So now Beppe Fenech Adami set fire to his own front door

Published: February 21, 2013 at 1:11pm

Now they’re saying that Beppe Fenech Adami set fire to his own front door. I doubt it. He’d have done a better job of it for sure.

You know, like when his father ransacked his own home and perpetrated violence against his wife and children, then pretended it was Laburisti.

This is like when I received threats of violence/bombs in the last general election and the Police Commissioner insisted (against my better judgement, because a couple of those policemen were spying Laburisti) that I accept a fixed-point guard at my gate, and the mantra in the Labour hive was that I phoned in my own threats so that I could feel special with a police guard.

It made me wonder whether that’s the sort of thing they would do, or why they want a police guard for themselves to make them feel special.

MayDay 1

8 Comments Comment

  1. jack says:

    Substitue ‘Atheist’ with ‘Nazzjonalist’ and you’ll be surprised.

  2. malti u kburi says:

    La ma tarahx ma tistax tejd ekk ux pn jew pl

    • Tinnat says:

      ha niktep kif tiktep int. alfej il-pn iqabbad il-biep ta kandidat tieu?

      • Last Post says:

        Dawn in-nies jghixu f’dinja għalihom! Unbelievable.

        L-istess argument smajtu dwar il-qtil ta’ Raymond Caruana (R.I.P.) u bqajt imbellaħ! — bla kliem u bla risposta.

        U mbagħad jieħdu għalihom għax Daphne tgħidilhom li għandhom ‘thwarted minds’.

    • A. Charles says:

      When my surgery door was burnt for the third time in Zejtun during the lawless period during MLP government, one police sergeant gruffly told me ” jaqaw qed taharhu int?”.

  3. Twanny borg says:

    Il-PL ma jinbidilx – vjolenti kien u jibqgha. Jipprova jahbi imma ghalxejn. L-istess bhal ma haba blokka droga bajda. Iriduna nemmnu li intramiet fid-dustbin. Mhux hekk tghid?

  4. SPAM says:

    On another note.

    Joseph told us not to blow it up out of proportion? Attempted Murder.

  5. Jozef says:

    Michelle’s ‘stennew minn kollox’.

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