Another planned and organised spontaneous demonstration of enthusiasm for ‘Joseph’

Eman Pulis, who hosts the Labour Party’s television show X’Tahseb, queuing to get into the hall at the university debate this morning.

Some of the flags which Labour Party officials handed out to Labour supporters at the university debate this morning. They were removed by security officials.
So it turns out that the buses rolled up to the university as early as 8am when the doors opened just before noon.
Labour Party officials, spearheaded by Pulse’s Ryan Spagnol and Alex ‘Tander’ Saliba (he of the paedophile accountant’s bedroom)wore earpieces as they directed their people around.
Just before the debate began, they handed out Maltese flags still folded into their cellophane wrappers. I suppose these were meant to be waved about as the Labour Red Guards chanted Malta Taghna Lkoll.
Most of these were removed by security men.
You will see, pictured here, Eman Pulis – who hosts a daily show called X’Tahseb on the Labour Party’s TV station. I’m told that he stands accused of leaking the KSU’s student database to the Labour Party, but is contesting this.
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Tghid Antonella tal-Isnobby u Madlien marru sal-Universita bil-bandiera l-hamra tal-Malta Labour Party u b’ruhom u gisimhom?
Probably they were not allowed to go to University since they will remain hidden until March 9.
However, given that Madlien and Kenneth Zammit Tabona now share a common inspiration and follow the same leader, they should meet and brainstorm how to progress the positions in front of the camera so that her new poses would be classified as contemporary art.
It would be good to list all MLP supporters who are not university students who were seen at the meeting (possibly with picture). I could figure out Randolph Debattista (Cyrus Engerer’s boyfriend), Eman Pulis, Keith Schembri, Nigel Vella among the crowd.
Was Ronnie Pellegrini there?
Victor Laiviera and Nikita Alamango to name two more. Charlie ‘Acid’ Camilleri (don’t ask), Mandy Pace, Christian Camilleri, Dalton Mangion, Alexia Baldacchino, Darryl Farrugia, Ayrton Hayman, Roderic Zerafa, Darren Barbara, Sean Meli, Larson Pisani… to name a few more. All these people are NOT university students.
wow 17 already…
Do you know what “to name a few more” means?
Let me spell it out for you:
It means that these are a few of them, not exactly that number.
Anke Victor Laiviera? Allura Eddy Privitera baqa’ wahdu fuq it-timesonline?
There were 16 years olds brought in by vans from Junior College.
Forsi Vic Laiviera kien qed jirraprezenta lil Universita’ tat- Terza Eta’.
Nikita, Dalton, Ayrton, Larson. You couldn’t make it up!
All the Elves were there, including Chief Elve Aaron F.
Sean Meli is a law student.
Be concise :) I am Rodrick Zerafa and I am a University Student :)
Then you had every right to be there – my apologies.
You forgot Phyllis Muscat tal-Face Creams, li qatila bil-guh GonziPN.
Present in support for the great leader Joseph Muscat was Anthony Degiovanni, president of the Ghaqda Veterani Laburisti. Maybe he’s a student at the University of the Third Age.
He is actually a student at the University of Malta, Faculty of Laws and is in the second or third year. ‘Cause you know, this government denies opportunities to everyone, especially Labour supporters.
And besides Eman Pulis, Dr Kenneth Spiteri, Dentist, Candidate for the Labour Party. Meanwhile, students were left outside cos the place was full…
Eman Pulis was living in Manhattan and had a website
Now he’s washed up on One TV and the website’s gone AWOL.
What went so horribly wrong that slumming with Miriam is more fun than Manhattan?
LoveSexy is certainly more fun than either of them.
Those looks of his could only carry him so far before people saw that there was nothing more to him.
I had the misfortune of working alongside Eman Pulis for a few days, and found him to be all form and no substance, as well as very thick and bigoted. In other words, perfect for Labour’s skip.
[Daphne – What looks? He’s got a jaw to rival a Hapsburg.]
Well no, Daphne. I think you’ll find that his looks did carry him very far, including in Manhattan, and they still serve him well.
[Daphne – Really? Back in my day he would have been considered your classic ‘just the wrong side of cool, but might as well be in Siberia’. He has the sort of looks that just miss, but a miss is as good as a mile in these situations. I don’t see any excellent chicks hanging off him, so I’m probably right. ]
He fits the average Maltese girl’s fantasy male to a T. You were never average.
[Daphne – No, no, you’re really wrong there, believe me. Even accounting for changing fashion in what constitutes a desirable man, he certainly hasn’t got it. He’s the sort who the nerdier girls would have thought attractive.]
You’d think these are the fans of some famous actor or artist of some sort.
These are some of the ‘zghazagh laburisti’ present this morning at what it had to be a debate for students. I was also informed that the guy in the beige jacket is a PL candidate for Mellieha’s local council
Then you must check on these guys. The one with the beige jacket is a steward with Air Malta and contesting for the Local Council Elections in Mellieha with the M L P. Definitely not a university student.
In-Nuxellina kienet hemm?
Miriam Dalli kienet hemm? Dik li tippoza ta’ gurnalista indipendenti mal-gazzetti pro MaltaToday u LLum filwaqt li tiftahar x’gid se jgib fir-riklam li taghmel f’isem
Access to the hall should have been granted to possessors of student IDs. We had them back in my time. I’m sure they have some Uni ID.
The bald chap with a prominent jaw on the right is Kenneth Id-Dentist (or looks a hell of a lot like him) the New Movement’s candidate.
Prosit Daphne for the good job you are doing. The propaganda machine of the PN is just hopeless and if it were’t for you we would know nothing.
The independent press is just mute about what really happened on the campus during this debate. As you often rightly label it without balls.
There is also Labour ‘star’ candidate Dentist Kenneth Spiteri right beside him.
“I’m told that he stands accused of leaking the KSU’s student database to the Labour Party, but is contesting this.”
Whoever it was, it must have happened and there’s no denying that.
Thankfully the emails for TNT nights (The New Tattengers) stopped.
Kindly remove my husband name from your website as my husband did not attend any university meetings… make sure you have the proper info…. he is not involved into politics.. but only music!!!!!!
Victor Laiviera and Nikita Alamango to name two more. Charlie ‘Acid’ Camilleri (don’t ask), Mandy Pace, Christian Camilleri, Dalton Mangion, Alexia Baldacchino, Darryl Farrugia, Ayrton Hayman, Roderic Zerafa, Darren Barbara, Sean Meli, Larson Pisani… to name a few more. All these people are NOT university students.
[Daphne – Sorry, I don’t understand. Who is your husband and what is his name?]
Laiviera dan li jigi min Nestor ta MaltaToday?
Fyi…charlie acid camilleri is not involved…acid it’s because it is the name of his band…kindly note that he does’nt even care bout politics…thx
People who don’t care about politics don’t vote in a poll on Facebook saying they are going to support Joseph Muscat during this debate.
Lilla, can I send you a private email regarding this comment?
I’m sorry, but I don’t know you.
If you want, you can send an e-mail on to Mrs. Caruana Galizia and she can send it on to me, as long as she doesn’t mind.
It’s quite obvious you do not know me hence the reason I am sending a msg through Mrs. Caruana Galizia’s blog.
If it is not a problem for Mrs.Caruana Galizia I will send an email onto her and she can forward it to you.
Eman Pulis of lovesexy fame? mmmmmm
That explains why and how Labour officials obtained my number.
And for a moment I actually believed them when they told me that Go gave it to them.