Typical Labour: opinion is equal to fact. Ghandi feelink. All opinions are equal and some are more equal than fact.

Published: January 15, 2013 at 11:33pm

You are cutting my flow. Correct. Agreed. Shame on you! You are being very rude, ministru.

On television today (I watched so much that I’ve lost track of which show):

Konrad Mizzi: Ir-rata tal-kanċer qed tiżdied fis-sawt skont ir-rapport tad-WHO.

Tonio Fenech: Ir-rapport tad-WHO jgħid li r-rata tal-kanċer qed tiżdied minħabba t-tipjip.

Konrad Mizzi: Tidher li m’intix tagħmel door to door, ministru.

The ‘I have a feeling, so stuff your facts’ movement.

11 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    “Jien m’ghandiex dritt insemma’ l-opinjoni?”

    Xarabank, that poison.

  2. thehobbit says:

    Dr. Konrad jaghmel id-dijanjosi u jsib il-kawza tal-mard bis-sistema il-gdida, moderna u taghna lkoll tad-door-to-door.

    P.S. Din ma kxifniex qabel ghax bzajna li l-PN jiehdu l-ideja u imbghad jghidu li kienet taghhom.

  3. Beauty and the Beef says:

    It was at the tail end of Bondi+.

  4. Jon says:

    The WHO report (quoted by both parties) says that there is no data available to calculate the burden of environmental factors (outdoor air quality in this case) on cancer rates in Malta:


  5. FP says:

    Actually, he stuffed HIS OWN facts.

  6. George says:

    With their simplistic reasoning on cancer, Labour are implying that when they finally get their grand project going, cancer will be eradicated from Malta.

    That is one ‘simplistic’ way of looking at things.

  7. Not Sandy :P says:

    Joseph Muscat’s opinion is more equal than two oncologists’.

    Beat that.


  8. Madame M says:

    You know, Mizzi actually looks like a decent and intelligent guy.

    It just feels like he’s been indoctrinated by the PL to dish out the same garbage.

    He surely doesn’t come across as someone who’d go knocking on doors to fall for emotional crap.

  9. Wilson says:

    Malta at times has a very high opinion of WHO.

    But on the other hand if not even the government of Malta made a case history of cancer population by local council area or otherwise how are all these numbers popping up?

    On some whim? On door to door visits? If Konrad Mizzi’s observations are right, why doesn’t he or his party commission a study and do a GIS presentation with a case history of at least 15 years?

    I am sorry, but very hardly wanting to be apologetic towards the deluded Labour voters.

    You are being led by idiots on the eve of an election which could have easily been won by the Labour Party had your representatives kept their mouth shut and presented nothing. Now if the Nationalist Party wins you know very well whose fault it is!!

    • Election2013 says:

      Tutto fumo e niente arrosto. The only way to be sure about the health effects of burning heavy oil is to carry out studies regarding emissions of sulphur oxides and particulate matter.

      High levels of the former and small particulates are indeed associated with an increased incidence of cancer (and asthma). Have these specific studies been carried out? No.

  10. Patricia says:

    I know this comment doesn’t exactly tie in with the subject here, but I did hear about the “increase of cancer and asthma” because of the power station.

    Well, back in 1985-86 (when I became a mother) I was told that the incidence of asthma in children had sky-rocketed ever since the government of the time had introduced mimosa trees. Can anyone verify that with statistics?

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