It’s all about Joseph Muscat now. The Labour Party has been ‘disappeared’.

Labour Party candidate Joanne Vella Cuschieri: no Labour logo, no mention of the word ‘Labour’ and AD’s signature green used instead of Labour’s red.
We’re facing a schizoid situation. We all know the Labour Party exists: it’s right there, set to win the general election.
We also know that Labour supporters exist: they’re right there, preparing for the sack of Rome.
We also know that, in terms of the Constitution of Malta, it is the Labour Party that will form the government, and not or a nameless Moviment.
We know, too, that when we enter the polling-booth and look at our ballot-sheet, it will carry the name ‘Partit Laburista’ and the new torch logo right next to the names of the Labour Party candidates.
It will not say ‘Moviment’ or ‘’. It will not say Malta Taghna Lkoll.
And yet the Labour Party has been ‘disappeared’ in every other respect, so that the campaign is modelled on Obama’s.
All Labour’s campaign material, and that includes the mail-shots I’m getting from Labour candidates, leaves out any mention of the word Labour and instead tells us ‘Malta Taghna Lkoll’.
There’s more. The Labour Party no longer even has an online presence. and no longer exist, although still registered to the Labour Party.
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If they are not careful they might confuse people with that green colour, and AD will be getting votes by mistake.
If this MLP can’t decide what to do with its own party, what the hell is going to happen to our country if they get elected to govern?
If Astrid Vella is unwilling to comment on the new LNG terminal, I am sure Joanne Vella Cuschieri can help.
Her line of work takes her frequently to MEPA and she has enough experience to enlighten us about lengthy procedures for extraordinary projects.
She will be unable to guarantee the two-year time plan.
Don’t underestimate Labour.
They can get a couple of massive gas tanks up quicker than a Bedouin’s tent.
So it did with GonziPN and so it will be with Futur Fis-Sod. We only found and will find the Religios Patria logo. Good Day
[Daphne – Rubbish. The Nationalist Party is quite clearly that. But I’m glad you learned one thing at least from this website: the sort of correct use of good day. Just know that day is not a proper noun, that’s all. Oh, and another thing: it also means that you won’t be coming back. Bear that in mind when you use it.]
Bear with me. I am on my iPhone.
[Daphne – Vera sawwtek mela, gOnziPN. Kien ikollok iPhone taht Sant, bir-record unemployment li gab mieghu.]
Why? Mela Gonzi created the iPhone. Ah and even my neighbors who happen to live on social services do have an iPhone. Why shouldn’t I have one? I work and I am self sufficient. Sant issemmihx he’s not in politics any longer and thank god for that. Ma kontx nifilhu quddiem TV.
[Daphne – Sant isn’t in politics? He’s asking you to vote for him so that he can become a Euro MP. As for the rest, I imagine you belong to that class of people who thinks that the economy has nothing to do with the government. Well, good luck with that.]
Daphne, I think your creation of this ‘Luigi’ has gone far enough. We know that no real person can be as stupid as you make ‘Luigi’ out to be. Leave that kind of stuff to the Elves.
Luigi, doesn’t it cross your mind that there is something terribly wrong about people living off social services having an iPhone?
More than disappeared, I think that the MLP is hibernating. Once MLP is in government it will wake and bite us. Beware.
No, the MLP is not hibernating – they are not using MLP so that undecided votes will think they can vote a different party to the MLP – who are they kidding ?
Quite a lot of people unfortunately
this is all marketing. Their graduate from Harvard has truly managed to tutor his disciple on the brainwashing skills needed to create a moviment ta’ Cwiec Maltin en masse, to the effect that they think they are right, clever and the leaders…they believe all the twisted realities he tells them.
Malta – One people, one reality but two opposing philosophies of thought.
I wonder if any of Joseph Muscat’s supporters realise that if the party delegates decide to depose Joseph Muscat and place another as party leader, the new party leader will become PM and Joseph Muscat will be exiled to the back benches – something similar to that which happened to Margaret Thatcher.
Labour candidates on ONE’s afternoon chit chat call it the Moviment Laburista.
Jason Micallef doesn’t.
They had someone promoting skiing holiday breaks in St.Moritz at 4.00pm.
What catchment would that be?
The best analysis of ‘good day’ is best given by Gandalf in the Hobbit.
[Daphne – I’m really not into Lord of the Rings so the reference escapes me.]
Madoff, kemm fieeja kliem twil, u mbaghad stampa wahda biss. Jien ajar il-ktieb ta Joseph.
Lil Joanne diga qedin iwarbha ghax kienet u ghada habiba ta’ Anglu.
Saru jafu li qieda twasallu kollox.
Troy int bis serjeta taf li lavukata joanne vella cuschieri din il gimgha kuljum kienet fuq one tv jew one radio . Jew int giddieb iehor . Dan huwa moviment miftuh ghal kullhadd ,dan il movument ma jarax kuluri. Kif qalet lavucata viva labour