They thought they had a scoop and they got scooped themselves. When the Labour Party and Malta Today tried to knife Austin Gatt, Lawrence Gonzi, the Nationalist Party and the government with the ‘skandlu taz-zejt’, it would never have occurred to them in a million years to do a trackback on documents and shareholding, as Tonio Fenech has done, just in case any of their people are involved.
Ma tarax.
Now it turns out that Joe Cordina, the Labour Party’s financial administrator and a director of all the Labour Party’s company’s, is a director of InterShore Fiduciary Services Ltd, the company which handled all the bribe money.
There are some advantages to being an accountant and financial consultant, aren’t there? It means you can interpret and explain a batch of documents like that with no problem at all.
I’m laughing now (I know it’s not fair to gloat, but I think we can all be forgiven for doing so) as I remember Joseph Muscat on television a couple of days ago professing to be scandalised becaue the Finance Minister hadn’t bothered checking up on Aikon Ltd.
It seems he did, he really did. And he found out that the bribe money was being passed from Aikon (George Farrugia’s company) to Joe Cordina’s copany, InterShore.
And Muscat didn’t. The lazy idiot.
What shady people.
The police are investigating InterShore, apparently (obviously, they would be), so I imagine it’s only a matter of time before we see the financial administrator of the Labour Party arraigned in court.
Is the Fearless Leader going to demand his resignation? Tsk tsk.
If he says he didn’t know, this time we’re going to have to believe him. If he knew his financial administrator was handling the bribe money, and still went ahead with the story hoping nobody would find out, he must be in a world of his own.
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I think it’s check mate for Joseph. How will he get out of this corner?
No more pawns to sacrifice.
Could this be the deus ex macchina?
Or, perhaps, deus ex ‘macina’.
He will blame it on excess ice build up at the Mgarr Harbour.
Check mate = ix-xih miet = Sheik died.
Apart from the implications of the mess above, could Tonio Fenech’s shocking revelation explain josephmuscat.com’s/the Malta Labour Party’s seemingly limitless budget for the electiion campaign?
A bunch of morons – that’s what they are.
They will never change.
So now we know where all those billboards, domes and daleks came from……
Just have a look at this sophisticated website before he takes it off line. Quite an expensive investment made here.
“It seems he did, he really did. And he found out that the bribe money was being passed from Aikon (George Farrugia’s company) to Joe Cordina’s company, InterShore.”
That’s not exactly what Tonio Fenech said. Joe Cordina’s InterShore was the sole director and sole shareholder of George Farrugia’s Aikon Ltd, so at law Joe Cordina and the other two directors of InterShore are responsible for Aikon’s wrongdoing.
That does not automatically mean that any bribe money changed hands at this stage, as you state, but I missed parts of the streaming. Did Tonio Fenech exhibit the companies’ year-end accounts to this effect?
In any case, it was the directors’ responsibility to find out the origin of the money and one understands, as is usually the practice, that the shareholders received some sort of dividends — ultimately money which we know was siphoned off John’s Group.
Joe Cordina is guilty as (yet to be) charged. His position as financial administrator of the PL also raises questions and (as yet unfounded) suspicions.
Ara vera kaz ta’ Ghawdxi tajjeb aharqu ahseb u ara wiehed hazin.
Simply for accuracy’s sake:
“Joe Cordina, the Labour Party’s financial administrator and a director of all the Labour Party’s company’s is a director of InterShore Fiduciary Services Ltd,”
Up to 2011.
What happened in 2011?
Is this when Labour got to know about the invoices to Frank Sammut and George Farrugia?
When did the disputes between the Farrugias begin?
More precisely, what did Joseph Muscat know about the involvement of Joe Cordina?
I think that the best is yet to come.
Muscat is not a lazy idiot. A while back I mentioned that a professional backtracks a hundred paces and still allows a percentage of error.
So Muscat would be an idiotic amateur trying to play Big Boy’s games.
Ramona Attard left spluttering into her mobile, on the verge of a breakdown.
Oh by the way Ramona, a company secretary isn’t a director. You utter idiot.
If Peregin can’t make out the difference between a real company and a facade, I’m not suprised The Times has gone down the drain.
How sweet of Malta Today to send their office junior with set questions. Where’s Saviour?
If this is the press….
Love that flow chart. Konrad MIzzi would be impressed.
Peregin is a Labour decoy.
I had the same reaction. Is Peregin that naive, or is he just playing dumb?
Has anyone got a link to the press conference? I can’t believe mychoice.pn haven’t uploaded linked it from their front page post.
