Chairman Joe and Mao Mallia

Published: February 25, 2013 at 2:48pm





bullfrog jailterm

8 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    If there was any proof needed that Labour has not changed at all, this was the story that a Labour political bullfrog has threatened a political adversary with jail.
    Is this how Labour plans to shut people’s mouths?

  2. diapason says:

    X’ezempju tajjeb qed jaghti liz-zaghzagh ta’ warajh, bit-teleprompter li qed juza.

    Qed jippretendi l-vot taghhom (u taghna) u fl-istess hin ghandu din l-insigurta’ kollha. Materjal tajjeb ghall-Prim Ministru “zaghzugh”.

  3. Wilson says:

    There is definitely one thing in common between these two: the industry brought about by Mintoff (those were extremely good jobs, weren’t they) that he talks about in his thesis and the Chinese factories which Mao started.

  4. diapason says:

    X’ezempju tajjeb qed jaghti liz-zaghzagh ta’ warajh, bit-teleprompter li qed juza. Qed jippretendi l-vot taghhom (u taghna) u fl-istess hin ghandu din l-insigurta’ kollha. Materjal tajjeb ghall-Prim Ministru “zaghzugh”.

  5. Jozef says:

    Did anyone see yesterday’s smacker?

    Evita looked rather affectionate as soon as he finished his ‘taghna lkoll’ crescendo.

    Talk about women and power.

  6. Jozef says:

    They had his permanent close-up on a second screen suspended high above the stage yesterday.

    Weird, eerie, overdone and bloody expensive.

    I’ve counted four different big screens yesterday and at least four speaker batteries apart from the two main towers.

    They must be such a racket.

  7. maryanne says:


    “With hindsight I was probably wrong although it is difficult to prove the counter-factual. Muscat has grown immensely into his leadership position and with the latest move he showed top leadership qualities which sent a clear signal to people of goodwill who really expect that we start exercising a different type of politics. Abela on the other hand accepted the appointment to President of the Republic even though he knew that the party needed his talents. He placed his personal interest ahead of the Party and gave Gonzi an excuse to say that he included Labourites in his appointments. He reserved for Labourites the single post of the highest slot in the constitutional hierarchy, one largely ceremonial with no executive power except in very special circumstances.”

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