Now, not even a trip to the cinema is safe

Published: January 18, 2013 at 1:43am

Must the Labour Party poison even a pleasant evening out (in)? They’re showing their ridiculous Narcy Calamatta short feature about how we should be brave and embrace change, before the main feature film.

Lots of money to burn, unless they’re getting it free.

Unfortunately for Labour, cinema audiences tend to be a sort of mixed crowd, so to speak. At the finish, or what we in the business know as ‘the call to action’ (the exortation to Vote Labour), a rather large number of those present at a recent viewing shouted out: INZABBAB.

Well, that went well, Michelle, didn’t it? I think I’ll sit on my platform and sulk.

They say you’re blackmailing me with some photographs the way Lorry Sant did to Mintoff. How do we scotch that one, Jason? Perhaps you’d better stand down instead of stand for election.

19 Comments Comment

  1. Harry Purdie says:

    Such a scary, scary bunch.

    • mandango70 says:

      Well if I were you I’d keep the passport handy, and bugger off as soon as I get wind that the scary lot are to take over.

      Its kinda easier for you I reckon to take such bold decisions innit?

      [Daphne – No, it’s actually easier for us all nowadays, mandango. We have EU passports, remember? No thanks to your Labour lot.]

  2. Edward Clemmer says:

    This reminds me of the East German propaganda films I saw in an East German cinema in 1987.

    Two years before the wall came down, all of the young persons (twentyish) in the audience found it ridiculous.

    Just wait until the PL are in government to see what other “flat-earth” theories as facts the glorious leader will be marketing as their daily “progress” and “achievements” under a Neo-Mintoffian PL government.

    The time before the Berlin wall came down will be restored again, but in Malta.

  3. edgar says:

    Compared to Jason, Franco is a lamb. Jason has lots of power with the grassroots of the party and controls the Socialist media.
    The election for the leadership of their leader between Muscat and George Abela has quite a few secrets hidden up Jason’s sleeve.

  4. Bob says:

    `Which Cinema is this? Do they have no shame to bring politics in an environment of entertainment? What are we doing to our children, is this the new way of creating a MALTA SOCJALISTA?

    Do you have a clip of this propaganda?

  5. Qeghdin Sew says:

    At this rate it won’t be long before their posters start showing in public toilets. Captive audience and all that.

    As for the shameless shouting of ‘INZABBAB’, well, that’s very typical (although on the tamer side) of Mintoffjani in the 80s. Stay in government for long enough and your supporters will feel empowered enough to pull off these displays of chaviness in public.

    • Tumas-Muscat says:

      To be quite fair, though, even if they didn’t shout it out too, I’m sure quite a good number of the rest were thinking it.

      I’d sure be thinking just that if I went out to be entertained and had to have Maltese politics shoved in my face.

      Not attempting to excuse chaviness per se in any way, but when you have the sanctity of your entertainment space desecrated in such a way, I’d say it’s a pretty natural reaction.

    • Alchemist says:

      At this rate it won’t be long before their posters start showing in public toilets…..

      It might act as a laxative… ;)

  6. Joseph Vassallo says:

    Worse than Labour under Mintoff!

    At least we were allowed a night out at the cinema without politics being shoved at us.

  7. Another John says:

    I attended the premiere of Les Miserables (a jampacked hall) and at the end of the Labour Party clip most of the audience jeered abd booed. How could the De Cesares shower such political hogwash upon their customers?

  8. caroline says:

    money money money money

  9. Jozef says:

    That caption. Mile End corridors had a similar story four years ago.

  10. r pace bonello says:

    It would be better for Eden cinemas to give their patrons what they promise. Referring to a recorded performance of La Boheme instead of a live one as advertised. Disgusting.

  11. allan r. says:

    If this really happened it’s an absolute disgrace. Cinema advertising costs a small fortune and as far as I know, being in the business for years, political advertising in cinemas in the EU especially is definitely not on.

    Tried to find it on YouTube but not available.

    Bloody hell, even now people complain about the endless trailers and ads in cinemas in the UK.

    Needless to say, might be a curtain-raiser to the 70s Jack Lemmon film ‘The China Syndrome.” Pearl and Dean indeed.

  12. Natalie Mallett says:

    Jason looks like he is doing an impersonation of The Joker in Batman in this photo. His body language reeks of malice. Jaqq.

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