It’s on their “video on demand” page thingy. I watched it myself, and finally got a glimpse of that Ramona Attard. Is it just me, or is Bondì the only one whose questions make any sense?
Then there was that journalist reading her question lah-di-dah style off a tablet. With such hacks as these, it’s no wonder the Maltese press is in the gutter.
No wonder they (MLP) have so much money to burn in this election.
Iz-zejt tela f’wicc l-ilma.
Joseph Muscat has a lot to answer. I also have some questions. Was Joe Cordina acting on behalf of the Labour Party? Did some of the money end up at Mile End?
How is it that every Financial Administrator the MLP had was involved in dirty money?
We nearly forgot about “Smoking” Joe Sammut :
Ix-xitan itik id-disgha w disghin u jzomm l-ahhar wiehed ghalih.
Joe Sammut’s into child care centres now.
That’s wiped the smirk off their faces.
If Joseph’s furrow is going to get any deeper, it is going to reach into his brains.
That is a mere assumption.
Methinks its time for a glass of iced coke
How can it possibly be that the MaltaToday “investigations” stopped only at Aikon Ltd?
Those of you who followed the press conference would notice that the MaltaToday journalist was way too much informed on the identity of the people involved.
What does “Kon” in Aikon stand for?
You read it backwards … Con A1
Nokia read backwards.
Yes, however it does come across as if there’s a war raging in Labour, wanna bet Saviour placed his money on the wrong horse again?
First paragraph says it all. On this tiny island, how could they NOT check the details, and those involved?
I mean WOW! It’s beyond comprehension.
At the Bidnija shooting range Joseph Muscat sent his ex- colleagues after a red herring. It looked like a treasure hunt with no prize.
Maltese journalists are not that investigative. I think they just dish out what is given to them in handouts and pen drives.
Some don’t have a good background in Maltese history, and just don’t ask the right questions while accepting what the speaker says as fact.
We need investigative journalists not event reporters.
Watching One. The Coconut and Evarist look like they’ve been kicked in the family jewels.
Varist (Rasputin) is of course trying to say that Tonio Fenech has been bribed.
Joseph Muscat is conspicuous by his absence.
Joe Cordina. FATTI:
1. Amministratur Finanzjarju tal-Partit Laburista
2. Direttur fi TLETT Kumpaniji tal-Partit Laburista
3. Sindku Laburista tal-Kunsill Lokali tax-Xaghra, Ghawdex
4. Kandidat tal-Partit Laburista ghal Ghawdex
5. Direttur f’Kumpanija implikata fl-iskandlu tax-xiri taz-zejt
Where did they find Joe Cordina – in a turnip patch?
If it looks like a turd, smells like a turd the by gad Watson it is a turd.
What a bunch of lowlifes, at least you can say they are regular in their toilet habits. Five decades and the cloth is still cut from the same roll.
We need a eugenics programme, fast.
Too late. The Gang off Goons have been unleashed.
Evarist Bartolo, Chris Cardona and Kurt Farrugia this evening were white as snow. They informed us that Joe Cordina has resigned from PL and withdraw his candidature….hekk kien jonqos li jibqa hemm!
The real losers in this game are we Maltese.
Corruption has been rife since Mintoff and his free-for-all.
The sad truth, however, is that the Nationalists failed to make a moral statement by putting his heinous actions trough the legal process.
Instead they remained silent and slowly but surely helped enshrine him as a national hero. Only last year they sent him off as a national hero while his victims were left defenceless in a land of unjust laws and no redress for over 40 years.
Just in case you all forgot, the Bank of Valletta was stolen from law-abiding Maltese citizens to line the public purse that the political class controlled.
It’s still there and you all pretend it never happened.
If you allow corruption on such a large scale as in the Bank of Valletta case, you open the door to so much more.
In the end it’s a case of six of one and half a dozen of the other – shame on us Maltese, and it will get worse.
“Instead they remained silent and slowly but surely helped enshrine him as a national hero.”
Bravo, bravo, bravo, and a thousand time bravo.
Unfortunately a government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always count on the support of Paul. This is an ugly but basic truth that applies worldwide.
The MLP often practices this approach, the results of which the PN is too weak and cynical to reverse.
The only hope is to increase awareness via a focussed and relentless exposure of the facts. Such that similar practices, and the tacit acceptance (reluctant or not) of the results thereof, are too expensive in political terms.
The moral of the story : The PL is IN.
Joseph Cordina is also the Xaghra Major. Will he resign?
Joseph Cordina is also the Xaghra major. Will if resign from this post?
What exactly does Jason Micallef know ?