Labour: still the party of scum

Published: February 25, 2013 at 2:43pm


Two of a sleazy kind.

Two of a sleazy kind.

we did it

That bipedal turd, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, gave a ‘great speech’ at a gathering of 2,000 Labour voters organised by Labour MP Michael Farrugia, the night before last at the Dolmen Hotel in Bugibba.

What did he tell them, I wonder? That he’s not going to vote and that they should do likewise? That he hopes to “militate again” (bloody stupid verb, as though the PN is the Symbionese Liberation Army and he’s Patty Hearst) when it is remade in his own image?

Kemm hu zibel, carlatan u tan-n*jk. Il-veru ragel miskin.

I think the clue to the contents of his speech is contained in this comment on Facebook by somebody who was there: that Lawrence Gonzi is Labour’s greatest asset. Tajjeb ukoll, Jeffrey, mur oqghod aqbez ghalik, ja giddieb.

He almost lost the Nationalist Party the last general election with his Mistra scam and his lying. Now he’s bending over backwards to complete his work of the last five years and lose the PN this election.

His reward? His friend Joseph, that other lying scum, is going to reappoint him chairman of the Malta Council of Science and Technology, ha jaghmel hames snin ohra jorganizza l-fancy dress parties ma’ Consuelo u Robert f’ Villa Bighi.

I’m sure even somebody as tacky as Jeffrey doesn’t come that cheap. He must have been promised his Mistra permit when things get quieter. Forsi tirrangalu Audrey Harrison, MEPA officer, li qeda fuq il-billboards tal-Labour bhalissa.

They’re not yet in government and we have an evil click already. Really evil. Bad people in the true meaning of the word, as distinct from mere money-grabbers and influence-seekers.

Labour – the Party of Lying Scum.

26 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    There they go again, banging on about damage to the party. If damage means getting rid of w*nkers like Jeffrey, Jesmond, Franco and where-is-he-now John Dalli, no one need shed any tears.

    Whatever happens to political parties is only secondary to what happens to the country, and that’s not doing too badly, is it? But it would be the PL to put party interests above all else, just like Toni Abela and Joseph Muscat did with their blokka silg.

  2. mattie says:

    Kollox “great”.

  3. Sav says:

    I can bet that if Labour get into power, JPO gets the Mistra permit. Ragel facciol.

    • zizka says:

      Joseph already said that if he is in power he will confirm Jeffrey as chairman of MCST. So i don’t think he needs the Mistra permit for the partying, for he will have Villa Bighi.

    • Jozef says:

      No, he’ll get the Mistra permit with considerable alterations.

      Perhaps it’s time to ask Jeffrey what his intentions are. Tissues at the ready everyone.

  4. P Shaw says:

    When JPO ever forms part of the PN again, I will then opt to be out.

    The MLP tends to give a hero’s welcome to the so called ‘lost sheep’. JPO and Franco Debono are definitely not lost sheep.

    By the way, did you notice that JPO is trying to change his image by putting on red pants and a tie, to appear more like Kenneth Zammit Tabona?

    [Daphne – Red trousers on a man are the symbolic flag of late middle age. Go to any ‘casual’ party among a certain crowd in Britain or Northern Italy, and lots of the older men will be in red trousers of various shades. I’m told it also happens in some parts of France and Germany. I can’t stand them, and it’s not necessarily because of the colour. It’s because they’re such a dull cliche.]

  5. Candida says:

    Read all and tell all this to your friends who do not know these things Make them all aware of what’s going on cause not everyone reads this blog

  6. Wormfood says:

    ‘Bipedal turd’.. haha, love it

  7. steven gerrard says:

    Possibbli li jorqghod sew dal-miskin? Wara li il-Labour hadulu lil mara (darbtejn) issa hadulu lil ruhu wkoll.

  8. jaqq says:

    He is doing so and Joseph Muscat thanked him by reappointing him MCST chairman if elected.

    So much for his principles. Now is it Franco and Jesmond’s turn?

  9. Tal-Madum says:

    Daphne, finally we have HIM on the PL billboards.. Mr Willie Mangion GHAX KULHADD GHANDU POSTU FIL MOVIMENT!!

  10. Antoine Vella says:

    The promise to keep Pullicino Orlando as MCST chairman was recently described by Deborah Schembri as a sign of the “unity” the Great Leader wants to achieve.

    A classic case of adding insult to injury.

  11. Makjavel says:


  12. Joe Azzopardi says:

    MEPA will be discussing the Mistra project in the near future.

  13. Daphne lover says:

    .. better start packin’ babe … less than 2 weeks to go :)

    [Daphne – Why would I do that? Anzi izjed se niehu gost nghajjarkom. There’s going to be more to say about Joseph in government than there is about Joseph in Opposition. The scope for messes is huge.]

  14. Anna says:

    ‘Now he’s bending over backwards to complete his work of the last five years and lose the PN this election”.

    Daphne, for a minute there, I thought you said bending over forward.

  15. disgusted says:

    I think what happened here is the real big scandal of this campaign – forget the oil and drug dealing. I think that Muscat is in fact a seriously immature man with serious emotional development issues.

    The sharks around him are using this.

    With this faux pas he has shown us again what a weak leader he is. The promise to reappoint Pullicino Orlando -who served him well in this “moviment biex inwaqqghu lil Gonzi “- is an omen of what lies ahead of us after the celebrations are over.

    Just imagine how he is going to reward all the switchers and the kuntratturi.

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