need to change direction.

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