Ara xi klassi ta’ Laburist, eh – Tarcisio Mifsud again

Published: February 26, 2013 at 4:47pm

Here he is, defending LEJJJJBERRRRRR (sorry, but I couldn’t help it) beneath a story on about Labour’s power station billboard last October:

Tarcisio Mifsud

Oct 27th 2012, 09:25

Mela veru inti bniedem ingrat. Mhux hekk tghid, xejn ma ghamel il-PL. Min ghamel l-edukazzjoni u s-sahha b’xejn, min ghamel il-pensjonijiet, minn ghamel il-minimum wage, min ghamel il-bonus, ic-Children Allowance, l-istipendji. Min ghamel il-MId Med, il-BOV, Enemalta, GO, Seamalta, u inthom beghtu kollox. Hallina nahseb li tghix f’xi pajjiż iehor u mhux f’Malta.

Gej bil-Bank of Valletta u kif ghamlu l-Labour. Ahjar ma nibdiex ghax ma nieqafx. Ja ZIBEL.

power station billboard

15 Comments Comment

  1. Manuel says:

    Stipendji? He must have been on xi bicca blokka silg miskin. His mind surely must have been foggy.

  2. Manuel says:

    Ara lanqas jisthu minn Alla li halaqhom.

  3. Village says:

    Tghallem sew kif jisraq bhal Duminku l-haxxej meta seraq flus u propjeta privata barra li qatel hafna Maltin bl-inkwiet.

    Vera zibel kollha kemm huma.

  4. ajs says:

    Classic case of “iz-zejt jitla’ f’wicc l-ilma.” Literally.

  5. Min Jaf says:

    MidMed Bank was an enforced Mintoff takeover of Barclays Bank.

    Bank of Valletta was an engineered run on the National Bank of Malta deprived of support by the Central Bank.

    SeaMalta was formed by takeover of Pace Shipping whose business was shut down by government under dubious circumstances.

    Air Malta was formed by the forced shutdown of Malta Airlines having been deprived of renewal of its operating license by government.

    GO and Enemalta were not formed by Labour, they were both state owned from their outset.

  6. Karl Flores says:

    Whereas the MLP tries to ridicule those who mention their filthy past claiming that those were things goneby, they never hesitate to claim that they were the ones who introduced children’s allowance, pensions and so on.

    Things that happened 40/50 years ago such as the womens right to vote.

    The Nationalist Party has improved social services, and added others, by leaps and bounds. In the same way Joe, Joe’s saying he will improve on that that he deems to be done well by the NP.

    I remember Mintoff saying he wished he could create work as much as he was capable of getting money from other countries.

    If Mintoff were alive today he’d have to confess that Gonzi beat him both in job creation together with money achieved from the EU.

    Gonzi has proved that he’s a true all-rounder when it comes to the country’s administration.

  7. GABS says:

    Tajba, ilhom jaghjjru lil PN bil-korruzzjoni snin shah, meta qabda laburisti ilhom jisirqu flus il-poplu ghal hafna snin. Alla ghad irrid johloq infern ghal dawn il-qabda hallilien.

  8. Matthew says:

    Tarcisio Mifsud,

    L-ewwel nett, dawk l-affarijiet ma ‘ taghmilhomx’ imma ‘taghtihom’ ghax huma skemi jew beneficcji. Fil-kaz tal-kumpaniji, ‘tohloqhom’ jew ‘twaqqafhom’.

    It-tieni nett, xoghol gvern f’pajjiz demokratiku u liberali mhux li jmexxi n-negozju izda li johloq kundizzjonijiet li s-settur privat jista’ jmexxi negozju b’success fihom.

    It-tielet nett, m’ghandekx idea x’int tghid. Ghadek tghix b’mentalita komunista.

    Ir-raba nett, int zibel u (allegatament?) korrott u kull parir li qatt tajt huwa awtomatikament diskreditat.

  9. Gahan says:

    Ara jekk fhimtx tajjeb, mela l-Labour halla balla liri biex jaghtina il-pensjoni u c-children’s allowance. U jien minghalija li jigu sostnuti mill-kontribuzzjoni ta’ min jahdem bi qliegh.

    L-ENEMALTA inholqot minn Mintoff, billi gabar kull m’ghamlu n-Nazzjonalisti il-Marsa u li hallew l-Inglizi (Has-saptan) taht saqaf wiehed. Ma harigx sold!

  10. J.aquilina says:

    I seem to remember a certain Anna Mallia on Xarabank following the last election when she had seemed aghast that the Nationalists managed to win despite the korruzzjoni lampanti.

    Little did she know. She’s Tarcisio Mifsud’s niece.

  11. Jeremy Cassar Torregiani says:

    Ejja, Cis – cempel il-huk u spejgalu kif hadt il-flus minn fuq it-taxpejer forsi tifthu bank tal-lottu flimkien biex sa meta tmutu jkollhom negozju daqs il-BOV u ma kollkomx ghalfejn tbielu idejkom fil-bwiet il-haddiema Maltin biex tghixu familtkom.

    Who’s laughing now, mother.

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