Muscat is not against adoptions by gay couples, The Times told us today

Published: January 16, 2013 at 1:58am

But then he is against gay marriage.

He doesn’t mind if same-sex couples adopt children, but he minds if they get married, and doesn’t think they should be allowed to do so.

Go figure.

Children yes, marriage no.

Logic tal-ghageb.

What a difference an emblem makes

13 Comments Comment

  1. FP says:

    Don’t we all know?

    It’s the Moviment tal-Mejkewixx.

    “Go on, Gabi, close your eyes. Harder, harder! Now open them.”

    “Where’s he gone?”

    “It’s 2015. There’s no Delimara III in sight.”

  2. Village says:

    Il-leaders tal Labour wiehed aghar mill-iehor.

  3. U Le! says:


  4. canon says:

    Don’t bet. There is still time for Joseph Muscat to change his mind.

  5. Gahan says:

    Sorry Daphne but at this point in time who really cares what this opportunist thinks on highly debatable matters which lead us to nowhere?

    Thank God that divorce is not on the table.

    This is obviously a red herring, and he’s trying to rope in the Church in the political debate for the next two months.

    Although the Church has a right to speak about moral matters I hope it is wise enough to just ignore his statement, for now.

    How is adoption by gays going to solve our bread and butter issues?

    Job creation
    EU relations
    Financial crisis

    When the dust settles and Joseph is prime minister what would I take home for my family after a day’s work?

    Would I tell them “Here, eat this law on gay adoption which our beloved leader spearheaded through parliament.”

  6. Gahan says:

    This is Muscat when he was against, the polls were against at that time probably.

    Cyrus wanted a baby it seems.

  7. The chemist says:

    Logic has never been Labour’s forte, and it looks like they can still get by without it. They might even get into government without it. You just promise that water will be turn to wine and the hordes will cheer.

  8. Luigi says:

    Gonzi agreed with him yesterday. Ilu jaghmel U turns. Tlett U turns ghamel this week. Ilu jhawwad qisu Alfred Sant qed johrog.

    [Daphne – Do stop parroting what you hear the grown-ups around you say, Luigi. At your age, you should be able to have insight of your own.]

  9. Erectricity says:

    Moviment progressiv.

  10. Interested Bystander says:

    Muscat refers to “civil unions” which, if you read the relevant chapter in Nudge (Thaler and Sunstein), is a potential solution to all the controversy which arise from the discussion on “gay marriage”.

    The idea (as described in the book) is actually quite good (which, extremely briefly, is that the institution of granting “marriage” is privatised (but not monopolised) whilst the state only recognises “civil unions”).

  11. MV says:

    What’s the issue here? He’s in favour of civil unions (which is essentially marriage in everything but name) and adoption…. Same as the UK

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