Lovely. How credulous can people be.

Published: January 12, 2013 at 2:57pm


Three years later:

20 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Yep, the EU flags have disappeared.

    • Jo says:

      Baxxter, there’s actually one at the top left.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Yes, I’ve noticed two, discreetly hidden, and yet there. Say what you will, but I preferred Old Labour.

        It was brazen, violent, in your face. Now it’s duplicitous, mauve, sinister. It’s a silent takeover we’re witnessing.

  2. Dickens says:

    That story about cancer/asthma is sad indeed, but did the medical experts on Dr. Muscat’s team inform him that some families are more genetically prone then others to be affected by both, and that it doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the environment?

    Using this poor lady’s unfortunate family medical history for political gain is unethical, shameful, low down and deplorable.

    • Nighthawk says:

      “Using this poor lady’s unfortunate family medical history for political gain is unethical, shameful, low down and deplorable.”

      But it’s par for the course with Labour, isn’t it?

    • La Redoute says:

      It was a spontaneous encounter. He didn’t have time to check.

  3. armando says:

    Qed jisthu juru t-torca.

    • Grezz says:

      They’ll probably get the torches out once they win, like they used to go around smashing this, that and the other in the Golden Years.

  4. Last Post says:

    Ghall-mazzuni li jibilghu kollox, il-bierah infaqghet il-buzzieqa tal-‘heavy-fuel oil’. U faqaghha Leo Brincat stess. Kemm kienu ilhom (u ghadhom) jghidu li b’dan il-fuel qed inhammgu l-ambjent u ghandna fabrika tal-kancer.

    George Pullicino spjega kif u ghaliex dak il-fuel iswed li tah kampjun tieghu Leo mhuwiex l-istess li johrog mill-power station. L-ezempju ta’ zewg karozzi jahdmu bid-diesel, wahda ta’ 30 sena ilu u l-ohra ta’ sena ilu, kien semplici u stupend.

    Iktar qabel, Konrad (Robot) Mizzi rega’ rrefera ghall-hsara lis-sahha w l-ambjent, ikkawzata mid-dhahen tal-Power Station. Tonio Fenech ikkoregieh: Mhux duhhan, imma fwar. L-istess akkuza ghamlitha wara Marlene (JPO) Farrugia.

    Kollox jiddependi mit-teknologija wzata. Il-filters, dear Herr Flick, jaghmlu d-differenza kollha! Kieku kont floku kont nixtieq l-art tiblaghni dak il-hin. Tassew li s-Sewwa jirbah, Marlene!

    Il-veru kazin tad-dilettanti. Agharr minn hekk dilettanti suppervi.

  5. Last Post says:

    Jiena w nara dil-‘clip’ ftakart fl-i-spot elettorali tal-Awtorita’ tax-Xandir ipprezentat mill-Labour li deher il-bierah waqt Xarabank.

    Jista’ xi hadd ipoggi link ghal din il-prezentazzjoni? Din id-darba hargu kkargati sew, qishom tigri (mhux bhad-darba l-ohra meta l-kampanja kienet f’idejn Jason M.)

    Fiha Joseph, b’ton isteriku u mqanqal (qisu minn xena ta’ zmien Hitler u Mussolini), jitkellem dwar il-kisbiet li ghamlu l-Maltin meta kienu “maghqudin flimkien”!!!

    Fiha jsemmi wkoll il-holm u f’mument minnhom jghid lil dawk ta’ quddiemu “Ejjew maghna, ejjew maghna!”, qisu mhux cert jekk kienux mieghu.

    Insomma, nahseb tafu ghall-liema spot qed nghid. Kien fih xi haga (jew iktar) li ma ddoqqlix u nixtieq nerga’ narah ha niflih sew.

    Napprezza wkoll il-kummenti taghkom dwaru.

  6. *1981* says:

    Where is all this money coming from? Aren’t they all hungry and poor?

  7. Natalie says:

    They have no torca to wave about because Joseph took their flags.

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