Beautiful comment of the morning

Published: February 3, 2013 at 10:58am

Posted by Linda Kveen in response to a man who wrote in to say that the Nationalist Party aims to kill off his sex life with night tariffs, because his wife will be doing the laundry between 10pm and 6am (yes, I know…):

So Italy was where you learned to be rude and sexist. Go figure!

With comments like, “La donna a settanta anni e come la Siberia, tutti sanno dove e, ma nessun voul andare,” I don’t think you need to worry about sex between “ten and six” or any other time.

No woman in her right senses is going to want to be with you.

One of the many problems with Labour is that they lack imagination and the ability to think outside the box.

If they are so worried that doing the laundry at night is going to cut into their sex lives, why don’t they just combine the two?

Put the laundry in the machine and have sex in the laundry room. That way, the women (because only Labour women do the laundry) can keep an eye on the washing and make the men in their lives happy too.

It gives a whole new meaning to Fifty Shades of Grey.

17 Comments Comment

  1. M.. says:

    And if the man runs out of steam, there’s always the final spin for multiple orgasm.

  2. silvio says:

    “no woman in her right senses is going to want to be with you”
    This gives your game away,you are not a woman even though you use a woman’s name.
    If you were a real woman you would know, perfectly well that women tend to go where the first digit is followed by a lot of zeros.( ask the other Silvio, the one in Italy)

    Can you imagne a man of over seventy having sex in the laundry room,what with arthritis, rheumatism and a few other conditions.As a matter of fact I think the best solution is get a Phillipine girl to do the washing etc and enjoy the last days ,like I do, fishing and socialising and forget about the Elec.bills.

    • Linda Kveen says:

      I am as real a woman as they get, Silvio.

      Linda Kveen is my real name. It is my married name.

      This may came to you as a surprise, but not all women are just after money when they chose a man. Jaded men usually have this point of view. Any woman of character, looks at all aspects of a man before she choses him.

      A sense of humour is a particularly important trait. Where’s yours? My comments were meant to taken tongue-in-cheek.

      It sounds like you have found a good solution to your domestic problems. No sex in the laundry room for you!

      • silvio says:

        The fact that you are married is no 100% proof that you are a woman ( you know how it is these days). But anyway I take your word that you are a woman,but surely not a lady.
        Your comments were meant to ridicule.
        When I want to laugh,I either watch M.Bean or else Mr.Humphrey telling us that they,of the P,N., are doing all possible to fight corruption. That I can asure you is as funny as it can get.
        Try watching him,when of course you are not in the laundry room,doing what you have to do.

    • Ghoxrin Punt says:

      Silvio, by your reasoning this man will definitely never get a woman, as he clearly cannot afford a housemaid who would do the laundry in the evening.

      • Natalie says:

        Ghoxrin Punt, Silvio is the original author of that sexist comment.

        He’s an old Laburist who tries to pass off as a disgruntled Nazjonalist but fails miserably.

        He also tries to make us think that he’s some kind of a Casanova, but with his mediaeval views on women, I doubt he has had many opportunities to carry out his ten to six activities.

        And Silvio, seventy year old men are like the Death Desert: shrivelled, nasty, and lifeless in certain departments.

      • Natalie says:

        I meant to say Death Valley, in California.

    • Sufa says:

      “get a Phillipine girl”

      Mamma mia, how patronising of you!

      If I were Silvio Loporto’s “Phillipine girl”, I would walk out, job or not job.

  3. Wilson says:

    A variable speed washing machine can help. Remember: wearing a blue tie during proceedings might make things interesting too.

  4. Karl Flores says:

    It is very often that we do the laundry after 10pm, especially during the summer. We, and many others, rarely sleep before 12pm, summer or winter – besides it only takes an hour or so to do the whole lot.

  5. Riya says:

    It was Joseph Muscat who initially proposed the reduced night tariffs, so now I cannot understand why Labour are against this important measure because it is beneficial both for the families and the business community.

  6. Crockett says:

    I don’t get it. The PL have got their knickers in a twist about washing machines when they are, after all, the masters of spin.

  7. Angus Black says:

    Between 10pm and 6am there are 480 minutes and this freak is worried about his sex life?

    The question is: ‘Does he last any more than 3 minutes?

    In that case he can sleep for 477 minutes to gather his strength.

    Doing the laundry, can become part of the couple’s foreplay.

  8. anthony says:

    Well, under Labour in the 1980s we had to do our washing at night whether we liked it or not, because in Sliema that’s the only time we had water in the taps, if at all.

  9. Riya says:

    Because for Labour it is also wrong that the goverment(because it’s PN) gives you an oppotunity to spend less.

    I am sure that all Europeans will have a good laugh if they had to see the comments on this important measure written by Silvio and some others here.

  10. caflanga says:

    I just got an sms from Marion Mizzi urging me to vote for her: ‘Marion Mizzi rinomata fis-sahha u sbuhija. Ghal kull ghajnuna cemplilna fuq 77451587.’ I don’t know if she sent it to the chauvinist pigs too, maybe she can help with the washing machine dilemma.

  11. I can assure you that Linda Kveen is indeed a woman and a lady. I know her personally.

    She is also very witty and understands firsthand Maltese politics.

    For most of us in America, the novel concept of reduced electrical rates is the norm. As I would guess it is for the rest of the civilized world.. kind of like the internet, Starbucks and Viagra.

    Which brings me to the point that you need to take that little pill at least 30-40 minutes Mr. Silvio before the laundry gets started at night or else nothing will turn on. Just a friendly comment intended to be helpful.

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