A long way away from supper at Kenneth Zammit Tabona’s: Michelle Muscat this morning
February 20, 2013 at 7:16pm
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The climax of this video is that “Bdejt inhossni qisni Joseph” moment, but Mrs. Leader is actually standing beneath a plaque which says “Dom Mintoff – Kwart ta’ Seklu Mexxej.”
Should affix another plaque next to that: “Malta Labour Party – Kwart ta’ Seklu fid-Dezert.”
Look, red candidates.
Haven’t you heard he has (Kenneth) taken himself off Facebook, no one can find him, is he in hiding ?.
If they can’t find him then how can the new government ever deliver his welfare cheque.
“…is he in hiding ?.”
Let us say that it has been reported that he is “in.” We don’t known in where or in what as yet. Perhaps Joseph Muscat can illuminate us.
I suspect he’s tuning his organ.
Now I’m confused! I thought he was ‘out’ not ‘in’.
Something OFF TOPIC.
I’m listening to TVHemm in the background and that sly Dingli laywer-candidate is arguing (again) that the last time a Govt. reduced stipends was Gonzi’s PN in 2005.
I can’t believe this isn’t another MTL half-truth (or a twisted version of it).
Can someone clarify this issue or refer me to the relevant news item?
Daphne, please stop torturing your readers with this woman’s appearance. She said at the end of the clip: ‘stennew minn kollox’. I wonder what she meant by that.
Wise words of unity and peace. ‘Stennew minn kollox..’
Tkissrux ghalissa.
It seems that she knows that there is more to come apparently not Anglu or Toni but her husband.
“Expect the unexpected”. Stiletto. Or is it Steam?
Was Michelle present during these dinners, or did Joseph go intentionally on his own in order to flirt without her being there?
[Daphne – They were both there.]
It was a very sunny day today. Wearing sunglasses to preach to your husband’s followers is a must and part of protocol.
Stennew minn kollox.
Oldies like me know exactly what to expect.
There will be no surprises.
Certainly not for us.
Nothing new. We will not be surprised in Zejtun..
Ask Beppe Fenech Adami – I think the Nationalists tried to burn down his front door yesterday.
“stennew minn kollox.”
Are there more political assassinations in store?
Wouldn’t be lovely if they finished themselves off.
You can really take the girl out of the ‘hood, but you can’t take the ‘hood out of the girl.
Mela go Hal Ghaxaq kullhadd sejjer xxxiii bix jisimghu lil din tghid erba’ kelmiet filwaqt is-suppost studenti joffendu lil Prim Ministru fil waqt li l-Kap tal-Oppozizzjoni jitpaxxa bihom.
Li tghid Michelle huwa aktar importanti milli jghid il-Prim Ministru.
It just goes to show how ignorant they are, Gahan – imma l-aqwa li is-switchers tal-pepe iridu bidla biex titjieb il-kultura fil-pajjiz u nghixu ilkoll maghqudin fil-paci u s-sliem, God bless.
Talk about being delusional! Well it’s mind over body – ignore what your eyes and ears are telling you and hope for the pigs to fly.
Yes Ġaħan, you got it right! Gonzi has lost all credibility in all social strata.
Except the thinking strata, Outofgauge.
@ Futur Imċajpar: So do you consider persons voting PN in 2008, but who are in for change this time round as not being part of the thinking strata?
[Daphne – I think the answer to that is obvious. What sort of ‘thinking person’ looks at the two options on offer and says, ‘Wow, I think that Joseph Muscat will make a FABULOUS job of running the country. And those guys Karmenu, Edward and Louis – just WOW! No contest. It has to be them.’ Trid tkun il-vera zmangat minn mohhok.]
I must say, that regretfully enough for you, there are loads of such persons.
[Daphne – Why regretfully for me? The whole country suffers, as it did in 1996 to 1998, not to mention earlier examples.]
Mr Zammit is on TVM right now, demanding nudie beaches for all.
Imagine eating a hot dog at a BBQ in the middle of summer and finding Mr Zammit in his birthday suit right in front of you bending over to pick seashells from the sand.
Sure. We can pull down the illegal boathouses at Armier, Gnejna and Ghadira, and have nudist beaches in their place. Deal?
Deal. Pull them all down. But no nudist beaches, too many ugly whales here. Just check out Labour ‘females’.
Not for me, my friend, ‘I’m out.’ Nude is for the bedroom.
Not even the bedroom, Harry!
Listen to Swiss Toni’s:
[Daphne -Ah, Anglu Farrugia.]
Zammit’s Turkey Wattle
Obscene, but I’m not surprised. This is what lies ahead.
“Stennew minn kollox” – exactly.
At least she didn’t say ‘il-kbir ghadu gej!’. That would give a whole new meaning to ‘I’m in’. But whence Joseph becomes Prim, then we’re really f*cked.
And please, someone tell that woman to have the decency to remove her sunglasses when she is talking to people.
Kif twekkejna bihom dawn in-nies minghajr gharfien ta’ dicenza basika?
Democratically elected by the Malta Labour Party delegates, in turn elected by the barmen and members of the Malta Labour Party clubs.
If the examples populating the MLP club in Rabat are anything to go by, what sort of Labour Party leadership could one expect. Michelle’s husband and Toni Abela are naturals in that environment.
Stennew minn kollox….ghax zewgi ghamel minn kollox.
Soon he’ll be balancing an apple on his furrow.
Tghidlix li telghatilhom fuq il-mejda tal-billiard?
Just watched this. You might find it interesting.
[Daphne – Thank you. I really enjoyed watching it.]
In the eighties I lived near the Inner German border and I used to watch DDR (GDR) television. This brought nice memories back.
This is the book
Thanks for sharing – an excellent documentary.
Muscat’s just been contradicted again by another snippet from the interview with the barman.
Latest detail to emerge on Net news, Muscat had promised the barman another club as compensation for the misunderstanding.
The barman went on to say that Muscat also assured him his personal support should anyone spread any rumour.
Muscat yesterday stated he took the president’s words as enough proof to kick the barman out.
We’ve got another Anglu Farrugia.
Il-lupu jbiddel sufu u mhux ghemilu.
What is your email address?
[Daphne – dcg@proximuspr.com]
It simply shows how down to earth she is. Well done for your good work Michelle we need. Since their leadership they have been working close to our society. Some people are simply desperate and simply dont wish for a good change due to their personal greed and interest.
[Daphne – I’m down to earth too. But you won’t catch me campaigning beneath a plakka ta’ Mintoff.]
hopefully the maltese nation have learnt their lesson electing such an arrogant government
It’s not a very good month for virgos