I’ve had it up to here with the cabbages

Published: January 9, 2013 at 5:51pm

I really don’t know how anyone can still think it’s even remotely cool or hip to vote for this bunch of jacksh*t nerds with half a brain between them and the attitude of Sicilian boys on New York City streets circa 1910.

Oh, and I only put in that asterisk because last night I got a hasla from my mother – otherwise it would be a lot worse, I can tell you.

Their depressingly smug, supremely self-confident stupidity just brings out the worst in me.

6 Comments Comment

  1. bystander says:

    The word is hubris.

  2. marks says:

    As reported on timesofmalta.com:

    Reacting to the doubts raised by Finance Minister Tonio Fenech on the location of the two large gas storage tanks proposed in the PL plan, Dr Muscat cynically said: “maybe he had a vision from Our Lady.”

    Muscat will not answer a technical question on this and other half-baked proposals. And most of our journalists do not press him to answer coherently.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Flying cars and time machines? I LIKE! You?

    Perpetual motion machines and cold fusion? I LIKE! You?

    I say again: Engineers, speak up.

    • Makjavel says:

      It does not need an engineer to answer this question, It is a simple accounting exercise, and this is why it is very worrying.

      Dr Muscat is supposed to know something about accounting. Of course they do not want to show the workings, because they know their workings are buggered.

      Engineers will tell you all you need to know about the technical feasibility of an engineering project, but the financials are always defined between the investor and the banker.

    • La Redoute says:

      Engineers don’t do politics. Lawyers do.

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